Vaccines Protect Us From Diseases

B1 – Intermediate

Vaccines have been around for many years. But how does it work and what does it do to our body?

Click the title below to know more about vaccines. Be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

1. In your own words, please explain what vaccines are?
2. What are some of the common vaccines that you know?
3. What do you think about vaccines? Are they helpful or harmful?
4. Do you agree that some vaccines can cause illnesses?

Genetically Engineered Rice


B2 – Upper intermediate

The crisis in food has been foreseen by experts and through this a scientific innovation was developed. This is called GM or Genetically Modified food which resulted in a serious discussion and deliberation whether it will make us healthy or will harm the health of many.

Dispute About Genetically Engineered Rice


1. What is your thought on GM food? Does it contribute to a healthier society?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this gene modification?
3. Are you now more particular when it comes to buying your food as compared to before?

The Disadvantages of Being Clever


C2 – Proficient

Most parents would want to have intelligent kids. The common education system promotes academic excellence. People would do everything to be smart by studying hard; going to private academy for tutorials and starting early on in education to have an edge in life.

However, it has been discovered that there are disadvantages to being an intellectual. Read the article below to know what they are and to find out about intellectual humility.

The surprising downsides of being clever


1. What is your reaction to the article?
2. Have you witnessed intelligent people make the wrong choices for themselves?
3. Do you think that the educational system should change when it comes to measuring intelligence?
4. How can employers take advantage of intellectual humility when interviewing candidates?

Do We Need New Internet?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some internet experts are saying that the worldwide web has become unsafe that the best thing to do is to start all over.

Read the article below and share your thoughts about Internet safety.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. How useful is the Internet to you?
  2. How common is Internet fraud in your country?
  3. Internet experts say that the whole net has become so unsafe that it would be best to start all over again. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
  4. Talk about the good and bad things about the internet.
  5. How can we keep ourselves safe when using the internet?

Smoking: Cause of Preventable Death


B2 – Upper intermediate

Smoking is linked to preventable deadly diseases like cancer and heart disease. In America the percentage of smokers has dwindled. How about in your country? Anti-smoking measures help a great deal in educating people about this vice and, in the process, reduces the number of smokers.

Smoking is the Leading Cause of Preventable Death


1. Do you think that graphic warnings on cigarette packages help in educating people?
2. Are there a lot of smokers in your country?
3. What do you think are good ways to quit smoking?

The Danger of a Single Story

C2 – Proficient

Critical misunderstanding is the product of a single story. Our perception of someone or another culture can be from overlapping stories . Novelist Chimamanda Adichie narrates how she found her cultural voice and warns us of the danger of hearing only a single story about another person or country.


1. Who are some of the famous local authors or novelists that you know of?
2. What are some of the novels that you like? International?
3. What do you know about the continent Africa? What countries in Africa have you been to?
4. What are some of the stereotypes of your country that you know of?


Human Microchips

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Office ID cards are a thing of the past. With this futuristic office in Sweden, you wouldn’t have to worry about forgetting your ID at home ever again. You won’t even need some cash to buy coffee in the cafeteria.

Listen and read as Neil and Harry of BBC’s 6 Minute English talk about this ultramodern identification system.

*Click the title to watch a video of similar topic: Microchip Implants for Employees

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are we on our way to being part human, part machine?
  2. Would you be interested to try this ID system in this office?
  3. How can we benefit from this kind of technology?
  4. What are the dangers of this technology?
  5. How do you remember all your passwords?

Chief Shames ‘Drunk’ Flight Attendant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Receiving an email from your boss could either mean good news or bad news. But how would you react if you receive an email similar to the article below?

Read and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think the boss did the right thing? Why or why not?
2. What can you say about the alleged behavior of the flight attendant?
3. Where do you think should employers draw the line when it comes to monitoring their employees’ activities outside work?

Doomsday Kit on Sale

inside doomsday yellow

C1 – Advanced

The prophecy of the Mayan Calendar became such a hype when it predicted the end of the world in 2012. Thus, a Siberian company cashed in on the panic and came up with a survival kit.

Read this article from 2012 and express your thoughts about it.

Doomsday kits go on sale in Siberia as ‘end of the world’ looms…


1. How did you react when you heard about the Mayan Prophecy of the world ending on the 21st of December 2012?
2. Should people preoccupy themselves with predicting when the world will end?
3. If you knew the exact date the world would end, would it change the way you live? If so, in what ways? If not, why?
4. If you had to prepare your own Doomsday kit, what would be in it?


Getting Caught Red-Handed

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We always try to do our job well. Who would want to be caught slacking off or doing something you aren’t supposed to during your shift.

Check out the article and video below then share your thoughts on the employee’s actions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Did you think what happened to the traffic reporter was funny or unfortunate? Do you think he handled the situation well?
  2. If you were in the traffic reporter’s place, how would you handle the situation?
  3. If you were the station manager, would you do anything to reprimand the employee?
  4. Share a situation where you were caught red-handed.