BBC Lingohack: 19 April 2017

B1 – Intermediate

Watch the video below to practice your listening skills and increase your vocabulary. Be ready to use the different vocabularies in sentences. You may also read the transcript below the video.

BBC Lingohack: 19 April 2017


1. Explain the word “camaraderie” and use it in a sentence.
2. Why are there dogs in the office of Brooke, Reggie, Max and Peggy?
3. What is a tunnelling machine? What are they going to do in the river Thames?
4. What is the new spin that a group put in their yoga class?
5. Have you tried yoga? What do you think about it?

Grilled Whole Fish with Chiles and Coconut

C1 – Advanced

This video is meant to practice both your listening skills and your vocabulary. Feel free to watch the video more than once and take note of words or expressions that are new. Be ready to answer comprehension questions.


1. According to the video, why is it a good idea to use very hot coals when grilling fish? How long should it take the fish to cook (per side)?
2. How should the fish look like once it’s cooked or done?
3. What are the different sauces that Melissa Clark paired her fish with? Why did she choose these sauces?
4. Are you fond of grilling? Have you tried grilling fish?
5. Have you tried hosting a barbecue party during the summer?


Trump’s Plan Could Erase After School Program

B2 – Upper intermediate

Since taking office, President Trump’s administration has been rocking boats and challenging society with new policies. School programs is one of them.

Watch the video below then express your thoughts.


1. What is an after school program and how does it help children?
2. What do you think will happen if budget for after school programs will cease?
3. In your country, are there similar programs to help specific children (or families) in certain communities?
4. What improvements would you like your government to make when it comes to children and their education?


Broken Heart Doctor

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Watch the video below about a doctor and how his heartbreak helped him become better at his profession. Share some of your experiences related to sympathizing and empathizing.

Discussion Questions:

1. At the beginning of the video, the doctor said that his heart had a “giant hole in it.” What did he mean by this? What happened to him?
2. How did the doctor describe his loneliness?
3. Why did the doctor say that the hospital is great place to be in when a person is in pain? What kind of pain was he talking about?
4. How did the doctor describe his experience working at a children’s hospital?
5. How do past experiences in life help us in the present?

Literature to Explain Migrants to Children

B2 – Upper intermediate

Reading and literature brings about many benefits, especially in children. In Bologna, Italy, a book fair for children is featuring something different and very timely.

Take a look at the video below then express your thoughts.

Video: Book fair features literature to explain migrants to children


1. What is the point of this unique book fair in Bologna?
2. What are other ways we can educate children about migrants and the Syrian war?
3. Are book fairs a popular idea in your country? Have you been to one?
4. What are your preferences in books? Reading materials?
5. What are the advantages of children being exposed to reading books at an early age?


Test 652

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This quiz must be completed in 10 minutes.

Test 662

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Video: Iran Pre-Nups Put Men in Jail

B2 – Upper intermediate

Every country has specific laws when it comes to marriage and separation. In Iran, a specific system is threatening husbands to face jail time if they fail to give spousal support.

Watch the video and be ready to answer discussion questions.

Iran pre-nups land thousands of men in jail


1. What is the “mehrieh” system and how is it affecting husbands?
2. What is the Iranian government doing to combat the problems in the “mehrieh” system?
3. Does your country have very strict rules when it comes to divorce and separation?
4. Are there cultural practices in your country regarding marriage that you think should be changed?

Rugby Sport Helps Heal Wounds


B2 – Upper intermediate

After a devastating event, children of all ages in Rwanda are healing through the game of Rugby. Read the extraordinary stories of people involved in bringing hope back in a wounded community.

Rwanda Rugby: Sport helps heal wounds in ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’


1. Tell the story of Kamanda Tharcisse. How has Rugby helped him?
2. How did rugby reach Rwanda? Who are the other people involved in the foundation Friends of Rwandan Rugby?
3. How is rugny fairing in your country?
4. Aside from sports, what other activities can help heal or recuperate people who have gone through traumatic events.

How Romance Ruined Love

B1 – Intermediate

In movies, love stories usually end with the main characters getting together or more romantically, married. But what they don’t show us is the reality of it all — our jobs, problems, families, children. Everything that could really affect any romantic relationship.

Romanticism taught us ideas about love that are often times far from reality.

Listen to the podcast below then be ready to share your thoughts about how romanticism ruined love.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the podcast, what is romanticism? How did it affect us?
  2. What did the podcast say about love today?
  3. Share your thoughts on this statement: “It’s one thing to enjoy romance, but it can be dangerous to judge your relationship against romantic ideals.“.
  4. Do you believe in ‘love at first sight’ ? Why or why not?
  5. They say, “A relationship is hard work.”. What is your opinion on this?