How to Beat Procrastination

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You might be putting off a task because you have to re-prioritize your workload. If you’re briefly delaying an important task for a genuinely good reason, then you aren’t necessarily procrastinating. However, if you start to put things off indefinitely or switch focus because you want to avoid doing something, then you probably are.

Read the article on how to deal with and prevent procrastination and answer the questions below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think people procrastinate?
  2. Who do you know that always procrastinates?
  3. When is it good to procrastinate?
  4. When is it really bad to procrastinate?
  5. What kinds of things do you usually put off doing?
  6. How do you feel when other people put off something you want done soon?
  7. Do you think people in some cultures are in too much of a rush?
  8. Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?
  9. Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?

Extreme Employees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In some countries, they are trying to maintain their workers’ work-life balance by experimenting on different work styles. However, there remains a lot of people who has no choice but to work very long hours.

Find out more about “extreme employees” through this article:

Although some countries like France and Australia have begun to experiment with additional vacation time to balance work and personal happiness, the worldwide trend has progressed in the opposite direction. For example, Japan has long been known for its excruciating workweeks. Employees in other countries are falling victim to longer and longer hours at the office in recent years, too. The result is a new type of employee, called the “extreme employee.”

From a pool of more than two million surveys of high-salaried employees in the US, it’s clear that you need to work more if you want to advance up the corporate ladder. The extreme employee demonstrates more than simple dedication to the company, though. He believes in the proposition that there’s always more he could–and should!–do. If you count the time it takes to commute to the office, then 70-hour workweeks are common. He makes himself available to clients and office emergencies 24-7 as well. He also takes far fewer vacation days than he’s allotted, roughly ten days or less per year.

Worse, however, and perhaps more exasperating, is the fact that most extreme employees admit dissatisfaction. More than half believe they would be physically healthier with less work. A lack of free time also harms the relationship with their children. Slightly less than half complained that the long hours had a detrimental effect on spousal relations.

Experts advocate discovering ways to get the seventy-hour workweek down to a more modest forty-five hours. Although corporations haven’t yet accomplished this feat for high-impact jobs, some major corporations are trying. American Express, Johnson & Johnson, and more than thirty others are working towards ways to reduce the pressure on managers to perform and produce.


Discussion Questions:
1. What are the effects of being an extreme employee?
2. What do you think are reasons some people work too much?
3. Should companies strive to have extreme employees or well-balanced ones?
4. Talk about your experience of a toxic work day or workweek.
5. Do you think workers in your country should be given more vacation days?

Avoiding the Post-Vacation Blues

C1 – Advanced

After few weeks or a month-long holiday some employees feel sad and depress of the workload that they left.  This sensation is called post-vacation syndrome (PVS) or post-vacation blues it is a type of mood that persons returning home from a long trip (usually a vacation) may experience.

In this video, we will tackle how to overcome Post-Vacation Blues and bounce back immediately after your summer vacation. Watch the video below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the symptoms of post-vacation syndrome?
2. What are the ways to prevent PVS according to the video?
3. Do you sometimes spend time working for few hours during your vacation?
4. Do you have a lot of work load after your vacation?
5. What do you think are the pros and cons of “Workcation” (working from a vacation destination)?

Skills Best Sales Managers Possess

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most of the times, companies reward their top sales people by promoting them as managers. Do excellent salespeople necessarily become good managers?

Look at three skills all best sales managers have through this article.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is important for managers to have the said skills?
2. What other traits do you associate with great managers?
3. What is the worst trait you’ve experienced?
4. Talk about a situation where the team failed, how did you/your team/your manager handle it?
5. Do you think anyone who is excellent at his job can be a leader?

Finding Your Passion

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You know exactly what you’re passionate about, and you can recite your elevator pitch in your sleep, but no one would know it based on your job title.

Maybe you don’t yet have the necessary skills or experience to land your dream job. Maybe you’re about to make a big career change. Or maybe what you’re passionate about just isn’t a financially viable option. (After all, “Follow your passion” may make a great commencement speech theme, but it’s certainly not a career plan. Some argue it’s not even great advice.)

Watch the vide below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are you passionate about?
2. How did you find out what your passion was?
3. Do you agree with the statement: “Finding your passion means you’ll never have a job.”?
4. Do you think finding your dream job is unrealistic?
5. What stops people from following their passions in life?

Tackling Remote Work Challenges

© Trello

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The world is changing along with the way we live and work. Working remotely is one work styles that is becoming a trend in the workplace nowadays. With teleworking becoming more and more popular these days, it is important to note the good and bad things about it and to know how to deal with them so telecommuting becomes advantageous and satisfying to a person who works from home.

Lift the lid on the joys and struggles of being a home-based worker.

Let’s talk:

1. What are some challenges that teleworkers face and what are ways to cope with them?

2. How do you view telecommuting?

3. How would you feel about working remotely on a regular basis?

4. Do you think everyone should be given the option to telework?

5. What other workplace trends are becoming popular in your country?

French “Right to Disconnect” Law


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Work-life balance is a global issue now since we are constantly asked by our employers to be always online. The pressure and stakes are high. If we don’t follow them, we might not get the promotion we’ve long been aiming for or worst-case scenario, lose our jobs. But is all this worth the stress?

France had declared a new law that allows employees to have the right to disconnect. Some say it is what every country needs but is it really possible (to be TOTALLY disconnected from work)? Let’s read and start a discussion about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

1. What can cause a lot of stress according to this article?
2. What do you think about this new French law?
3. What are the advantages of this law for the employees? What are the disadvantages of this law for companies?
4. What new laws do you have in your country?

Forget Office Cubicles, Try ‘Co-working’

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In a more globalized world, sharing resources hasn’t been new. Now, a new concept of a “Co-working Space” which helps small businesses and self-employed individuals to stay connected with others by renting a room or small place to work.

Let’s learn more about this and read the article below!


1. What does Carl Pierre think the advantages of such a workspace are?
2. What do you think about the concept of co-working spaces?
3. What does your workspace look like?
4. Do you prefer working outdoors or in an office? Why?
5. Do you think that, in the future, all business will be conducted from a co-working space? Why or why not?
6. Do you think that, in the future, offices will become obsolete because of the Internet? Why or why not?

Commercial Airline Pilot – A Dream Job?

B1 – Intermediate

Every job has its pros and cons so before diving into something, we want to know everything about it – from pretty cool benefits that come with being an airline pilot to its pitfalls.

Read the article below to find out more about being a commercial airline pilot.

Discuss questions:

  1. Did you ever dream of becoming an airline pilot? Why or why not?
  2. What is your impression of having a job as a pilot?
  3. What are the pros and cons of being an airline pilot?
  4. Do you think you have what it takes to become a pilot?

The Firm that Starts Work at 9.06am

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most employees consider having flexible work hours a perk. At Pivotal Software, they require their employees to clock in at exactly 9:06 in the morning.

Curious to know why? Click on the link below to read more about this unusual work rule.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why are employees at Pivotal Software required to report to work at exactly 9:06 AM?
2. What do you think of this idea?
3. Would you like such rule to be implemented in your company? Why or why not?
4. Describe your work hours and your typical work day.
5. What are the things that you do to increase your productivity at work?