Traded-In Apple iPhone Refurbished

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the world of technology, smartphones have become an essential part of our daily lives, and one of the most popular brands in the market is Apple. With each new release, millions of people eagerly anticipate getting their hands on the latest iPhone model, leading to a growing number of previously owned devices that are traded in or sold. But have you ever wondered what happens to these traded-in iPhones?

In this video, we will explore the fascinating journey of how a traded-in Apple iPhone gets refurbished, giving it a new lease on life before finding its way into the hands of a new owner.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of “trade in”? “Many iPhone users choose to trade in their old devices for credit towards a new purchase.” Make one sentence using the word.
  2. What does the word “refurbished” mean? “In 2022, 73.5 million used and refurbished phones were shipped in North America alone.” Use the word in a sentence.
  3. What does “triage” mean? “The first stop for our iPhone 11: data erasure and triage.” Use the word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. From an environmental perspective, do you believe refurbishing traded-in Apple iPhones is a more sustainable practice compared to manufacturing new devices? Why or why not?
  2. In your opinion, what are the key advantages of purchasing a refurbished iPhone over a brand-new one? Are there any potential drawbacks to consider?
  3. Do you think the refurbished iPhones market poses a significant threat to Apple’s sales of new devices? Why or why not?
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4 replies on “Traded-In Apple iPhone Refurbished”

1.-Yes. Absolutely. When you use a refurbished advice, you contribute to give a second opportunity instead of treating as waste.
2.-The main advantages are to protect the enviroment and the price. But, there are disadvantages, for example, the phone can be broken or it can’t get all update to play a game because it has an old version.
3.-No. I think the brand “Apple” is synounymous of “power”. People, don’t have enough money to buy a new Apple phone, can buy a refurbished phone. These people can show this phone to friends, family…This is free advertising.

Good to have you on the Phoneenglish blog! Hope this exercise helps you achieve your goals in improving your writing.

See how you can improve this sentence:

I think the brand “Apple” is synounymous of “power”.

I think the brand Apple is synonymous with power.

Keep at it!

Vocabulary Questions:
iPhone are usually expensive, so many users choose to switch between their old versioned phone and a new iPhone, substracting the price of their phone to the new one.

Refurbish is repair, clean and set up used phones to sell them for more than what they cost.

Triage is a evaluation or analysis of the iPhone to check how much will cost to refurbish.

Discussion Questions:
Yes, because the cost of build a new iPhone is harder than refurbish an older one.

The main key is the price, but an inconvenience will be that you’ll have a phone that will be obsolete earlier.

No, because Apple have a huge fanbase that will buy new devices allways.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! Hope you can stay consistent in practicing your writing skills through this exercise.

Take a look at how you can write this sentence better by using gerunds properly:

Yes, because the cost of build a new iPhone is harder than refurbish an older one.

Yes, because the cost of manufacturing a new iPhone is bigger than refurbishing an older one.

Here’s to more entries from you!

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