Google’s Digital Ad Business Dominance

B2 – Upper Intermediate

No doubt, Google has dominated the world of technology and business. However, the U.S. government has alleged the company of abusing its digital advertising business dominance.

They claim that Google has anticompetitive, exclusionary, and unlawful ways to thwart their competitions.

Read the article to know more about the U.S. Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit against Google.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “thwart” mean, “The lawsuit says “Google has thwarted meaningful competition and deterred innovation in the digital advertising industry…” Use this word in your own sentence.
  2. Explain ”antitrust”. ”The lawsuit is the second federal antitrust complaint filed against Google, alleging violations of antitrust law in how the company acquires or maintains its dominance.” Use this word in your own sentence.
  3. What does the expression “by a long shot” mean, “While Google remains the market leader by a long shot, its share of the U.S. digital ad revenue has been eroding, falling to 28.8% last year from 36.7% in 2016. Use this idiom in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this antitrust complaint against Google?
  2. In your own opinion, are antitrust laws good or bad? Explain your point.
  3. How can antitrust practices be prevented?
  4. Why is competition important in business?
  5. What are some antitrust laws in your country? Explain each of them.
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2 replies on “Google’s Digital Ad Business Dominance”

Vocabulary Questions:
1.Thwart mean frustrate.
The government has thwarted the health law.
2. Explain ”antitrust”.
Regulations that encourage competition by limiting the market power of any particular firm. a long shot mean for a long distance a wide margin.
He speaks better than he writes, by a long shot.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Job well done doing your vocabulary exercise.

Look at a better way to write this sentence:

Thwart mean frustrate.

Thwart means to frustrate.

Feel free to also write down your answers to the discussion questions next time.

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