Old Style Parenting

B2 – Upper intermediate

Old style parenting may no longer be appealing and can be equated to neglect. Others feel, however, that it is necessary to let kids wander.

Read the article below then share your opinions. Watch the 2 videos included in the article to get a bigger picture of the topic.


Discussion Questions:

1. What’s your take on “free-range” parenting?
2. Should the government interfere in a family’s parenting decision?
3. What do you think is the best parenting style?
4. How did your parents raise you as a child?

Understanding the Teenage Brain


B2 – Upper intermediate

Most parents around the globe have the same struggle of understanding a teenager’s behavior. Teens are often misunderstood. Even if we, ourselves, became teenagers once, we are still baffled by how they conduct themselves.

Read the article below to get a better picture of why teenagers act as such.

Understanding the Misunderstood Teenage Brain


1. Have you been in this stage where you feel no one understands you?
2. How would you describe yourself as a teenager?
3. How would you differentiate teenagers during your time and teenagers of today?
4. What do you think is the best way to raise teenagers?

Body Language


B2 – Upper intermediate

Becoming more aware of body language can help us communicate with other people more effectively. You can understand what other people are saying even when they are not talking. We can convey strong feelings that are too difficult to express in words.

Read the article then answer the quiz on the site to check your comprehension. Feel free to listen to the audio while reading.

Body language is a form of communication without using words.  Body language includes the use of body posture, gestures, eye movements and facial expressions.  A lot of body language is actually subconscious.  This means that the person using body language is not fully aware that they are using it.  Some psychologists say that body language actually communicates more information than using words.

Being able to “read” body language means being able to understand what a person really thinks or feels through their body language.  Human beings seem to instinctively understand other people through their body language even when they speak a different verbal language.  It is likely that in human prehistory, body language was an important survival mechanism that helped us to display and distinguish between threats and safety.

Body language can communicate negative emotions.  For example, when a listener crosses their arms against their chest, it can mean disagreement with the speaker.  This can also be indicated when a listener leans away from the speaker.  A lack of eye contact can show a person is anxious or discomfort.  It can also mean disbelief.  When a listener is bored, they are more likely to tilt their head.

Positive feelings are often shown in body language through the use of facial expressions, eye contact, and posture.  Leaning forward usually shows that a person is interested in what the speaker is saying.  When a person looks in another person’s eyes and then down at their lips, it usually means they have romantic feelings for the speaker.  Standing or sitting straight with good posture shows that a listener is taking the person’s speech seriously.

Scientific studies have revealed that body language can even reveal when a person is being dishonest.  For example, when a person is lying, they tend to touch their face during the conversation.  They may also blink too much or not blink at all.  Body language can reveal a lot about people but it’s important to remember that everyone’s body language is a little different and trying to “read” too much information through body language can lead to miscommunication.

Source: dreamreader.net


1. Do you notice people’s body language when you speak with them?
2. Are you careful with your body language in important settings like a meeting or a job interview?
3. Are you more expressive in your words or in your actions?

The Importance of Proper Sitting Posture


B2 – Upper intermediate

With certain jobs that require sitting in front of the computer for long hours, it is important that we know how proper posture plays a role in keeping us healthy and ache-free.

Let’s find out more about the proper sitting posture and the good effects of it to our health and body.

Read the article then answer the quiz on the site to check your comprehension.

Scientists are beginning to understand that sitting down for long hours can be very bad for your health.  One of the reasons for this is that poor posture leads to health problems.  Here is some advice to help improve your posture and your health.

Sitting with poor posture can lead to serious chronic back pain that doesn’t go away.  Many people wrongly believe that they should sit with their backs straight at a 90 degree angle to the floor.  Scientists, however, have recently discovered that this actually causes more stress on the body.  They found that sitting with the back slightly reclined at a 135 degree angle is the healthiest posture.  The back muscles are more relaxed and the spine is at a more natural resting position.

Many people develop constant neck pain while sitting.  They bend their necks forward to look at a screen or read a book.  The lower neck muscles need to work very hard to support the weight of the head.  The bones in the spine can slide forward, causing a great deal of neck pain. To avoid this problem, you should try to look at the top portion of a computer screen when working at a desk.  Your elbows should be at the side and your feet should be flat on the floor.

You should also try to occasionally stop work and do some stretching exercises.  Put your hands behind your back and bring your chest forward slowly.  Take a deep breath and relax.  You could also try to work while standing up.  Finally, you can try to buy a special kind of chair that is built to improve sitting posture.

Original post from: http://dreamreader.net


1. Can you say that you have good posture?
2. Do you try to do some stretches in the middle of the day when you feel like your body is getting tired?
3. What are some of the exercises you do to keep your muscles in shape?

Robin Hood – A Great Legend or a Mythology

B1 – Intermediate

A legend is a story that has been passed from generation to generation but cannot be proved as true. Each country has its own legend to tell its people. Some legends are popular worldwide.

Listen to the audio clip and study the vocabulary words. Be ready to use the words in sentences and to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you familiar with the story of Robin Hood? What do you think about him and what he is doing?
  2. Talk about a person you think is like Robin Hood.
  3. What are legends that you know?
  4. Do you enjoy stories about history or the olden times? Why or why not?

Cities with the Worst Traffic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Traffic by definition is the movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft, or persons in an area or over a route. Do you know some terminologies involved when talking about traffic? This article will provide some terms as you also learn the current top 10 cities in the world with the worst traffic.


 Discussion Questions:

  1. How bad is the traffic condition in your city?
  2. What can you say about rush hour traffic in your city?
  3. How do you commute to work?

Three-Person Babies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Britain is the first country to have a type of procedure called ” mitochondrial replacement therapy.” It is to avoid women from passing diseases or disorders to their children.

However, there are different public reactions to this procedure that really frightens and offends others.


Discussion Questions:

1. What is your stand on this treatment?
2. Would you dare try MRT even if it may threaten your and your child’s health?
3. What is your opinion on gene mutation?
4. Has science gone beyond it distinctive procedures?

Will Synthetic Vaccine Stop Polio?


B2 – Upper intermediate

Medical technology has improved radically. It is due to non stop hard work of medical scientists and specialists. They continuously aim for the eradication of deadly diseases with the hope of longer and healthier lives for everyone.

Read the article below to know about the latest advancement in vaccines.

Will Synthetic Vaccine Stop Polio?


1. What is your general opinion of vaccines?
2. Will synthetic vaccine stop polio?
3. How much do you trust modern medical technology?
4. Do you think it’s possible that all diseases will be cured by vaccine?

Will Citizenship Test Make Better Citizens?


B2 – Upper intermediate

The United States’ Naturalization Test is a test immigrants must pass to become a citizen. However, in Arizona it is an exam all high school students must take as the law requires it. Its goal is to let students contemplate civic awareness and allow them to participate in a democracy.

Will Citizenship Test Make Better Citizens?


1. Is there a similar test that immigrants must take in Spain?
2. What are the common civic activities or events in Spain (Donating blood, volunteer work, etc.)?
3. What do you think of the idea of making all high school students take the naturalization test?
4. Are you very knowledgeable when it comes to your country’s history and government?

Are Computers Making Us Less Clever?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this digital age, humans are growing more and more reliant on technology. We all know that technology is supposed to make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, what do you think are the things that we are losing when we rely too much on computers and smartphones?

Listen to the podcast and be ready to answer some discussions. Take note of new vocabulary words.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some skills that you think you may have lost a little due to gadget/technology dependency?
  2. How do you make sure you don’t get de-skilled at something?
  3. In your opinion, how dependent are we on computers? Cite examples of situations that prove your point.
  4. Do you agree that we are dependent on computers and technology? Why or why not?
  5. How dependent are you on your phone? Why do you think this is the case?
  6. Which do you prefer, meeting other people online or speaking with them face-to-face? Why?