Messiness More Efficient

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Mess equals stress. In homes and workplaces, messy areas are unwelcomed and seen negatively. Studies have shown that clutter has negative impacts on people’s mental and physical health. However, a business book is claiming otherwise.

Let’s read the article and find out how mess contributes to efficiency.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “slob“? “Every office has at least one slob.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. What does the phrase “organized mess” mean? “Take Karen Jackson, who admits that her desk looks like a disaster area. Yet it’s an organized mess, she says.” Use it in a scenario.
  3. What is the meaning of “filed away” in this context? Filed away papers, on the other hand, usually end up forgotten.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the connection between messiness and efficiency? Support your stand.
  2. What are your thoughts on “organized mess”?
  3. What is your take on messiness in the workplace? Is it an acceptable practice?
  4. How do you keep your workplace organized?
  5. How does messiness impact business expense profitability?

Signs of Burnout from a Job You Love

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Passion is one of the factors people consider when looking for a job. It’s a wonderful thing when your profession matches with your passion. Unfortunately, in certain cases, you will still experience burnout while doing what you enjoy the most.

Read this article to learn about the signs of burnout from a job you love.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “phone something in” mean in this context? “You now finish the day without a sense of accomplishment and find yourself “phoning in” deadlines.” Make a sentence with this phrase.
  2. Define “throw yourself into something”.Throw yourself into something else where you can feel a sense of progress and mastery and momentum because you’re not having that met at your job.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “slippery slope“? “This is not just like, ‘Oh, work kind of sucks right now.’ It’s ‘I’m in danger of going down a slippery slope if I don’t take care of this.’” Give two similar expressions and make a sentence with this phrase.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever had a job that was aligned with your passion? Talk about it.
  2. Are there instances when you feel emotionally drained even if you enjoy doing your job? Kindly share about it.
  3. What challenges might someone have when doing the job they love?
  4. Do you find it challenging to recharge even during the weekends or time off? Share about this.
  5. How can a person suffering from burnout recover from it?

Introduction to Workplace Discrimination

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Instances of bias and unfairness include looking down on individuals, which reflects a judgmental attitude of superiority. Discrimination may also box in people, restricting them to predefined roles, or cutting off opportunities for certain groups. Exclusion is evident when individuals are shut out or deliberately kept from participating, as in cases of religious discrimination. Unfair criticism and disrespect can hold back individuals from reaching their potential, while systemic discrimination may “push out” marginalized communities from economic opportunities. 

Efforts to combat discrimination involve promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. Legal frameworks, education, awareness campaigns, and social activism play crucial roles in addressing and preventing discrimination. The goal is to create societies where all individuals have equal rights, opportunities, and dignity, regardless of their inherent characteristics.

Key forms of discrimination include:

  • Racial Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on race or ethnicity. This can lead to prejudice, stereotypes, and unequal access to opportunities.
  • Gender Discrimination: Discrimination based on gender, affecting both men and women. It can manifest in unequal pay, limited career opportunities, or social expectations.
  • Age Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on a person’s age. This is often seen in employment decisions, with older or younger individuals facing discrimination.
  • Religious Discrimination: Discrimination based on a person’s religious beliefs or practices. This can lead to exclusion, bias, or even persecution.
  • Sexual Orientation Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on an individual’s sexual orientation, such as being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. This can result in social stigma, harassment, or denial of rights.
  • Disability Discrimination: Discrimination against individuals with disabilities. This can involve barriers to accessibility, unequal opportunities, or negative stereotypes.
  • Social Class Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on social and economic status. This can result in limited access to education, employment, and healthcare for individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.

Read this article about discrimination, its definition, forms, and where to get help if you are victim of unlawful workplace discrimination.

Be ready to discuss and answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom “to take action” mean in the sentence, “If your employer treats you less favourably for an unlawful reason, you may be able to take action.”? Use the phrase in your own words.
  2. What does “dismiss” mean in the sentence, “There are also laws which forbid workers from being dismissed or treated less favourably than other workers because they do.“? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use “dismiss” in a sentence.
  3. What does the expression “to treat someone less favorably” mean in the sentence, “Direct discrimination happens when an employer treats an employee less favourably than someone else because of one of the above reasons.”? Give 2 synonyms and use ‘to treat someone less favorably’ in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How common is discrimination in the workplace in your society? Why do you think this is the case?
  2. What forms of discriminatory behavior in the workplace have you noticed?
  3. Are the differences between people a reason to celebrate or a source of problems? Elaborate on your insights.
  4. Have you been ever suffered any form of discrimination? What made you feel this way?

Connect Better with Your Coworkers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

After the isolation we had to go through during the pandemic, some employees had difficulties reconnecting. This brings a new problem that plagues the workplace — employees feeling disconnected from their company, their jobs, and their coworkers.

Not surprisingly though, the kind of relationship we have with the people we work with every single day is proportionally linked to our success at work.

Watch this TED video on ways to help you connect better with your colleagues. 

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the adjective “disconnected” mean here, “People feel pretty disconnected at work right now – disconnected from their organizations, from their jobs, and especially from their colleagues.”? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use the word ‘disconnected’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does ”social butterfly” mean, ”I have a few tips and you don’t have to be a social butterfly to give them a try.”? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use the idiom ‘social butterfly’ in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to open up” mean? “Build trust by opening up.” Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use the phrasal verb ‘to open up’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What might be reasons “people feel pretty disconnected at work”?
  2. Our relationships with our coworkers play a huge role in determining how successful, innovative, and happy we’ll be at work.” What are your thoughts on this statement?
  3. Explain the ‘vulnerability loop’. Share some personal insights on/personal experiences with this concept. 
  4. What are your thoughts on Mark T. Rivera’s “T-shirt experiment” during onboarding? Would this work in your team/company?
  5. Do you agree or disagree? Share your opinion. “People who had many weak ties that connected different groups in a large organization were more likely to have high performance scores, more likely to be promoted, and even more likely to say they were a part of a creative breakthrough.
  6. How do you make meaningful connections with your coworkers? 

Seniors in the Workforce: Benefits and Challenges

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The question of whether it is acceptable to hire seniors to work is a topic that has continued to bewilder companies. Some argue that seniors bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the workplace, making them valuable assets. Others believe that some cases of hiring seniors could lead to age discrimination.

Learn about the advantages and difficulties of recruiting a senior employee by reading the article.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “minted” mean? “Even if a senior is starting a job in a new field, he or she has already had years of work experience to help them be more professional and poised than many of the newly minted job prospects coming fresh out of high school or college.”  Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “open to the idea” mean? “Employers should be open to the idea of hiring senior citizens for their companies.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to hop from one thing to another” mean? “This is because they are not looking to advance their careers and they are less likely to hop from one job to another for higher salaries or better benefits.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring senior citizens that the article mentioned?
  2. What is your opinion on continuing to work during your supposed retirement years?
  3. For how long are you going to work and why?
  4. Does age discrimination in hiring practices occur in your country? How can you tell?
  5. What aspects of becoming a senior employee do you look forward to?

Maximizing the Value of Your Business Trip

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the fast-paced world of sales, every business trip presents a unique opportunity for growth, networking, and closing deals. Understanding how to make the most of these trips can be the difference between a mediocre sales period and a record-breaking one. 

Read the article to help you maximize the value of your next business trip.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to miss out on something” mean? “While these trips are primarily about work, it’s essential not to miss out on the opportunities to explore and enjoy the destination you’re visiting.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “to mix business with pleasure” mean? “After all, mixing business with pleasure can lead to a more fulfilling and productive experience.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “pocket of something” mean? “While business trips can be demanding, they often come with pockets of free time, such as evenings or weekends.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think it is a good idea to mix business with pleasure? Share your thoughts/experiences.
  2. How do you ensure that you are able to maximize the value of your work travels?
  3. What are the benefits and drawbacks of business travels?
  4. What do you like doing in your free time on business trips?
  5. How do you take advantage of your business trips for networking opportunities?
  6. How do you document your work travels both on a personal and professional level?

Detecting Lack of Trust in a Team

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lack of trust in the workplace is the virus that can create a diseased workplace culture.

It often begins with leadership and spreads throughout the team, leading to a cycle of unhealthy responses that affect engagement and productivity.

Read the article to learn ways to detect lack of trust in a team.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “underpinning” mean?Underpinning the ability to take risks in teams is psychological safety.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “to put forward” mean? “This is the belief team members have that they will not be ridiculed or punished if they put forward new ideas, concerns or questions.” Give 2 synonyms and use ‘to put forward’ in a sentence.
  3. What does “silo” mean? ” Closely related to a lack of communication is the formation of silos Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on this, “Trust is a key ingredient for high performance teams.“.
  2. Do you agree or disagree with this, “If they do not trust each other, team mates will avoid spending any time together that they do not absolutely have to.” Explain.
  3. Is there enough trust among team members in your team? How can you tell? If not, why do you think this is the case?
  4. What does a lack of trust in a team lead to?
  5. What can management do to help foster trust among teams and employees?

Don’t Try to be Friends with Your Boss

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When the majority of waking hours are spent at work, it’s natural to want to create stronger bonds and friendships with team members and management.

Many times, we think being friends with our bosses is the key to a great life at work.

However, even if you have a great relationship with your boss, boundaries are essential in the workplace.

Read the article to know more why workplace coaches advise against being friends with your boss.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “pink slip” mean? “They might cry on the Zoom call with you, but they sure are going to hand you that pink slip. Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “top-down” mean in this sentence, “Leaders in the workplace are accountable for results, including your performance and the performance of others. Top-down friendships can make these results seem biased– and many American workers agree.”? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to do right by someone” mean? Where their desire to do right by you is going to conflict with their responsibility to their job.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the predisposed troubles caused by having a cordial relationship with the boss?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with this, “No matter how great of a relationship you have with your boss, it’s generally not the best idea to be friends with them.”? Share your thoughts.
  3. Do you believe that a personal relationship can make things complicated when bosses may need to make difficult decisions? Explain.
  4. Managers are responsible for performance reviews. Do you think top-down friendships can affect these results? Explain.
  5. The foundation of your professional relationship with your boss has to be the performance and not interpersonal connection. Share your insights on this.
  6. How can one establish boundaries at work? How do you maintain boundaries between you and your boss? Or if you are a manager, you and your team?
  7. Talk about favoritism in the workplace.

Energy Vampire Co-Worker

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you ever feel emotionally fatigued or drained after engaging with a certain coworker? You may be dealing with an “energy vampire,” a person who drains your energy and leaves you feeling empty. These energy-sapping colleagues can be tough to interact with.

Read the article to the signs your co-worker is an ‘energy vampire’ and how to set boundaries when one has to deal with them.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “lopsided” mean? “If it’s always lopsided in your favor, that could be a potential sign that you’re draining your co-workers.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence with “lopsided”.
  2. Explain the expression “to feed off of someone/something“. “Robinson looks like an ordinary human, but he is a superpowered vampire who feeds off of bothering and boring his colleagues.” Make a sentence using this idiom.
  3. What does “speed bump” mean here, “Thinking of them that way may help you see they are a person, just like you, but who had some speed bumps and poor guidance that resulted in this unfortunate interpersonal style,” so “knowing this may give you some more patience and compassion when interacting with them.”? Give two synonyms and make a sentence using ‘speed bump’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common behaviors or traits exhibited by “energy vampire” co-workers that can drain your emotional energy in the workplace?
  2. Have you noticed a colleague who seems to drain the energy from the room? How is it like dealing with this person?
  3. What are ways for you to deal with these energy-draining colleagues in your daily work life?
  4. How do you keep your energy levels up at work?
  5. What can one do if their energy vampire boss is not listening to them or their requests?

Power of Personal Development in Building Wealth

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the quest for success and financial prosperity, many focus on external investments, but there’s a potent yet often overlooked strategy: investing in oneself through personal development. This ongoing journey involves enhancing knowledge, skills, and overall well-being.

Personal development takes varied forms, from attending seminars to caring for physical and mental health. It’s a holistic approach that not only boosts intellectual prowess, but also nurtures qualities vital for success.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Discussions:

  1. What does “personal development” mean, “By focusing on personal development, you can increase your earning potential, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, and gain numerous other benefits that can help you achieve your goals.? Construct a sentence using this phrase.
  2. What does “entrepreneurial mindset” mean in the sentence, “You can increase your earning potential, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, and gain numerous other benefits that can help you achieve your goals”? Use this in a sentence.
  3. What does the expression “venture” mean in the sentence, “By learning how to identify opportunities, take risks, and innovate, you can start your own business or invest in entrepreneurial ventures that have the potential for high returns.“? Construct a sentence using this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you define personal development and why do you think that this is referred to as an investment?
  2. How can developing new skills and knowledge impact your career advancement, especially in your chosen field?
  3. Do you believe that continuous learning is essential for career growth? Why or why not?
  4. What is a “growth mindset,” and why is it considered essential for long-term success? Can you share an example from your own life where having a growth mindset helped you overcome a challenge?
  5. How do you currently invest in yourself for personal development? Are there specific goals you would like to achieve through personal development soon?