Adulting 101 – Things We Learned the Hard Way

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Growing up, we often hear our parents, especially our mom’s common and loud assertion of a common phrase “when will you grow up?” in moments when you are being mischievous. They are perhaps tired of a kid-like nature which is not responsible enough to even know what they really want in life.

Have you ever thought of a certain point where you know exactly what you want and you are able to meet the mundane demand of independent and professional living? That is an informal description of adulting.

Let’s learn more by watching the video below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you define adulting?
  2. Can we determine a specific stage or age for maturity?
  3. Why do we have to learn the hard way?
  4. What is the most challenging part of adulting?
  5. What are some things that you learned the hard way?
  6. How would you describe your adult life?
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2 replies on “Adulting 101 – Things We Learned the Hard Way”

I would define adulting as the stage in our life in which we have enough experience to tackle the challenges in the best way. In my opinion, from the 30s or later is the age for maturity.
If there is something that I have learned in my life, it is that the best way to learn is through experience or by making mistakes. It doesn`t work that someone tells you what you have to do. In this way, you never will get maturity.
Talking about from my experience, of course, that getting a job or buying a house are difficult tasks, but brought up children without a doubt is the most beautiful and difficult challenge.
There are a lot of things that I have learned in my hard way. Maybe the most crucial has been to be more patient and think twice before acting. I would describe my current adult life as quiet and happy, despite I will never finish learning new things each day.

You are on point with this statement of yours, “the best way to learn is through experience or by making mistakes”. Speaking of mistakes, here are a few you can correct:

I would describe my current adult life as quiet and happy, despite I will never finish learning new things each day.
At the moment, I would describe my adult life as quiet and happy. Despite this, I will never stop learning new things each day.

Just keep writing! Thanks.

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