The Currency of Clout

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As the internet becomes more prevalent and its technology more and more developed, clout on the internet is also becoming more important than ever.

But what is clout? Clout is a measurement of how much influence or power someone has.

However due to recent circumstances, clout on the internet has become synonymous to bad people; although, it still has some good uses.

Watch this video as David Castain talks about the currency of clout.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on how far some people are willing to go just so they could establish their reputation online?
  2. How can clout on the internet influence different sectors?
  3. Name some instances when your digital footprints can help to your advantage?
  4. Talk about some “clout chasers” you know of?
  5. Also name some “clout makers” and what they have done.
  6. How do you portray yourself on social media and/or LinkedIn?
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