Buying Pre-Loved Clothing More Important than Ever

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some people love shopping for clothes, bags, jewelry, and all sorts of other things that have already been used by others previously. These products are called “pre-loved”. As you are not the first to use/wear them, they are normally priced very low as compared to brand new ones.

Read the article on why buying pre-loved clothing is important now more than ever and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever bought pre-loved items before? What do you think about these products?
  2. Do you agree with the author’s opinion about pre-loved items? Why or why not?
  3. What are the impacts of “pre-loved” shopping to people and environment?
  4. Are your shopping habits less detrimental to the world if you shop secondhand items anyway? Explain your thoughts.
  5. How does this article change your mind about buying pre-loved items from now own?

The premium that we have to pay to have exclusive rights to be the first consumer to use the product is eliminated in pre-loved shopping and the preloved consumer can enjoy the same product for a drastically reduced price. It’s definitely a tantalizing offer that many cannot afford to miss out on .

Is Marijuana Bad for Your Brain?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The United States categorized marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance in 1970, which was the harshest classification imaginable and meant that it was fully banned and had no accepted medicinal use. The medicinal advantages of marijuana are now generally recognized, but this does not provide an answer to the question of whether marijuana usage for recreational purposes is harmful to the brain or not.

Watch the video to find out whether marijuana is really bad for your brain.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the view on marijuana in your country?
  2. Should marijuana be made legal? Why or why not?
  3. How would our society change if marijuana was legalized?
  4. Other than marijuana, what are known illegal drugs in your country?
  5. What penalties are imposed if someone is found selling or using illegal drugs?

Choosing a School

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When choosing a place to study, there are many factors to consider, including your learning style, your preferred atmosphere, how to tell whether your school is invested in your success, the types of assistance that various institutions provide, and, of course, the subject you want to pursue.

There are many options, which might be daunting, even if there are no right or wrong decisions.

Watch this video on how to choose a school carefully.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did you decide on the school/uni you were going to attend? What were the factors you took into consideration?
  2. How was your school/uni like?
  3. What were the best and worst thing about the school/uni you attended?
  4. Would you choose a different school if you had the chance to do so? Why or why not?
  5. What advice do you have for others who are going through the school-selection process?

Are GMOs Good or Bad?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

For centuries, farmers have been selectively breeding animals and plants for better results, this is a form of GMO. Yet this hasn’t faced scrutiny like scientific GMOs, and we ask, “why is that?”.

GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms have been criticized heavily by the general public due to many reasons, but is this skepticism justified or do GMOs actually help us live a better life?

What are their pros and cons from a scientific point of view?

To find out more, let’s watch this video.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the expression “get to the bottom of something” mean? Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What is “yield“? Use it in your own sentence.
  3. What does “pronounced” mean? Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. From your point of view, are GMOs good or bad? Elaborate on your stand.
  2. Can you think of any other pros and cons of GMOs? Cite all of them.
  3. Do you believe that there is a type of GMO that can help stop climate change? Explain your point.
  4. In your opinion, is there a way to help GMOs have a better reputation? How?
  5. What are some ways that you know GMOs are used?

Inside the Head of Jeff Bezos

B2 – Upper Intermediate

He is Amazon’s Executive Chairman. His whopping loot of around US$139 billion puts him on top of the list of the world’s richest. With all that he has achieved, one must be wondering, “What goes on in that mind of his?”.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript for a peek on how Jeff Bezos thinks.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can we learn from Jeff Bezos’ business sense and his story of success? 
  2. What do you think goes in the mind of super wealthy people such as Bezos most of the time?
  3. If you were very wealthy, what do you think would often occupy your thoughts?
  4. When Jeff Bezos’s friends talk about him, three words they often use are: invention, risk-taking and long-term vision. What do you think are three words your friends would use for and about you and why?
  5. What do you think is the secret to your business/company’s success?
  6. Which business person do you idolize and why?

VR Treat Fears and Phobias

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Virtual reality (VR) is a way for you to escape reality by putting on a headset. Ever since the invention of this device, it has been used in several ways.

One of the most recent ways it is being utilized is helping people treat their phobias and addressing serious issues such as domestic violence.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript to find out how VRs help treat fears and phobias.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of using VRs to overcome fears and phobias?
  2. If you had a phobia, would you consider using VR to try and solve your problem?
  3. Cite other uses of VRs.
  4. Discuss your opinion about the VR simulation project of virtual embodiment in a Barcelona prison.
  5. Talk about a time when ‘dropping your defenses’ helped you in a situation.

Tattoo Health Device

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Scientists in South Korea are developing a health device that can signal users about any possible health problems. Perhaps the most unique thing about it is that it is in the form of a tattoo. 

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about electronic ink.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of this medical technology?
  2. Do you think this device will be popular in the future? Why or why not?
  3. What might be its pros and cons?
  4. What devices do you use to monitor your health? Describe each of them.

Finding Your Mission

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

Every day, lots of people struggle to find their calling in life and not all of them succeed as it takes a lot of effort, patience, and know-how.

Watch the video and you’ll learn how to make the search for one’s calling easier. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think is your mission in life? How did you find out about it?
  2. What is a calling? Why do many people struggle to find their calling?
  3. How can you understand that you’ve finally found a calling in life?
  4. Which of your childhood dreams would you like to live out?
  5. Would you change your career to find something more interesting and suitable for you? Why or why not?
  6. What would you do if your loved ones were against your passion?

How People Drink Wine Around the World

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People’s choice of booze differs depending on many factors. But wine is undoubtedly one of the world’s most favorite. 

There are different ways people from every country enjoys this boozy drink.

Read the article about the different ways people drink their wine across the world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which points in this article did you find the most interesting and surprising, and why?
  2. Share other ways people consume their wine that you’ve heard of.
  3. What’s the best way to enjoy wine?
  4. Do you have the custom to BYOB in your country? Why or why not?
  5. Do you think drinking wine will become more or less popular in the future? Explain your point.

Earliest Medical Operation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When we look at how much the medical field has progressed over time, wouldn’t it be interesting to glance back at how it all started and how the first surgeries were like? 

A new research reveals that contrary to our beliefs that healthcare is a newer concept, prehistoric people were not exactly just left to their own device when it comes to their medical needs.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about possibly the earliest medical operation that dates back to 31,000 years ago.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this discovery?
  2. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “surgery”?
  3. Picture yourself living 31,000 years ago. How do you imagine the medical services would have been like? 
  4. Talk about a surgery or any medical procedures you have had and describe the procedures and medical technologies used for your treatment.
  5. Talk about a few of the most modern medical treatments and technologies that you know of and what do you think about them.