Steps to Stronger Willpower


C1 – Advanced

Humans have the ability to control thoughts and actions in order to achieve what they want to do. The question is, are we effective or efficient enough to exercise that ability?

Click on the title below to read more about willpower.

Six Steps to a Stronger Willpower


1. Explain the different steps the article gave to help boost willpower.
2. Would you agree on the items featured in the list?
3. Which ones do you already practice and which ones would you like to put to the test? Would you add anything?
4. What do you normally do whenever you need to make a big decision?

China’s Curious Cult of the Mango


C1 – Advanced

Who knew that mangoes can be sacred?

Click on the title below to read about how mangoes were viewed in China. Read the article part by part and take note of new vocabulary words and expressions.

China’s curious cult of the mango


1. Explain the past that China had with the mango fruit. How Significant was it?
2. In the article, what were some of the ancient insights that showed a part of the Chinese culture?
3. Share some of the unique traditions that your country has that has been long part of history.

How Diversity Has Changed America

B2 – Upper intermediate

Diversity in America is nothing new. With thousands of migrants and immigrants flocking the United States for a number of reasons.

Read the article below to know some facts about some of the more diversified states in the US.

How Diversity Has Changed America


1. How diverse is the population in Spain?
2. Which cities are more diverse?
3. How does immigration affect the locals?
4. What do you think is the difference between a migrant and an immigrant?

Two-thirds of World Faces Water Shortage

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The issue of water shortage is closer to home than you think. No country, whether powerful nor developing, is exempt from this imminent problem.

Watch the video below to get more facts on water shortage.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is there a threat of water shortage in your country?
  2. How badly could water shortage affect the public?
  3. What alternative solutions can you think of to address this issue?
  4. In your own ways, how do you conserve water?

Offer Words of Encouragement

C1 – Advanced

How would you define encouragement? And how different is it from motivation?

Watch the video below then read the article to know more about how encouragement changes a person’s life.

How and Why to Offer Words of Encouragement

“VIDEO not available”


1. Based on the article and video, how would you explain the difference between encouragement and motivation?
2. What makes encouraging so important to people?
3. How do you encourage people at work or in your family?
4. Do you enjoy challenges or do you usually shy away from them?

Euro Politicians Told to Stop Speaking English

B2 – Upper intermediate

There are 24 official languages spoken at the European Parliament. The European Parliament’s Secretary General has asked Euro politicians to speak more slowly and to use to their native language instead of English. What are your thoughts on the Secretary General’s request?

Euro politicians told to stop speaking English


1. What do you think about the article?
2. What do you think is the difference between an interpreter and a translator?
3. How do you feel about using English in political meetings such as the European Parliament?
4. If you could speak another language fluently, what would it be?

Life Forms and Habitats in the World’s Oceans

B1 – Intermediate

Nature includes the terrestrial and marine environments. It is so interesting that we enjoy life mainly because of the deep-sea elements of our planet Earth. How much do you know about the aquatic environment?

Enjoy reading the article here to appreciate the life beneath the water surfaces.

Discussion Questions:

1. When was the last time you visited a coastal area?
2. How can we keep or preserve our marine areas and marine life-forms?
3. Why is it important to take care of marine life?
4. Have you gone scuba diving or snorkeling? What water sports have you tried in the past?

Conspiracy Theories

C2 – Proficient

There are a lot of unproven conspiracy theories circulating in the world.  Either they’re in conflict with a consensus or isn’t historically proven.

Watch this video about five of the most mysterious conspiracy theories.


1. Do you find conspiracy theories interesting?
2. Name one (or more) conspiracy theory (theories) you know of.
3. In your opinion, how true can conspiracy theories be?
4. Where do you think these theories come from?

A Great Place to Live, A Terrible Place to Work?

C1 – Advanced

Working longer days compared to neighboring European counterparts isn’t exactly the best way to boost productivity and reduce work-related stress among Spanish workers.

Discover why Spain is the best place to live in, but the contrary as a place to work.

Spain – A great place to live, a terrible place to work?


1. Do you agree or disagree that Spain is a great place to live but a terrible place to work or invest in?
2. What are your thoughts on Spain’s image of the land of the siesta?
3. How can work practices be improved in your country?

Potato Farmer Swapped Bankruptcy for Making Millions

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The story of William Chase is just one of many talking about the struggles and triumphs of doing what you love and turning it into a business. If you’re as lucky as him, you might even end up making millions.

Read the article about the potato farmer who went from being bankrupt to a millionaire. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your own words, tell the story of William Chase.
2. What were some of the challenges that he encountered? What were his frustrations?
3. How would you describe the agricultural industry in your country?
4. Are your local farmers supported by the government?
5. If you had the opportunity to have a business, what would you put up?