Private Tutoring Ban

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At present, South Korea’s private tuition industry is growing. In 2006, its education ministry imposed curfew on private education’s operating hours. Long before that, they used to ban private tutoring completely until almost two decades later when South Korea’s constitutional court ruled that it is unconstitutional.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on South Korea’s ban on private tutoring?
  2. Can you really put a price on education? Explain your point.
  3. How can educational opportunities be possibly equalized for everybody?
  4. What are your thoughts on private tutoring?
  5. Is private tutoring common in your country? Did you use to attend after-school classes? Why or why not?

21st Century Education

B2 – Upper Intermediate

“The children are our future.” This is a sentence we often hear from the generations ahead of us. With this vision in mind, society, through collaborative work, strive to value, respect, and train them for the future. The goal is to help them realize their full potential.

One aspect of such training is education. In the 21st century, we are experiencing a technological revolution. It dramatically changed the way children learn and interact with each other. For example, online learning is becoming the norm. Kids can stay at home and still be “present” at school. They can even take their exams in the comfort of their homes!

But how does 21st-century education benefit the children and in turn, society? Watch the video about 21st century education.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some ways technology is utilized in learning?
  2. What do you think of distance learning?
  3. How does the fast-developing technology affect the way children learn and communicate?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in educating children?
  5. What are some examples of jobs that are recently invented?

No Loss of Marks for Spelling Mistakes

B1 – Intermediate

Problems in spelling, punctuation, and grammar are some troubles students face. Students in a university in England has said that teachers will be more flexible in grading their students’ writing.

Let’s read the article to know about marking for spelling mistakes.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the article and the university’s new policy?
  2. What are the best ways to learn to write properly?
  3. How should schools help people with learning disorders?
  4. How important is it to spell English words or even words in your native language correctly?
  5. How much importance is given to writing skills at schools in your country?
  6. Do you think you learned writing properly at school? Why or why not?

Language Learning in a Superdiverse Community

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Language experts in Canada say teaching languages only by old fixed rules is not realistic in a superdiverse community. English language teachers should encourage students to learn according to their linguistic identities. They can use more than one language to communicate a given message at any one time using multiple platforms and integrating plurilingual language practices in FSL and ESL classrooms.

Let’s read the article of why plurilingual should be used in language learning.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on traditional grammar-based instruction and plurilingual ?
  2. Why plurilingualism has proved to be such rich teaching and learning tool in language learning?
  3. How are languages taught in Spain? How do students communicate in schools and outside of schools?
  4. What online learning applications have you used to improve your communications skills?

How to Break Bad Habits

B1 – Intermediate

Why are bad habits so hard to break?

First, what are bad habits? A bad habit is a negative behaviour pattern–perhaps one that causes bodily harm. What about your daily glass of wine, you ask? If it is not causing any pain or putting your health at risk, I would not consider it a bad habit. If you drink a whole bottle, get sick, and have trouble waking up in the morning, that may be a different story.

Let’s listen to the audio to know how to break bad habits.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you have any bad habits?
  2. Do you think all habits are bad? If not, what do you think are some good habits to have?
  3. Where do you think we learn our habits from?
  4. Do children learn bad habits at school or at home?
  5. Are you aware of any habits that are considered bad manners in one country but not in another?
  6. Which bad habit do you think would be the most difficult to get rid of?

University Housing

B1 – Intermediate

Students heading off to college in another city or town are more likely to live in a dormitory. There are on-campus and off-campus housing options for students. Off-campus rents tend to be cheaper only because they do not include other services that on-campus provides.

Watch the video as Randall talks about the advantages and disadvantages of living in university housing.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is ‘University Housing’?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in university housing according to Randall?
  3. Have you lived in a university house/dormitory before? How was your experience?
  4. Do you think students living here have far better security than those renting outside the campus/university?

Good Etiquette for Foreign Students

B1 – Intermediate

Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students. It is an opportunity to widen horizons, expand knowledge, and boost personal and professional lives.

As a foreign student, one must not only follow the rules of the receiving country but also follow good social etiquettes.

Watch this video on good etiquettes for international students.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the points on good etiquette Randall advises to international students?
  2. What are other points can you add to these?
  3. What is a ‘host family’? Why are they important?
  4. Have you lived abroad before? If yes, how did you show respect for the country you were living in?
  5. Do you have any experience studying abroad? If so, share about it. If not, what are the reasons and given a chance, would you do it?

UK Exam Results Fiasco

B1 – Intermediate

In order to grade students’ exams, the UK government used an algorithm to determine the results. The problem is, the algorithm did not work properly. 

Read more about this lesson on the UK exam results fiasco.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. How would you feel if you were a student or a parent of a student affected by this?
  3. In your opinion, are grades important? Why or why not?
  4. What are/were some effects of the pandemic on schooling in your country?

Learn English by Yourself

B2 – Upper intermediate

A lot of people wanted to learn and master the English language. It’s no doubt that most companies hire applicants who can speak in English fluently. Maybe that’s why some are trying to learn English by themselves.

Learning English by yourself could be cheaper and simpler. But this type of learning is not for everyone. It can be time -consuming and pretty challenging. You have to have the desire and patience to be really good at it.

Here in this article, you will find general recommendations for English learners that could be helpful if you are planning to learn English on your own.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the things you need to learn the English language independently?
  2. What are the recommendations for English learners?
  3. How can you improve your English skills based on the article?
  4. What are the advantages of learning a new language?
  5. Why learning English on your own is not suitable for everyone?

Students Face Challenges with Online Learning

C1 – Advanced

The Covid-19 has changed the lives of children and families around the world. Schools have closed in many countries thereby disrupting education. Due to the closures, many school districts with internet access are shifting into online instruction. With the adoption of online learning, many people wonder if it could replace the traditional learning in the classroom.

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the challenges of students and parents in online learning?
  2. What are the the positive sides of learning online?
  3. Do you think online learning is as effective as formal, traditional learning in a classroom? Why/Why not?
  4. Do you think this kind of learning will persist after the pandemic?
  5. What do you think is the impact of online education to the worldwide education market?