Ways the Rich Signal Their Wealth

C1 – Advanced

Long time ago, corsets and silver spoons symbolized high social position. In the modern times, more middle-class people can go on fancy vacations and afford luxury bags too. The challenge for the super rich is to look for ways to set them apart in terms of their elite social status.

Read this article to find out how the elites mark their social position.


Discussion Questions:

1. According to this article, how are the rich establishing their status now?
2. What are your thoughts on conspicuous and inconspicuous consumption?
3. Why do you think the super rich are spending less on material goods and the middle-income groups are going on the opposite direction?

Students in Amsterdam Share Housing With Refugees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are at least two biggest problems in every European country. They are: the influx of refugees and the increasing prices of apartments. Amsterdam might have a solution to this problem. They have introduced a new concept called “Startblok” where university students can live in a low-priced good quality apartments with refugees.

Watch the video, listen to the audio and read the article to know more about this integration project between university students and refugees.


Discussion Questions:

1. What are the students and refugees expected to do in exchange for the cheap housing?
2. What are your thoughts on the “Startblok” project? Do you see this succeeding in your country?
3. What is the general attitude towards refugees in your country? Do you think that refugees find it difficult to integrate into your local community?
4. Is housing cheap in your country? Would you ever consider moving abroad because of lower housing costs?


Middle School Students Advocate for Mitchell’s Law

B1 – Intermediate

Middle schoolers passed a resolution in the Senate to lobby for police animals rights. Everyone awaits whether this will eventually become a law after it passes in the State Assembly.

Find out more about their proposed law below:


Discussion Questions:

1. Who is Mitchell and what is the Mitchell’s Law?
2. In your opinion, is Mitchell’s Law relevant to other parts of the world?
3. Do you think it’s acceptable for children to take part in law-making?

Food Waste

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Food waste is food that is discarded or uneaten. Each year, we dispose of a third of the world’s food.

Listen to this podcast to learn more about food wastage and ways to stop it.


Let’s talk:

1. Where does the biggest percentage of food waste come from?

2. What usually happens to the food we waste?

3. What are the consequences of food waste?

4. What is Selina Juul doing to stop food waste in Denmark? What are other ways to avoid wasting food?

5. What do you tend to do with your leftovers?

6. How’s not finishing your food viewed in your country?

Drunk Driving

B1 – Intermediate

Driving under the influence, or driving while impaired, is the crime or offense of operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other drugs (including recreational drugs and those prescribed by physicians), to a level that renders the driver incapable of operating a motor vehicle safely.

Linda Hunt

In 1994, in the town of Barrie in central Canada, Linda Hunt, a part-time receptionist at Incentive Realty, got drunk at an office Christmas party. Her boss noticed what had happened and told her if she was going to drink any more she had to call her husband and ask him to come and pick her up. The boss had also told all the employees before the party began that, if they felt they were too drunk to drive home safely, the company would pay for a taxi.

But Linda ignored her boss’s warning. She felt all right. After the party, Linda and some of her co-workers went to P.J.’s pub in Barrie and continued drinking. By the time Linda left the pub and headed home, it was snowing—and Linda had more than twice the legal limit of alcohol in her blood. Several of her friends offered her a ride but she refused. On the road she lost control of her car and hit a truck. She received serious head injuries, including brain damage. She was in hospital for several months and needed both physiotherapy and speech therapy. Seven years later, she was still suffering from pain and mild amnesia.

On February 6, 2001 an Ontario Superior Court judge announced that Linda’s company and P.J.’s pub had to pay Linda a large part of the money she had lost because she was not able to work after the accident. Together they were ordered to pay more that $300,000, but, because the pub was not in business anymore, the realty company where Linda worked had to pay the whole amount.

There have been at least two other cases in Canada where an employer was held partly responsible for an accident caused by a employee drinking on the job, but this decision was important because it was the first time in Canada that an employer of a drunken driver has been found partly responsible for an accident even though they had warned their employee not to drive.

Linda Hunt’s lawyer was interviewed after the decision was announced. He said that, because of this case, there is now a possibility that people who allow their friends to get drunk in their homes, and then allow them to drive home will be held responsible for an accident.

– information from: Globe and Mail (Toronto), 01.02.06, and Toronto Star, 01.02.06

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about drunk driving?

2. What are the penalties for drunk driving in your country?

3. Should the passengers/friends of a drunk driver also be punished?

4. Is drunk driving one of the biggest causes of road accidents in your country?

5. Is it fair to hold the employer responsible for an accident caused by a drunk employee?

Housing in Spain and Poverty

B1 – Intermediate

Housing generally refers to the social problem of ensuring that members of society have a home in which they can live in, whether this is a house, or some other kinds of dwelling, lodging, or shelter.

Watch the video below about housing in Spain and its connection to poverty.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree with the woman in the video?
  2. Do you know anything about your government’s housing policy?
  3. Does your government provide housing for people on low or no income?
  4. Is it easy to find good quality housing in your town?
  5. How can housing be made affordable for everyone?
  6. What issues will arise with housing of the future?

Egg Freezing Perk for Female Employees

B1 – Intermediate

Apple and Facebook are among the biggest tech firms known for giving their employees, some might call, “awesome” work perks.

Recently, some companies decided they will provide financial assistance to their female staff should they opt to go for egg-freezing in their 20s or 30s.

Read the article to know more about this egg freezing perk.


Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think of this perk?
2. What are your thoughts on this statement: “When [IVF] is done purely to protect their job, I think it’s extraordinary that women think this is liberating.”?
3. What unique perks are given to employees at your company?
4. What perks do you want your company to start giving out to its employees?
5. What do you think is the best age to start having children. Tell some reasons why.

Literature to Explain Migrants to Children

B2 – Upper intermediate

Reading and literature brings about many benefits, especially in children. In Bologna, Italy, a book fair for children is featuring something different and very timely.

Take a look at the video below then express your thoughts.

Video: Book fair features literature to explain migrants to children


1. What is the point of this unique book fair in Bologna?
2. What are other ways we can educate children about migrants and the Syrian war?
3. Are book fairs a popular idea in your country? Have you been to one?
4. What are your preferences in books? Reading materials?
5. What are the advantages of children being exposed to reading books at an early age?


Funeral Discounts for Japan’s Elderly

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In Japan, the authorities have been encouraging the older people to give up their licenses to reduce traffic related accidents that involve seniors.  A  funeral discount is given to them  to do the trick.  What do you think of this initiative? How successful do you think this strategy will be?

Let’s read more:


Discussion Questions:

1. How safe are the roads in your country?
2. Who are the most dangerous drivers in your country?
3. What would you do to make roads safer?
4. Should seniors have stickers on their cars to warn other drivers?
5. Should there be an age at which people should stop driving?
6. What kind of driver are you?

Video: Iran Pre-Nups Put Men in Jail

B2 – Upper intermediate

Every country has specific laws when it comes to marriage and separation. In Iran, a specific system is threatening husbands to face jail time if they fail to give spousal support.

Watch the video and be ready to answer discussion questions.

Iran pre-nups land thousands of men in jail


1. What is the “mehrieh” system and how is it affecting husbands?
2. What is the Iranian government doing to combat the problems in the “mehrieh” system?
3. Does your country have very strict rules when it comes to divorce and separation?
4. Are there cultural practices in your country regarding marriage that you think should be changed?