Japan Set For Invisible Trains

B1 – Intermediate

Japan is known for its technological advances. In 2018, the country will be launching its first invisible train.

Read the article below to know how this transport could be invisible. Be ready to practice your speaking skills by talking about transport systems.


Discussion Questions:

1. Describe the train that Kazuyo Sejima designed? Why is it called an invisible train?
2. How would you describe the trains in your country?
3. Have you taken the different trains in Europe? Have you visited other European countries using trains?
4. Would you say that public transportation in your country is very effective? What else could it improve on?

The Euro Turns 15

B1 – Intermediate

The European Union brought on a lot of changes. One of them is the change of currency. 2017 marks the 15th year for the euro currency. Was it a good idea? Will it last for many more years? Click the link below to watch the video and express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. What did the video say about the challenges of the euro currency?
2. What do you remember about the events in your country when your currency changed to euro?
3. Why do you think the United Kingdom decided to keep the British pound when they joined the EU?
4. What is your opinion of having one currency?

What’s Your Superpower?

B1 – Intermediate

In the past few years the number of superhero films has seemed like it doubled. You’ve got different movies from Marvel and DC Comics left and right. And people just can’t get enough of them.

Click the link below and listen to the podcast about superhero and superhero films. Feel free to listen more than once and to read the transcript as well.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about superhero films?
  2. What are some of the superhero films that you think are actually good?
  3. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
  4. Do you think such films are good for children? Are they bad for children?
  5. Did you read comic books when you were a child? Have you heard of manga comic books?

Venezuela Seizes Toys for Its Children

B1 – Intermediate

The government of Venezuela has decided to confiscate some toys from a distributor to give them to children for free or at discounted prices in time for Christmas. Do you think the government has the right to do this?

Read the article and let’s discuss.


 Discussion Questions:

1. What is your general opinion about the article?
2. How important are toys to children?
3. What are some of the toys that you enjoyed during your childhood?
4. What can you say about the toys of children today?
5. Is the government right to take the toys for the children?

Speaking Activity : Beauty

beautyB1 – Intermediate

Beauty and being beautiful has been a misleading issue to men and women alike. Dozens and hundreds of campaigns have been launched to remind people of how beauty can be relative. But what is beauty?

Answer the questions below and be ready to have a speaking activity with your teacher.


1. Do you think beauty is the same for every person?
2. Do you think that different cultures think about beauty differently?
3. What do you think of plastic surgery?
4. What is the most common plastic surgery in your country?
5. What does “Beauty is only skin deep.” mean?
6. What kind of beauty contests are popular in your country? Do they have beauty contests for men too?
7. Do you personally know anyone who have gotten plastic surgery?
8. Who are the most beautiful/handsome celebrities in your country?
9. What makes someone beautiful?
10. Do you think science can measure beauty?

Vocabulary: ‘I am Dead Meat’

B1 – Intermediate

Watch the video below and learn how to use the expression “I’m dead meat”. Be ready to answer some discussion question as well.


1. Explain the expression “I am dead meat”.
2. Why did the character in the video say that he is “dead meat?”
3. What are other situations you can use the expression “I am dead meat”?
4. Describe a time you were in trouble or in a middle of a difficult situation.

Low Social Status Bad for Health

B1 – Intermediate

Social status is defined as “the position or rank of a person or group, within the society.” Is a person’s social status really important? How relevant is it to you? Read the article below then be ready to answer the discussion questions.


Discussion Questions:

1. Why is social status important?
2. Do cars and other things make people happier?
3. How can lots of money change your social status?
4. Are rich people happier because of their social status? Explain.

Speaking Activity: Wishes


B1 – Intermediate

It’s normal for people to have wishes and specific preferences in life. What are some of yours? Answer the questions below and be ready to have a discussion about wishes with your teacher.


1. Have you ever wished for additional hours to the day?
2. Have you ever thought about changing your appearance?
3. Would you like to move to a new house? What is your ideal living space?
4. Would you like to study again?
5. Would you like to have another job? What is your ideal job?
6. How can you enjoy your life more?
7. How can you maintain your health? What can you do to improve your health?
8. Would you like to have more friends? Would you consider yourself sociable?

Scientists Grow More Crops

B1 – Intermediate

Lack of food supply in the future is a constant fear and would possibly become real if we don’t do anything about it now. Find out what a group of scientists did to create the super crops of the future.


Discussion Questions:

1. How did scientists make the crops bigger?
2. What do you think of genetically modifying plants and crops?
3. What are the dangers of genetically modified food?
4. What are the benefits of genetically modified food?
5. Why are so many people in the world without food?

Euthanasia -Pros and Cons of Mercy Killing

B1 – Intermediate

Euthanasia has always been a controversial topic. It also has other names. It is sometimes called assisted suicide and mercy killing.

Click the link below to know more about euthanasia and its pros and cons.

Euthanasia -Pros and Cons of Mercy Killing


1. Are you in favor of euthanasia?
2. Could euthanasia be used as a means of health care cost containment?
3. Is Euthanasia allowed in your country?