Three-Person Babies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Britain is the first country to have a type of procedure called ” mitochondrial replacement therapy.” It is to avoid women from passing diseases or disorders to their children.

However, there are different public reactions to this procedure that really frightens and offends others.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your stand on this treatment?
2. Would you dare try MRT even if it may threaten your and your child’s health?
3. What is your opinion on gene mutation?
4. Has science gone beyond it distinctive procedures?

Video: Does Playful Equal Productive?

C1 – Advanced

Rat race. Dog-eat-dog. Just two idioms that have been used to describe today’s corporate world. One design company, however, has decided to follow a growing trend among high-performing companies, that of fostering creativity through a less stressful office environment.

But can work and play truly co-exist? The employees at Pearfisher seem to think so. Watch the video, then come back to weigh in with your thoughts.

This office has a giant ball pit for its employees


1. What do the terms “rat race” and “dog-eat-dog” mean? Do these describe your workplace?
2. What big-name companies mentioned in the video have taken a different tack by designing creative spaces for their employees?
3. Based on the video, explain the “power of play.”
4. Would you prefer working in a “non-goal-orientated environment”?
5. What are the benefits that can be derived from working in a low-pressure environment? What are the drawbacks?
6. Are creative spaces suitable for all kinds of companies?

Qualities Shared by Superstar Employees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you a superstar employee?  Is your boss happy about your performance?

Let’s check some valuable characteristics an indispensable worker must possess.

Read the article below to know the traits you can embody to become a superstar employee. Be sure to also watch the video.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about the qualities mentioned?
2. Do you have some, if not all, of these characteristics?
3. Which one do you think is the easiest to do? Which one do you think is the hardest?
4. How can you become indispensable in your company?

Eating Habits for Better Thinking


C1 – Advanced

Have you fed your brain yet? There are some eating habits that can help you boost your brainpower.  Optimize your thinking ability by making a slight diet or lifestyle change.

Click the title below to know more about the four kinds of food that are good for the brain.

4 eating habits that could boost your critical thinking


1. Do you agree with what the article is saying?
2. Aside from those mentioned, do you know of other brain food that we can eat for better critical thinking?
3. How do you stay focused at work?

How to Live a Positive Life


C1 – Advanced

In our modern world, it can sometimes be impossible to stay positive. There are a lot of things that can cause us stress, either personally or professionally.

Read the article below and know more about steps we can take to help us look at the bright side.

10 Rules to Live By for Those Who Want to Live a Positive Life


1. How important is it to be positive?
2. Do you agree with the steps mentioned in the article? Would you add more to it?
3. What are some of the activities you do or habits you have to keep yourself from being pessimistic?

Offices with Cats Help Employees


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Cat cafes are on the rise but so are offices where pets are allowed. It has been discovered that pets help in de-stressing people, especially after a long day at work.

Read the article below to find out about a Japanese company that helped their employees be more productive in a “furry” way.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did a Japanese company come up with this idea?
  2. Do you think having cats in the office can lower stress levels? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think this idea will really increase productivity?
  4. What things help you unwind from work?
  5. What helps you be more productive at work?

Annoying Types of Airline Passengers


C1 – Advanced

We’ve all had some bad experiences during a flight. But have we ever thought that maybe we’ve caused some form of inconvenience as well?

Click the title below to view Expedia’s survey on irritating passengers and their habits.

The most annoying type of airline passenger is …


1. How often do you travel by air? Do you love it or hate it?
2. Would you agree with the results the survey revealed?
3. Which ones have you experienced in the past?

Sunburn Dangers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Summertime is the perfect time for everyone to get tanned. But if you are so fond of being under the sun, you should also be aware of the dangers it poses on your health.

Watch the video about the dangers of sunburns.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How dangerous are sunburns?
  2. Are you conscious at all about your skin’s health? Why or why not?
  3. Do you like being under the sun or getting tanned? Why or why not? Share some of your experiences getting sunburns.
  4. How important is it to make sure that your skin is protected when you do outdoor activities?
  5. What are some things you do in order to protect your skin from the sun?

Unhealthy Vices

B2 – Upper Intermediate

All of us have habits, be it good or bad. We do these habits as some sort of coping mechanism when we’re stressed. Sometimes it’s done to get pleasure or even to avoid pain.

This article from 2012 proves that you can kick that bad habit any time or any year.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have any vices or bad habits you’d like to overcome? What are they and how do you plan to extinguish them?
  2. What do you think are the negative effects of vices?
  3. Cite other unhealthy habits that were not mentioned in the article.

Video: Body Language and Success

Job Interview – C1 – Advanced

Little do we know that the way we move our body gives out much impression. In one of the videos presented from TED talks the speaker explains power dynamics of non-verbal expressions.

Your Body Language Determines Your Success

Click the title for the transcript:  Your body language shapes who you are


1. Do you think the speaker’s notion of the body language makes sense?
2. Are you aware of the body language power to mold a notable person in you?