The Disadvantages of Being Clever


C2 – Proficient

Most parents would want to have intelligent kids. The common education system promotes academic excellence. People would do everything to be smart by studying hard; going to private academy for tutorials and starting early on in education to have an edge in life.

However, it has been discovered that there are disadvantages to being an intellectual. Read the article below to know what they are and to find out about intellectual humility.

The surprising downsides of being clever


1. What is your reaction to the article?
2. Have you witnessed intelligent people make the wrong choices for themselves?
3. Do you think that the educational system should change when it comes to measuring intelligence?
4. How can employers take advantage of intellectual humility when interviewing candidates?

Do We Need New Internet?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some internet experts are saying that the worldwide web has become unsafe that the best thing to do is to start all over.

Read the article below and share your thoughts about Internet safety.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. How useful is the Internet to you?
  2. How common is Internet fraud in your country?
  3. Internet experts say that the whole net has become so unsafe that it would be best to start all over again. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
  4. Talk about the good and bad things about the internet.
  5. How can we keep ourselves safe when using the internet?

Chief Shames ‘Drunk’ Flight Attendant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Receiving an email from your boss could either mean good news or bad news. But how would you react if you receive an email similar to the article below?

Read and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the boss did the right thing? Why or why not?
2. What can you say about the alleged behavior of the flight attendant?
3. Where do you think should employers draw the line when it comes to monitoring their employees’ activities outside work?

Doomsday Kit on Sale

inside doomsday yellow

C1 – Advanced

The prophecy of the Mayan Calendar became such a hype when it predicted the end of the world in 2012. Thus, a Siberian company cashed in on the panic and came up with a survival kit.

Read this article from 2012 and express your thoughts about it.

Doomsday kits go on sale in Siberia as ‘end of the world’ looms…


1. How did you react when you heard about the Mayan Prophecy of the world ending on the 21st of December 2012?
2. Should people preoccupy themselves with predicting when the world will end?
3. If you knew the exact date the world would end, would it change the way you live? If so, in what ways? If not, why?
4. If you had to prepare your own Doomsday kit, what would be in it?


Exhaustion Not a Status Symbol


C1 – Advanced

Getting tired and working too hard is now being equated to productiveness. And there is a growing sense of pride in being too busy to do anything else but work. Should this be the case? Is this the better choice?

Read the following article and express your thoughts about it.

Exhaustion is not a status symbol


1. What is Professor Brown’s attitude toward work?
2. Does she think it’s possible to achieve work-life balance? What do you think?
3. With the range of office technology available to workers, are we truly able to do more with less?
4. Why does Brown think giving five minutes of feedback spells a difference in today’s office culture?
5. If you had full control over your schedule, what changes would you make? What items in your timetable would you prioritize?


Children Spend Six Hours on Screens

_81934166_babieswithtabletsC1 – Advanced

Although TV viewing has dropped, the dramatic increase of children glued to a screen has been observed. They are even using multiple screens. This phenomenon can be accounted for the availability of different media.

Read the article below to know more about the facts regarding children and their screen time.

Children spend six hours or more a day on screens


1. What are the popular tools being utilized by children these days?
2. Do these media post greater threat than good?
3. In your country, how are kids now different from kids then?
4. Do you have any rules for your children when using gadgets?


Building Self Confidence


B2 – Upper intermediate

Confidence is knowing and implying what you’re good at, your value to other people, and acting in a way that shows that to others. Our level of self-confidence can convey in many ways: our behavior, body language, how we speak, and what we say.

Read the article below to know more on how we can be confident in ourselves.

How to Build Self-Confidence


1. Do you agree with what the article says about being more self-confident?
2. How do you confront your fears?
3. What do you do to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself?
4. Do you believe in pep talk?


Yotel – Tiny Hotel Rooms

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whether you are on a vacation or on a business trip, one of the things that is on the top of your list is a nice play to stay at where you can relax after a long day of city tour and shopping or after an intense meeting with a client.

A new hotel has just opened in the city of New York in the U.S. Find out below what makes it different from the rest.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like staying at hotels when travelling?
  2. Have you experienced staying at a luxurious hotel?
  3. What are some of the excellent accomodations that you’ve stayed at in the past?
  4. Are there unique places to stay in in your city?

No Dislike Button for Facebook


B2 – Upper intermediate

If you’re a Facebook user, you’ve probably noticed that there’s more than one reaction button to choose from. You’ve got the simple “like” button, then you’ve also got the “wow” and “sad” buttons.

Read the article below to get more information as to why Facebook decided to come up with more reaction buttons.

No dislike button for Facebook, declares Zuckerberg


1. Do you approve of Facebook’s decision to not add a “dislike” button? Why or why not?
2. How do you generally feel about Facebook?
3. What other social media websites do you use?
4. How is social media useful in today’s society?

* As of September 2015, Facebook has announced that it is working on the “dislike” button. Watch the video here

Building a ‘Halal’ Internet

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Officials in Iran are planning to build a completely separate Internet called Yooz. Its purpose is to filter objectionable information just like China’s “Great Firewall”, the largest web filtering and censorship operation in the world.

Read the article below to know more about Yooz then express your opinions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you use the internet?
  2. How important is the internet to your day to day life?
  3. What is your opinion about filtered and censored internet access
  4. Do you think that Yooz will do its job in filtering and securing?