How to Call in Sick to Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everyone needs a time off from work for being under the weather. We are not machines that do not get run-down, so calling in sick to work is necessary. However, some people skip out work for some reasons, such as having a doctor’s appointment, not feeling like working, needing to relax, and catching up on sleep. Regardless if it is a genuine illness or not, be sure to follow the right steps for taking a sick day.

Read here:

Discussion Questions:

1. Talk about the process of filing a leave in your company.

2. Have you faked an illness just to take a day off?

3. What are some common fake reasons for taking a personal day? How can we lessen some of these crooked actions?

4. How can one motivate himself to go to work everyday?

Open-Plan Offices

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In recent years, companies have opted for open-plan offices to encourage employee interaction and collaboration. In a new study, however, having an open floor plan may in fact have the opposite effect and be counterproductive.

Read the article to find out more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the article all about? Explain in your own words.
  2. What are the pros and cons of having an open floor plan? What about a closed one?
  3. Talk about the layout or floor plan of your own company/office. How do you think can communication and teamwork be improved in your company?

Four-Day Workweeks

B2 – Upper Intermediate

This headline may seem too good to be true. But a New Zealand company is saying otherwise. In fact, it may be a true solution to productivity problems.

Read the article to find out about this innovative experiment.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Explain the article in your own words. What is your opinion about this New Zealand company’s bold move?
  2. Talk about your work schedule. Do you think applying this same technique can be beneficial for yourself and for your company? Why or why not?
  3. How can one achieve work-life balance? Provide some of your own personal tips.

What Everyone Should Know About Teamwork

C1 – Advanced

We are living in a modern world where people rely much on technology and machines. This only means that competition is also rapidly tougher than before. As competition rises, individualism occurs along with it. Therefore, if we talk about teamwork nowadays, it is almost as impossible as climbing the Himalayas Mountain.

Everyone knows that teamwork is the key to any organization’s success and challenges are dealt with more easily when two or more heads are taking part, but teamwork is a challenge in itself. It requires effective communication and humility towards a common goal.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you describe your ability to work as a team member?
2. Do you prefer working in a team or independently?
3. Have you ever had difficulty working with a team?
4. Talk about your own experiences that demonstrate teamwork.
5. What strategies would you utilize to cultivate teamwork within your team/department?

Retain Employees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You probably love your job and what you are doing but you reach a point in your life when you suddenly feel unhappy and unsatisfied with your work. Your boss would notice the change in your attitude and performance so he could  either just let you go or help you get back on track by providing interventions.

Let us read the full article below on how companies can retain employees.

Discussion Questions:

  1.  Have you ever felt demotivated to work? If yes, how did you cope with it?
  2.  Can you describe the working environment of your company and your relationship with your colleagues?
  3.  Do you think your working environment affects your work performance?
  4.  Do you have any similar experience?
  5.  Describe a good leader.

Work Burnout

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the most common and serious work issues is work burnout. It is often confused with stress. But there is a big difference between the two.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to find out more about occupational blues.

Discussion Questions:
1. What’s the difference between stress and burnout?
2. What are ways to fight work blues?
3. Share any story about being burned-out.

How to Beat Procrastination

B2 – Upper Intermediate

You might be putting off a task because you have to re-prioritize your workload. If you’re briefly delaying an important task for a genuinely good reason, then you aren’t necessarily procrastinating. However, if you start to put things off indefinitely or switch focus because you want to avoid doing something, then you probably are.

Read the article on how to deal with and prevent procrastination and answer the questions below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do you think people procrastinate?
  2. Who do you know that always procrastinates?
  3. When is it good to procrastinate?
  4. When is it really bad to procrastinate?
  5. What kinds of things do you usually put off doing?
  6. How do you feel when other people put off something you want done soon?
  7. Do you think people in some cultures are in too much of a rush?
  8. Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?
  9. Do you want to accomplish many things in your life or do you want to take it easy?

Extreme Employees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In some countries, they are trying to maintain their workers’ work-life balance by experimenting on different work styles. However, there remains a lot of people who has no choice but to work very long hours.

Find out more about “extreme employees” through this article:

Although some countries like France and Australia have begun to experiment with additional vacation time to balance work and personal happiness, the worldwide trend has progressed in the opposite direction. For example, Japan has long been known for its excruciating workweeks. Employees in other countries are falling victim to longer and longer hours at the office in recent years, too. The result is a new type of employee, called the “extreme employee.”

From a pool of more than two million surveys of high-salaried employees in the US, it’s clear that you need to work more if you want to advance up the corporate ladder. The extreme employee demonstrates more than simple dedication to the company, though. He believes in the proposition that there’s always more he could–and should!–do. If you count the time it takes to commute to the office, then 70-hour workweeks are common. He makes himself available to clients and office emergencies 24-7 as well. He also takes far fewer vacation days than he’s allotted, roughly ten days or less per year.

Worse, however, and perhaps more exasperating, is the fact that most extreme employees admit dissatisfaction. More than half believe they would be physically healthier with less work. A lack of free time also harms the relationship with their children. Slightly less than half complained that the long hours had a detrimental effect on spousal relations.

Experts advocate discovering ways to get the seventy-hour workweek down to a more modest forty-five hours. Although corporations haven’t yet accomplished this feat for high-impact jobs, some major corporations are trying. American Express, Johnson & Johnson, and more than thirty others are working towards ways to reduce the pressure on managers to perform and produce.


Discussion Questions:
1. What are the effects of being an extreme employee?
2. What do you think are reasons some people work too much?
3. Should companies strive to have extreme employees or well-balanced ones?
4. Talk about your experience of a toxic work day or workweek.
5. Do you think workers in your country should be given more vacation days?

Avoiding the Post-Vacation Blues

C1 – Advanced

After few weeks or a month-long holiday some employees feel sad and depress of the workload that they left.  This sensation is called post-vacation syndrome (PVS) or post-vacation blues it is a type of mood that persons returning home from a long trip (usually a vacation) may experience.

In this video, we will tackle how to overcome Post-Vacation Blues and bounce back immediately after your summer vacation. Watch the video below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the symptoms of post-vacation syndrome?
2. What are the ways to prevent PVS according to the video?
3. Do you sometimes spend time working for few hours during your vacation?
4. Do you have a lot of work load after your vacation?
5. What do you think are the pros and cons of “Workcation” (working from a vacation destination)?

Skills Best Sales Managers Possess

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most of the times, companies reward their top sales people by promoting them as managers. Do excellent salespeople necessarily become good managers?

Look at three skills all best sales managers have through this article.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is important for managers to have the said skills?
2. What other traits do you associate with great managers?
3. What is the worst trait you’ve experienced?
4. Talk about a situation where the team failed, how did you/your team/your manager handle it?
5. Do you think anyone who is excellent at his job can be a leader?