Deleting memories


B2 – Upper intermediate

Neurons work as transmitter of information in the brain but when the process is disturbed they lose the connection between brain cells and can cause memory loss. Scientists have successfully done a process called Electroconvulsive Therapy to delete specific memory.

Find out how this therapy works and how it helps people with post- traumatic stress disorder.

Deleting memories

Click on the title to listen to the report: Deleting Memories: Audio

Click on the title to read the text: Deleting Memories: Text


1. Do you have a memory that you would like to forget?
2. Is deleting a specific memory a helpful way treat depression?
3. How do you deal with traumatic memory and depression?

Video Games Good for Children


B1 – Intermediate

Different studies were conducted on how behavior among children and teenagers are affected by playing video games. A study in Oxford University found that playing video games for less than an hour a day is good. On the other hand, playing violent video games influence teenagers to be more aggressive.

Read the article to know more about the possible benefits and consequences of vieo games on children.

Study: Playing Video Games Good for Children


1. Do you play video games?
2. Does it affect your way of thinking and behaviour?
3. Do you agree with idea suggested in the article?
4. Would you allow your children to play video games? If yes, what set of rules would you impose?

Language Extinction

B1 – Intermediate

Economic development is causing the extinction of some languages, according to some scientists. A study has found that minority languages in the most developed parts of the world are most at threat.

Listen to the podcast to know more about the extinction of certain languages.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about a language that you know has gone extinct.
  2. In your opinion, do you think that rapid growth of a country can affect the extinction of language?
  3. What are some of the other local languages that you can speak? How about foreign languages?
  4. If you were given an opportunity, which languages would you like to learn and master?

Walk or Cycle for ‘a Happier Commute”

B1 – Intermediate

Walking or cycling to work instead of driving a car can improve feelings of health and happiness. Click on the title to know more about alternative ways of commuting. Be ready to answer some discussion questions.

Click on the title to listen to the report:

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you get to work?
  2. Do you think it is better to walk, to take your bike or to travel by public transport to work?
  3. What kind of exercise routine do you have?
  4. How do you stay healthy and happy?

Boot Camps for Internet Addicts

B1 – Intermediate

Internet addiction is one very common problem among teenagers these days. In China, one way to combat this addiction is to take children to a boot camp.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on a boot camp for internet addicts.

Discussion Questions:

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?

How to Survive the Heat


B1 – Intermediate

There are common health problems which are caused by high temperatures that, in the worst scenario, can lead to death.

Read the article to know more about the dangers of heat and how to be protected from it.

How to Survive the Heat


1. Do you love soaking yourself in the summer sun? Are you aware of its danger?
2. Have you experienced health related issues due to high temperature?
3. What activities do you enjoy doing during the summer?
4. How do you keep cool when the weather gets too hot?


Ozone Layer Recovering

B1 – Intermediate

According to a panel of scientists, the ozone layer is starting to repair itself. It’s a good thing that the use of aerosol cans were banned during the 1980s.

Read the lesson about the ozone layer recovering and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this?
  2. Share your ideas on how you can contribute in protecting the environment.
  3. Have you ever done any volunteer works to help save the environment?
  4. Do you reduce, reuse, and recycle? Why or why not?

Grown-Up and Living at Home

B1 – Intermediate

The number of grown-ups who are living at home is continually increasing in different countries in the world.

This article talks about the underlying reasons regarding the issue. Some advantages and disadvantages are also discussed by different individuals from different countries.


Discussion Questions:

1. Is living at home a good or bad point in your own perspective?
2. Do people in your place share the same issue (grown-up and living at home) with people from other parts of the world?
3. What do you think parents and children should do to address this issue?

Dropping Birthrates in South Korea

B1 – Intermediate

South Korea is now facing problems related to low birthrate.

Find out the reasons and consequences for their dropping birthrates.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the problem in South Korea according to the audio? Is this also a problem in Spain?
  2. What are the reasons for low birthrate in SK? What about in your country?
  3. What are the impacts of low birthrates on a country?
  4. What can the government do to solve or prevent this problem from happening?

Think Yourself Rich!

 C1 – Advanced

In 1937, the book “Think and Grow Rich” was a big hit. Everybody wanted to be rich and the book gave tips on how to be so. Could it still be practical today? Read the article and express your thoughts about it.

Be ready to explain the different idiomatic expressions used in the article. Feel free to listen to the audio clip as well.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does the expression “Money is the root of all evil” mean?
2. How would you explain the phrase “Money makes the world go round”?
3. Do you consider yourself thrifty or a spendthrift?
4. What are the ways in which we can save money?