Adermatoglyphia – People without Fingerprints

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Countries have slightly different regulations requiring non-residents entering their territory. One of these regulations is to identify the visitors by their fingerprints. Fingerprinting is an infallible means of personal identification. No two persons have identical fingerprints. However, there are cases when one just doesn’t have them.

Let’s read the article and know more about this rare genetic disorder.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “baffled“? “They were baffled because they had not seen a phenomenon like this before.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What does the verb “grasp” mean? “People who were born without fingerprints often don’t have the grip to grasp things.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. What does the word “sole” mean in this context? “Adermatoglyphia is a disease that affects not only your fingers but also the palms of your hand and the soles of your feet.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is adermatoglyphia and what causes it?
  2. What challenges do people with adermatoglyphia have?
  3. What comes to your mind when you hear ‘fingerprint’?
  4. How are fingerprints important?
  5. Talk about other genetic disorders you know about.
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2 replies on “Adermatoglyphia – People without Fingerprints”

Discussion Questions:
1. What is adermatoglyphia and what causes it?
It is a very rare disorder that affect a few people in all over the word, basically they don’t have fingerprints nor in their palms neither in their soles. The cause of this rare disease is a genetic mutation.
2. What challenges do people with adermatoglyphia have?
Well, they basically have problem to grasp things and also some problem with the regulation of the corporal heat, so they likely can suffer more heatstroke’s for example. But this is not important are minor health problems, the key question is that they don’t have fingerprints, and fingerprints are required like a identificatory in all over the word… so they have problems in customs, etc.

3. Do you know other genetic disorders that could lead to missing fingerprints?
Not at all! I actually didn’t know that some people don’t have fingerprints.

4. How are fingerprints important?
As I said before is a real important for security reasons. Fingerprints are the way to intentify a unique person without any kind of doubt and this is why all people have their fingerprints recorded. Even the identical twins have different fingerprints.

Interesting topic and you were also able to share your insights well.

Here is how to revise the following sentences:

As I said before is a real important for security reasons.

As I said before, it is a really important for security reasons.

Fingerprints are the way to intentify a unique person without any kind of doubt and this is why all people have their fingerprints recorded.

Fingerprints are a way to identify a unique person an individual without any kind of doubts and this is why all people have their fingerprints recorded.

Even the identical twins have different fingerprints.

Even the identical twins have different fingerprints.

Good job! Keep it up.

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