US Love Affair with McDonald’s Waning

B2 – Upper Intermediate

More and more Americans are turning their backs on McDonald’s. With lower sales for six straight quarters, one of the largest fast-food chain’s new British CEO’s main task now is to entice Americans to remain drawn to eating their burgers, among their other food products.

Read the article about how Americans’ love for McDonald’s is waning.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are reasons for fast food becoming less craved for by many?
  2. How much do people love fast food in your country? Why do you think it’s that way?
  3. Do you agree that people are more health-conscious nowadays? Explain your point.
  4. What are the pros and cons of fast food?
  5. Talk about your own diet / eating habits.

The Canadian Niceness

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever travelled to a country full of rude people or experienced being greeted by stiff immigration officers after a long-haul flight? Canada offers something different.

Read the article and discover the innate humility and politeness of Canadians.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say about Canadians’ reputation for being some of the nicest people in the whole world?
  2. How would you describe people from your country and their general attitude toward foreign tourists? Do you think they’re nice enough?
  3. Share some of your past travel stories. Have you ever had bad experiences with rude locals?
  4. What are some of the countries that you have visited which you would like to visit again because of the locals’ niceness?
  5. Some countries are known as rude countries as perceived by travelers. Are you still interested to travel there? If so, what are some things you can do to make sure that your experience visiting those countries will be as pleasant as possible?

Speaking Activity: Social Media & Privacy


B2 – Upper intermediate

Many people increasingly utilize social Networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. These networks allow users to publish details about themselves and their lives and also connect to their friends and colleagues. However some of the information revealed in these networks should remain private and not published at all.

Click the title below to practice your speaking skills and talk about using social media. Be ready to discuss new phrases and to answer discussion questions.

Topic: Social Media & Privacy


Schools Feeding and Clothing Pupils


C1 – Advanced

It has been said that the school is the second home of the child. Read the article and discuss the boundaries that schools should have when it comes to taking care of children.

Schools feeding and clothing pupils, say heads


1. What is the concern raised in the article?
2. What do you think should be the primary roles of schools?
3. Describe the educational system of your country.
4. How would you describe the welfare program for poor people in your country?
5. If you could, what changes or improvements would you implement in your country’s educational or social systems?


Two Minutes of Walking Improves Health

Operations At Food Ordering Startup TinyOwl As India Fosters Surge Of Errand Apps

B2 – Upper intermediate

There have been numerous studies about sitting too long at work and how it can affect our health. It has been suggested that walking around helps your health. But how long of a walk is considered enough to break the habit of prolonged sitting?

Read the article below then be ready to express your thoughts about staying in good shape.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe a typical day at work or in the office.
  2. Do you sit a lot when working? What do you to remind yourself to stand up regularly?
  3. How do you stay healthy in spite of your busy schedule?
  4. What are your go-to exercises?

World Happiness Report 2015


C1 – Advanced

Living in different countries, we have different cultures. We all have different definitions of happiness. How would you define Happiness?

Read the article below to know more about the World Happiness Report and its aims or objectives.

World Happiness Report 2015 ranks happiest countries


1. Share some of the happiest moments in your life?
2. Are the people living in your country known for being funny, fun-loving or happy?
3. How would you describe a good and healthy quality of living?

Staying Healthy in Summer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Summer weather has been getting warmer and warmer. It is important that you keep healthy in the middle of an unforgiving high temperature.

Below are some tips in order to beat the heat. Go through them one by one and share some of your ideas in keeping cool.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you like summer? What do you like about it?
2. Which of the tips in the article do you practice?
3. What activities do you usually do in summer?
4. Have you travelled to a place with a cooler climate during the summer to escape the heat of your city?

Living Away From Home


B2 – Upper intermediate

Living away from home used to be just a choice for some. But with today’s economic struggles, it seems to be one of the most viable option for many.  Leaving home is not easy. But there are advantages to calling a foreign country your new abode.

Read the article below then share some of your thoughts.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you tried living abroad? If yes, talk about your experience. If not, give reasons why.
2. What are the things you’ve learned from living away from home?
3. What do you think are other positive things of living out of your home country?
4. What are the negative things of this set-up?

Things Not to Say in Sales or Business

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In sales or in business it can be easy or challenging to close a deal.  It is also important for a person in sales to be reminded that he represents not only himself but also the company.

Read the article below for tips on how to better communicate with customers.

Discussion Questions:

1. As a consumer, which ones do you look out for when doing business with someone?
2. Have you experienced bad customer service? How did you handle it?
3. What are some of the companies that you trust because of how they treat you as client?

Vaccines Protect Us From Diseases

B1 – Intermediate

Vaccines have been around for many years. But how does it work and what does it do to our body?

Click the title below to know more about vaccines. Be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your own words, please explain what vaccines are?
2. What are some of the common vaccines that you know?
3. What do you think about vaccines? Are they helpful or harmful?
4. Do you agree that some vaccines can cause illnesses?