Chile Bans McDonald’s Happy Meals

B2 – Upper Intermediate

With hopes of reducing the growing number of overweight children, Chile’s government bans marketing of toys in children’s food. McDonald’s Happy Meal and Kinder Surprise Egg are some, among others, affected by this measure.

Read this article about Chile banning Mc Donald’s Happy Meals.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this ban? Should this policy be adapted on a global scale? Why or why not?
  2. What are your thoughts on unhealthy food being passed off as something that could make kids happy?
  3. What are other ways to keep children from becoming overweight?
  4. What are things that the health authority in your country is doing to keep children healthy?
  5. Were you fond of fastfood as a kid? Why or why not?

Work You Were Meant to Do

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We often wonder why people choose to settle over something which don’t seem to suit them. We often feel like he or she is too good for whatever they choose to do.

Each person has a different calling in life. Have you found yours?

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you explain the term “calling”?
2. How satisfied are you with your life at the moment?
3. Can you say that you’ve found your purpose in life?
4. What are some of the changes that you wish you could do?

UK Leaving Europe is Bad for Science

B2 – Upper intermediate

One of the main principles of EU membership is “free movement”. Which means you don’t need to get a visa to go and live in another EU country. But, some British citizens don’t agree with this idea.

On the other hand, there are those campaigning for Britain to stay in the EU, as it makes selling things to other EU countries easier. And the flow of immigrants fuel economic growth and help pay for public services.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you know about Brexit?
2. Do you think it is better for the UK to leave or stay in the EU?
3. What are the good things about being in the European Union?
4. Is it better for a country to be part of a union or be totally independent?
5. How important is the European Union?

Swiss Vote No to Free Monthly Income for All

B2 – Upper Intermediate

These days it seems that every country has problems regarding its economy, employment rate and social welfare. Swiss nationals made a life-changing decision regarding it’s social welfare policy.

Read the article below and express your opinions about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think voters rejected the proposal?
2. Is a guaranteed monthly state income a good idea? How happy would you be at getting a $2,500 monthly salary for free?
3. Is it better to give people a salary or give them welfare payments?
4. What’s the best way to deal with income inequality?

Reasons to Love the World

C1 – Advanced

There are daily struggles in life. But there are also small miracles.  Read the article below to know some of the greatest things that have happened to different people.

Think of as many reasons to love the the world.

50 Reasons to #LoveTheWorld


1. What do you think of the reasons mentioned in this feature?
2. What are the things that you’d like to do or experience for yourself?
3. What other places in the world would you like to travel to?

Looks aren’t Everything

C1 – Advanced

Looks aren’t everything. Image is powerful.

Let’s pay attention and listen to a talk by Cameron Russell.


1. What does the speaker mean when she says “People are paying for how they look not on what they are.”?
2. Why do you think the speaker says that she’s really insecure?
3. How is media affecting our ideas of beauty?
4. Aside from beauty, what else did the speaker talk about?

Speaking Activity: Eating Out

A2 – Elementary

This role-playing activity will be very good practice for your sentence construction.

Click on the link then look at the menu. Play the audio clip then answer some of the exercises. You will be having a role-play activity with your teacher using the menu.

Eating out

Why Go Vegetarian?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are a lot of health benefits to being vegetarian.

Let’s find out about the reasons being vegetarian is good for us. Also be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the health benefits of being a vegetarian?
  2. What do you think are the downsides of having a vegetable-based diet?
  3. Do you know any vegetarians? What can you say about their dietary habits?
  4. Could you try vegetarianism for a week? Why or why not?
  5. What meal would you miss the most if you became vegetarian?

The Lost Boy and Japan’s Parenting Debate


C1 – Advanced

Yamato Tanooka is 7 years old. He was left in the woods by his parents as punishment for being overly active. His father admitted to doing it and his parents were very apologetic about what happened.

Is this abuse or did his parents just lost control of the situation and didn’t know how else to discipline him?

The lost boy and Japan’s parenting debate


1. What is your reaction that “many parents in Japan tend to see their children as their personal possessions”?
2. What is your idea of good and bad parenting?
3. How are kids usually punished in your country when they misbehave?
4. When do we say it’s abuse and when do we say it’s discipline?
5. What do you think are effective ways to discipline children?
6. How can we keep children safe from abuse?

Celebrating Father’s Day


C1 – Advanced

The month of June is known for the time to give appreciation to one of the most important persons in our lives, our fathers. Read the article and know more about the history of this special day.



1. How would you describe your father?
2. How is Father’s Day celebrated in your country? family?
3. If you’re a father, what’s the best Father’s Day present you’ve ever received and why?
4. What interesting presents have you given your father?