Children and Guns in the US

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Gun ownership has always been vital in the American Society. Almost each household owns a gun and this is perfectly legal. Americans use it for protection. However, there are accidents resulting to gun ownership and it is quite alarming, especially if children are involved.

Read the article about the rise of shooting incidents that involve young children in the US and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. Is owning a gun ever necessary in every household? Share your opinion.
  3. How can gun owners ensure that children are out of harm’s way?
  4. Is there any prohibition in the Spanish law regarding gun ownership? Speak about it.
  5. Why do you think the United States is having an increasing issue with guns?

Dentist Visits an Elephant

B2 – Upper intermediate

Dental care is necessary. Good teeth doesn’t only make you look good, but also encourages appetite.

Read the article and watch the video to know about an elephant who needed a dental check-up.

Dentist visits an elephant


1. Do zoo animals in your country get ample treatment and care?
2. When was the last time you went to a zoo or an attraction with animals?
3. How do you feel about dentists? When was the last time you paid a visit to your dentist?
4. What are some dental procedures you’ve had?

College Decision Brings Attention to ‘Gap Year’


B1 – Intermediate

The eldest daughter of US president Obama, Malia, is taking a year off before attending Harvard in fall next year. Nowadays, more and more high school graduates are delaying college.

The question is, is it always a good thing? Read the article below to know more about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is gap year?
2. What are the top activities done during this period?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing a gap year?
4. What is your personal opinion on this?
5. Did you take a gap year? / If you could go back in time, would you do it?

Food Theft ‘Not a Crime’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An Italian court has ruled that stealing a small amount of food due to starvation is not a crime. A man’s sentence was overturned because his lawyer argued that he only committed the crime out of desperation.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with this Italian court ruling? Why or why not?
  2. What are the good things and consequences of the said ruling?
  3. What should be done with people who are caught stealing food?
  4. What do people in your country do when they are starving and don’t have any money to buy food?

Happiness Is… Family?!

B1 – Intermediate

Almost everyone belongs to a family. We can’t imagine to exist without someone else who cared for us when we were young.  We need a family.

What else is the meaning of family to you? The following article lets you know the response of other teens and young adults about how their families make them happy.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

What makes teens and twenty-somethings happy? According to a survey, spending time with family made people in this age group the most happy. Time with friends came in second place, and time with a boyfriend or girlfriend came in third place. Almost no one said money brought happiness.

Seventy-three percent said that a good relationship with their parents made them feel good. In addition, when they looked for a role model, almost half of the people who took the questionnaire mentioned one of their parents. Moms ranked higher than dads, though.

Some of the discoveries were less positive. White people generally felt happier than black people or Hispanics in all economic categories. And as for stress, kids had a 10% higher rate than adults. Younger respondents said school stressed them out the most. Older people were worried about jobs and finances.

The survey also wanted to know whether today’s youth will remain happy in the future. Sixty-two percent of teens believed the future will bring more happiness. However, they also expect to have a more difficult life than their parents.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the top three things that make you happy? Why are they the most important things to you?
  2. Who is your role model in life? Why do you look up to them?
  3. What are some things that worry or stress you out? Why are you stressed out by this?
  4. Do you think the future will bring more happiness for everyone? Why or why not?
  5. Do you agree or disagree that we could have a more difficult life than our parents? Elaborate on your stand.

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


B2 – Upper intermediate

Has the existence of dinosaurs crossed your mind yet? What if we co-exist with them? Whatever your answer may be, there sure is some discussion on the existence of dinosaurs.

Let’s learn more about this through the research made by a Japanese paleontologist.

Dinosaurs Already Decreasing Before Asteroid Hit


1. What evidences prove the existence of dinosaurs in the past?
2. Why do you think the dinosaurs have lost their place on earth?
3. Explain the beliefs of scientists why the dinosaurs became extinct.
4. Have you ever been to a natural museum?

Instagramming Your Food Makes It Taste Better

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It is often said that “we eat with our eyes“. Do you agree with this saying?

This article will show you the truth about the relationship between taking a photo of your food and how it can taste better.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the article, how does food become more delicious when you take a photo of it first before you actually eat it? Do you agree with this?
  2. Do you follow any food-related accounts on Instagram? Why or why not? If yes, talk about the interesting thing about that page/account.
  3. How do you feel about people’s addiction of taking pictures of their food before they eat it? Are you guilty of this habit?

Spain’s Newfound Love of English

C1 – Advanced

Over the past few years, the growing number of English learners has increased. From South East Asia to across Europe.

Below is an interesting article of how Spain has now welcomed the study of the English language.

7 reasons for Spain’s newfound love of English


1. Why is English important?
2. What are the 7 reasons why Spanish people would like to develop their English skills?
3.What age do you think a child should start learning English?
4. What if you spoke English fluently? Do you think you have a different job?/Do you think you have the same job that you have now? Why?

First Human Head Transplant

B2 – Upper intermediate

Organ transplants have saved many lives. But, an Italian neurosurgeon wants to take a few steps further with his first human head transplant.

Read the article below to learn more about Dr. Canavero and his potential patient.

First Human Head Transplant Planned for 2017


1. Is Dr. Sergio Canavero’s idea worth a try?
2. Do you believe that the current technology we have is well- equipped for this attempt?
3. Would you volunteer for a medical experiment for greater and good intentions?

Doctors Say No to Tackling in Rugby


B2 – Upper intermediate

Rugby has got to be one of the toughest and testosterone-filled sport out there. There’s beauty and strength in the game, but also danger.

Click on the title below and be ready to express your thoughts about the sport.

Doctors say no to tackling in rugby


1. What are the two sides discussed in this article?
2. How do you feel about contact sports like rugby or American football?
3. Do you agree with what the article is saying?
4. Aside from rugby, what do you think are other sports that can be physically dangerous?