Maya Angelou and Sally Ride Will Be Honored on Quarters

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Did the images featured on your paper money or coins ever get into you? Are they familiar? Ever wondered why they are imprinted on our money?

Writer and poet Maya Angelou and astronaut Sally Ride will be featured in the US Mint’s American quarter to honor their immeasurable contributions to the country.

Watch the video and read the write-up below to know more about these inspiring women and the act of honoring them.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who do you think should we honor on our money?
  2. Do you think the people featured in your money are representing your country well? Why or why not?
  3. Is this a sufficient way of honoring these people given their magnificent contributions?
  4. How should society determine who is worthy of being honored on money?
  5. Are there people you wish to see on money? Why and what did they do to deserve it?
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