Energy Vampire Co-Worker

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you ever feel emotionally fatigued or drained after engaging with a certain coworker? You may be dealing with an “energy vampire,” a person who drains your energy and leaves you feeling empty. These energy-sapping colleagues can be tough to interact with.

Read the article to the signs your co-worker is an ‘energy vampire’ and how to set boundaries when one has to deal with them.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “lopsided” mean? “If it’s always lopsided in your favor, that could be a potential sign that you’re draining your co-workers.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence with “lopsided”.
  2. Explain the expression “to feed off of someone/something“. “Robinson looks like an ordinary human, but he is a superpowered vampire who feeds off of bothering and boring his colleagues.” Make a sentence using this idiom.
  3. What does “speed bump” mean here, “Thinking of them that way may help you see they are a person, just like you, but who had some speed bumps and poor guidance that resulted in this unfortunate interpersonal style,” so “knowing this may give you some more patience and compassion when interacting with them.”? Give two synonyms and make a sentence using ‘speed bump’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common behaviors or traits exhibited by “energy vampire” co-workers that can drain your emotional energy in the workplace?
  2. Have you noticed a colleague who seems to drain the energy from the room? How is it like dealing with this person?
  3. What are ways for you to deal with these energy-draining colleagues in your daily work life?
  4. How do you keep your energy levels up at work?
  5. What can one do if their energy vampire boss is not listening to them or their requests?
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