The Real Reason Conspiracy Theories Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Conspiracy theories are defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances by usually powerful conspirators in which existed for about a hundred of years and it continues to flourish until the present time and with the power of the internet, it has quickly accelerated and grown its power. However, is it social media sites’ responsibility to make sure that the videos they promote more likely meet the standard of truth? Or is it our sole responsibility as viewers to verify the accuracy of a certain claim?

Watch the video below that explains why humans fall for conspiracy theories.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that conspiracy theories are dangerous?
  2. Have you seen any conspiracy theories featured on TV or YouTube?
  3. How do you know if the video is factual or fabricated?
  4. Why do you think it is becoming popular on social media?
  5. Do you think conspiracy theories are just interesting and fun or do you think it could present serious consequences?
  6. Talk about a conspiracy theory that you believe in.

Benefits of Social Events

B2 – Upper Intermediate

New research found that going to concerts, barhopping, and taking part in other social events could make us healthier. They are restorative environments where people can go to relax, recharge, and boost their mental and physical well-being. As these activities make people healthier, they make lives longer.

Read the article and answer the questions below:

Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you go to live concerts, shows, and other social events?
  2. What are your favorite social events and activities?
  3. According to the article, how does it affect our health?
  4. Do you agree that these activities positively affect our health and lengthen our life expectancy? Why or Why not?
  5. In order to live longer, how do you keep yourself healthy?
  6. If you were to live a life with longevity, how do you plan to enjoy your long years?

Children and Electronics

B1 – Intermediate

Internet addiction has been an issue for too long. Using electronics can prevent children from playing sports, studying their lessons, or socializing with others. Parents, on the other hand, still play the biggest role in guiding kids in using devices. However, a recent study shows that children are using electronics more than ever. What are we doing wrong?

Please read the article below and be ready to share your opinions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can parents strongly make rules for using devices at home?
  2. How else do electronic devices create a negative impact on children and society?
  3. Can you think of a more rational solution to resolve children’s addiction to using electronic devices?

Museumgoers and Concertgoers Could Live Longer

B1 – Intermediate

Museum and concert enthusiasts now have more reasons to stick to their interests. A research shows that visiting museums and watching live concerts could help people live longer.

Please read the article below and be ready to share your opinions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Tell me about your experiences going to museums and concerts. Which do you prefer doing between the two?
  2. What other activities do you think could help improve our mental health and could help us live longer lives?
  3. Why do you think some people do not fancy watching concerts or visiting museums?
  4. What things are you doing so you could live longer?

Chatting to New People

B2 – Upper Intermediate

“Don’t talk to strangers.” That is the advice we hear from parents to their young ones for safety reasons. In contrast, this may be terrible advice for adults.

Let’s listen to the podcast and find out why it is good to talk to strangers.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you like talking to strangers?

2. Do you like starting the conversation or do you wait for others to initiate contact?

3. According to the podcast, why is it good to talk to strangers? Do you agree with these reasons?

Living By the Sea Makes Us Happier

B1 – Intermediate

They say, ‘home is where the heart is‘. Who lives happier lives – is it the people who live by the beach or the ones who reside in the inland?

Read the article and find out how living near the coast helps with mental health.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the result of the study?
  2. In which place do you want to live that could make you happier?
  3. What might be reasons living near the beach helps improve our mental health?

Dealing with Self-doubt

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Whenever you are preparing for something, most likely there is something that might prevent you from thinking that you’ll succeed in doing it. It is what we call the evil within or our self-doubt. We are often told not to be overwhelmed with negative thoughts and trust one’s self to overcome obstacles and succeed in whatever you are aiming for. However, most of us are struggling with how to fight the devil within ourselves.

Watch this video about five things you can do to eliminate self-doubt.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever felt self- doubt? Share your experience/experiences.
  2. In general, are you confident in yourself? Or are you plagued by doubts?
  3. What role does self-doubt play in your life? Does it affect your performance at school or work?
  4. What are the sources of your self-doubt?
  5. Do you have your own strategies to deal with self-doubt? How effective have they been?

Time Outs to Discipline Children

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Time out is often used by parents nowadays as a form of discipline to their misbehaving children. Some suggest that this can be ineffective and even harmful to a child’s emotional health and the relationship with their parents. While others say it doesn’t affect the child’s behavior.

Let’s know more about the effects of time outs on children.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of time-outs as a punishment?

2, What measures of discipline do/would you give your children?

3. How might time-outs affect parent-child relationships?

4, How effective are time-outs in disciplining children?

5. How’s your parenting skills like?



Active or Reflective Listening

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When we think of communication, we think of talking. That’s where we’re wrong. Listening is also a crucial skill that is necessary for effective communication.

Active listening involves full concentration, understanding, responding and looping back.

Watch the video and learn tips and expressions you can use when the need for active or reflective listening arise.

Read the article here as well:

Discussion Questions:
1. Discuss the 6 tips from the video. Which expression/s or tip/s did you find most useful/interesting? Why?
2. Talk about a situation when you lend someone your ear.
3. Do you agree that listening is helping?
4. How important is talking and listening during difficult times for you?
5. What are other ways to show someone your support during tough times?

The Stanford Experiment

C1 – Advanced

In August 1971, Stanford University psychology professor Philip Zimbardo set up a simulated prison in the basement of the university’s building and hired ordinary people to play the roles of guards and prisoners. The experiment was supposed to last for 2 weeks. However, things got out of hand and they had to shut it down on the 6th day.

Watch the video to learn more about the Standford Experiment.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the Stanford experiment about? What is the “Lucifer effect”?
  2. What is your opinion about/reaction to this experiment?
  3. How did the experiment transform the participants playing as guards?
  4. In your opinion, was it ethical to conduct this experiment even with the written consent of the participants?
  5. Would you be interested to participate in a social experiment?