Spain’s Strangest Laws

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca approved fines of €600 ($820) for people daring to go shirtless in the city centre. To honour the occasion, The Local has rounded up some of the strangest laws in Spain. Read on to find out more.’s strangest laws


Discussion Questions:

1. What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘law’?

2. What laws in your country do you hate?

3. What’s the craziest law you know of?

4. Are there any laws in your country that you think should be made tighter?

5. Have you ever broken any laws?

French “Right to Disconnect” Law


B2 – Upper Intermediate

Work-life balance is a global issue now since we are constantly asked by our employers to be always online. The pressure and stakes are high. If we don’t follow them, we might not get the promotion we’ve long been aiming for or worst-case scenario, lose our jobs. But is all this worth the stress?

France had declared a new law that allows employees to have the right to disconnect. Some say it is what every country needs but is it really possible (to be TOTALLY disconnected from work)? Let’s read and start a discussion about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

1. What can cause a lot of stress according to this article?
2. What do you think about this new French law?
3. What are the advantages of this law for the employees? What are the disadvantages of this law for companies?
4. What new laws do you have in your country?