The Point of Travel

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Why do people travel? For pleasure? For work? For religious purpose? For soul-searching? Really, it all depends on the person. But how can we make most of our experiences while we travel? Let’s watch the video below and figure out together how we can become “conscious travelers”.



  1. What kind of traveler are you?
  2. What’s the reason why you travel?
  3. Do you try to learn the country’s culture or local people’s way of living when you travel? If yes, then how?
  4. Do you feel different when you go back home from your travel?
  5.  What can travel teach us?
  6.  What was your most memorable trip and why?

Video: Kuwaitis in ‘5-star’ Tents Under the Stars

B2 – Upper intermediate

In Kuwait, locals have a different way of escaping the heat during the summer. Watch the video carefully to find out what dessert camping is and express your thoughts about it.

Kuwaitis seek roots in ‘5-star’ tents under the stars


1. What is dessert camping and why do Kuwaitis like this?
2. How much does it cost to go camping in the dessert?
3. Describe the tents featured in the video.
4. Have you ever gone camping before? What did you like/didn’t like about it?
5. Would you consider yourself adventurous when it comes to travelling?

Reasons to Love the World

C1 – Advanced

There are daily struggles in life. But there are also small miracles.  Read the article below to know some of the greatest things that have happened to different people.

Think of as many reasons to love the the world.

50 Reasons to #LoveTheWorld


1. What do you think of the reasons mentioned in this feature?
2. What are the things that you’d like to do or experience for yourself?
3. What other places in the world would you like to travel to?

Top 10 National Parks In Spain

C1 – Advanced

Spain is a country of geographic and cultural diversity. With friendly locals, a relaxed lifestyle and a lively nightlife, it is considered by many to be exotic. Spain offers a wide array of activities and holiday destinations.

Read the article below to explore some of the top national parks worth visiting.

Top 10 national parks in Spain


1. How locally well- travelled are you?
2. Which of the National Parks mentioned in the article do you like most?
3. What was the most amazing local trip you had?

Video: Challenging Crossings

C1 – Advanced

This video shows a very colorful representation of traffic in Vietnam.

Click below and be ready to practice your speaking skills by answering discussion questions and by expressing your thoughts.

Challenging Crossings


1. Describe the traffic in Vietnam.
2. What were some of the interesting points that you found in the video?
3. Is this something that you have seen before in your past travels?
4. Describe some of the challenges that you encounter when you travel to a different country.

Why you Should Travel Solo


C1 – Advanced

What was the worst experience you’ve had traveling with somebody? George Washington once said, “It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company”.

If you haven’t tried traveling alone, read this BBC article that would surely leave you contemplating on going solo on your next vacation.

Why you Should Travel Solo


1. What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of traveling without a companion?
2. Have you ever been on a vacation trip alone? How was it like?
3. Which do you prefer: traveling by yourself or with familiar company?

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife

C1 – Advanced

Listen to the news clip about ecotourism then be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Choose the speed that you prefer to practice your listening and comprehension. You may also listen and read along using the transcript below the audio clip.

Ecotourism a Danger to Wildlife


1. What is ‘ecotourism’? What do you think of it?
2. What are its benefits? How about the possible dangers?
3. How can we best help animals in the wild?
4. What parts of the world should be off limits to humans?

Sleeping in a Taxi


B2 – Upper intermediate

If you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere.

The beauty of New York calls travelers from all over the world and one businessman has just made it possible for budget travelers to enjoy the allure of Manhattan without having to break the bank.

Read the article and watch the video to find out how.

Sleeping in a taxi


1. What can you say about Jonathan Powley’s idea for budget travelling? Would you try it?
2. What are some of the best accommodations you’ve experienced during your past travels? What about not-so-good experiences?
3. How would you travel if you were on a budget?

Eating Out in Old Dubai


B2 – Upper intermediate

What makes a city more interesting is its diversity and the history behind it. Take a stroll in the streets of Dubai and discover the medley of cultures it has to offer.

Eating Out in Old Dubai


1. Describe the diversity of the city or town you live in.
2. If I were to visit your country or your city, where would you bring me? (Also talk about places that aren’t touristy.)
3. Describe some of the places that you have visited that are very rich in history and diversity.

Capture Life in Your Soul


C2 – Proficient

Whenever you have a holiday coming up, step back and contemplate on this: Will I be taking pictures of every single detail of my trip then upload them instantly on my social media? Or Will I take the time to appreciate the beauty that is in front of me?

At some point we are all guilty of just clicking away on our cameras. Read the article below then express your thoughts.

Capture Life in Your Soul — Not Your Smartphone


1. Do you agree that taking photos prevents us from fully enjoying the moment?
2. Do you think social media has a lot to do with this habit of taking a photo of everything?
3. Can you imagine disconnecting from social media for a year?
4. How do you get to fully enjoy your vacations or adventures to the fullest?