Brain-Dead Man Dies after Drug Trial

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In France, an experimental drug intended to treat mood, anxiety, and movement disorders went shockingly wrong, resulting in the death of one participant and hospitalization of others. Biotrial says correct procedures were followed at every stage of the trial. So what went wrong?

Read the article below to get more information then express your thoughts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your take on this issue?
  2. When a clinical trial goes wrong, who do you think is to blame? And why?
  3. Would you be willing to be participate in a drug trial? Why or why not?
  4. Should scientists stick to animal testing? Why or why not?
  5. In your opinion, has drug trial safety improved over the years? Explain.

India Kolkata Flyover Collapse

C1 – Advanced

In March of 2016, a tragic construction accident happened in Calcutta, leaving a chaotic scene and many injured.

Watch the videos and read the article on the collapse of an Indian flyover.

India Kolkata flyover collapse: At least 20 dead


1. What do you think could have caused the collapse of the flyover?
2. Have you witnessed a similar accident before in your city?
3. What is your opinion on the rescue effort conducted in the article?
4. What can the Indian government do to prevent such accidents in the future?


The Unstoppable Growth of Themed Cruises

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Over the past decade, traveling on ​large ​ships for ​pleasure has become increasingly appealing to larger number of vacationists and younger generation holidaymakers. Themed cruises are now very popular catering not only to the traditional customers of this kind of holiday but also to people who are interested in varied subjects.

Read on this article about the growth of themed cruises.

Discussion Questions: 

  1. Have you ever been on a cruise? Tell us about this holiday.
  2. Talk about the popularity of cruises among holidaymakers in your country.
  3. If you were to go on a themed cruise, what would it be?
  4. What are other popular holiday ideas common in your country?

Teens, Television, and Depression

B1 – Intermediate

Watching TV can be fun. But too much of it can lead to more harm than good.

Read the article below to know the connection between depression and watching too much TV. Be ready to express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Would you consider yourself a TV addict? If yes, how much time do usually spend watching TV?
2. Do you agree that too much TV may lead to depression?
3. What do you think are other causes of depression?
4. What are some of the social activities that you enjoy doing with friends and family?

Child Labour

B2 – Upper intermediate

Child labour is nothing new. It’s been happening since the 18th century. Over the years, do you think that this social problem has been solved or has it evolved to something worse? Read the article below and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Does child labour exist in your country?
2. What are steps the government can take to stop child labour?
3. When is it okay for a child to work?
4. Have you experienced working when you were younger?

Near-Earth asteroids – How Dangerous Are They?

B1 – Intermediate

Space agencies have started looking at the skies for near-earth asteroids that could potentially hit Earth. They believe these asteroids can be a threat to our planet.

Read the article below to get some interesting facts about asteroids.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do you feel about the possibility that one day the world would be hit by a big asteroid?
2. If the Earth were to be destroyed, what are the things you’d do before it happens?
3. Other than asteroids, what other threats does the Earth face?

Desktop Dining Etiquette

B1 – Intermediate

A working lunch. So many of us are guilty of being a “desktop diner”. Is it wrong? 

Click on the title below and be ready to talk about the etiquette of dining at your desk.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Discuss the 5 rules when having lunch or eating at your desk.
  2. Have you experienced working during your break? Is this bad for us?
  3. Why should we follow certain rules when eating in our office or at our desk?

Future Work Space

B2 – Upper intermediate

The future is now. It seems that the gadgets we use today were just dreams of the past. How far would you go to have a futuristic work environment?

Click on the link below and be ready to discuss the video.

Discussion Questions:

1. Describe this future work space.
2. What are your opinions on the emerging technologies that some companies are using or would like to use? Do you agree with all of them?
3. How would you describe your office?
4. What other new technologies would you think are very useful for everyday work?

Is Coral Bleaching Getting Worse?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

One of the most beautiful organisms ever found are corals. These are even one of the most productive resources in the world.  They are food producers and they support life on the planet. However, they are now in danger.

Watch the short video below then answer some questions.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is coral bleaching and what causes it?
2. How important are corals to marine life?
3. Are there any organizations in your country dedicated to help preserve aquatic life?
4. Have you experienced seeing coral in their natural habitat?

Coffee Can Help You Live Longer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A cup of coffee has always been a part of a lot people’s morning routine. It could definitely awake our senses and boost our energy. Now, coffee drinkers have more reasons to drink that fresh cup.

Read the article on how coffee can help you live longer.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a coffee drinker? How many cups do you drink each day?
  2. How healthy do you think coffee is?
  3. Why might coffee reduce the incidence of suicides?
  4. How do you feel about certain coffee shops like Starbucks?