The World’s Ageing Population


B2 – Upper intermediate

The dilemma of an increase of elderly people is truer than we think.

The article below shows facts about the current population trend and its disadvantages. Share your thoughts and knowledge related to this issue.

The World’s Ageing Population


1. Are there more younger people than older individuals in your country?
2. How does your government take care of the senior citizens?
3. What are the effects of an ageing population to a country?

Robin Hood – A Great Legend or a Mythology

B1 – Intermediate

A legend is a story that has been passed from generation to generation but cannot be proved as true. Each country has its own legend to tell its people. Some legends are popular worldwide.

Listen to the audio clip and study the vocabulary words. Be ready to use the words in sentences and to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you familiar with the story of Robin Hood? What do you think about him and what he is doing?
  2. Talk about a person you think is like Robin Hood.
  3. What are legends that you know?
  4. Do you enjoy stories about history or the olden times? Why or why not?

Study: ‘Bad luck’ can Cause Cancer

C2 – Proficient

You’ve got people who smoke and live to be 90. Then you’ve got fit ones who are diagnosed in their 40s.

Read the article and watch the video to know the different causes of cancer

Scientists: Random gene mutations primary cause of most cancer


1. Is health a priority for you?
2. How do you think a disease can be avoided?
3. Did your opinion on healthy living change after reading the article?
4. Do you immediately see a doctor when you are ill?
5. In your opinion, is it expensive to follow a healthy lifestyle?

Is Your Voice Holding You Back?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We’re guilty of judging people based on how they sound. We’ve also made fun of some along the way. Let’s find out how people perceive voice in general and how we can make some improvements.

Click the link below to read the article. Watch the video as well to get extra information on how your voice can hold you back.

 Discussion Questions:

1. Why do some people want to change their voice?
2. What is vocal fry and what do you think about it?
3. Have you ever been annoyed by anyone because of the sound of their voice?

Cities with the Worst Traffic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Traffic by definition is the movement of vehicles, ships, aircraft, or persons in an area or over a route. Do you know some terminologies involved when talking about traffic? This article will provide some terms as you also learn the current top 10 cities in the world with the worst traffic.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. How bad is the traffic condition in your city?
  2. What can you say about rush hour traffic in your city?
  3. How do you commute to work?

Kinds of People You Don’t Want in a Meeting

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As professionals we’ve had our share of endless meetings. Some were productive but some were pointless. The agenda is important but so are the people attending the meeting. It turns out that meeting participants can affect the mood or environment in a meeting.

Here is an article to help you identify what kind of meeting  attendee you should and shouldn’t be.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you recognized any of the types among your colleagues?
2. Are you any of these types?
3. What do you think is the worst kind of attendee?
4. Can you think of other type/s that you can add to the list?

Three-Person Babies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Britain is the first country to have a type of procedure called ” mitochondrial replacement therapy.” It is to avoid women from passing diseases or disorders to their children.

However, there are different public reactions to this procedure that really frightens and offends others.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your stand on this treatment?
2. Would you dare try MRT even if it may threaten your and your child’s health?
3. What is your opinion on gene mutation?
4. Has science gone beyond it distinctive procedures?

Qualities Shared by Superstar Employees

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you a superstar employee?  Is your boss happy about your performance?

Let’s check some valuable characteristics an indispensable worker must possess.

Read the article below to know the traits you can embody to become a superstar employee. Be sure to also watch the video.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think about the qualities mentioned?
2. Do you have some, if not all, of these characteristics?
3. Which one do you think is the easiest to do? Which one do you think is the hardest?
4. How can you become indispensable in your company?

Eating Habits for Better Thinking


C1 – Advanced

Have you fed your brain yet? There are some eating habits that can help you boost your brainpower.  Optimize your thinking ability by making a slight diet or lifestyle change.

Click the title below to know more about the four kinds of food that are good for the brain.

4 eating habits that could boost your critical thinking


1. Do you agree with what the article is saying?
2. Aside from those mentioned, do you know of other brain food that we can eat for better critical thinking?
3. How do you stay focused at work?

How to Live a Positive Life


C1 – Advanced

In our modern world, it can sometimes be impossible to stay positive. There are a lot of things that can cause us stress, either personally or professionally.

Read the article below and know more about steps we can take to help us look at the bright side.

10 Rules to Live By for Those Who Want to Live a Positive Life


1. How important is it to be positive?
2. Do you agree with the steps mentioned in the article? Would you add more to it?
3. What are some of the activities you do or habits you have to keep yourself from being pessimistic?