Dealing with Meeting Overload

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There is probably not a single employee in the world who’s free from meetings. The work culture nowadays is so obsessed with meetings that it takes the productivity out of the employee. Instead of focusing on essential work or projects, employees have to sit through some long hours trying to dissect some agenda that oftentimes can be dealt with by a few people in a few minutes.

Now that the digital workspace has been a generally acceptable avenue for the current situation, employees are no less immune to the demands of a meeting now and then. Being able to reach people even when they’re away from the office gives more reasons to accommodate calls for meetings because it is now more possible to do so.

So how do we alter this culture and improve productivity? It really is in our hands. Watch this video for some tips on what to do to be more in control of your calendar.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What has been your experience with meetings in the workplace?
  2. Do you agree with the tips laid out in the video? Why or why not?
  3. Which of the tips is the most effective? Why?
  4. Have you tried any of the tips mentioned in the video? How did it go?
  5. What other tips would you add to the list that would be effective in managing your schedule?

Companies Lean Harder on Non-Parents

B2 – Upper Intermediate

With work getting very demanding nowadays, certain groups of workers are affected by some work arrangements. Parents can easily get away with leaving work early, getting extra days off, or not showing up because of domestic duties. The pressure to cover certain hours or work loads now falls on workers without kids.

Little by little, non-parents feel as if their voices or needs are not as important or respected as those of the parents. They believe that they also deserve the same benefits or leeway that the companies give parents.

Read the article below to see the differences in the work setup that non-parents experience and what they yearn for from the management.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think that there’s a huge tension building up between parents and non-parents in the workplace? Why?
  2. Do you believe that there are higher expectations for non-parents to work harder and perform better? Why?
  3. Why do you think it’s important for company management to take their employees’ concerns into account?
  4. What are some policies that you can propose for a good working environment?
  5. What are some countries that have some of the best working environments?

Flight Attendants Wear Comfortable Clothes

B1 – Intermediate

Flight attendants must maintain a certain look. We usually see flight attendants in a business jacket with either pants, skirt, or dress, hair neatly pulled back, all made-up, and wearing heels. However, flight attendants of a Ukrainian airline told their company they are not happy wearing heels and tight skirts anymore.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about flight attendants’ new way of dressing.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the normal flight attendant’s clothes or uniform?
  2. What can you say about flight attendants being able to wear comfortable pants and shoes?
  3. Do you think this initiative could be good for the company? Why or why not?
  4. What was the best and worst experience you have had with a flight attendant?

Dangerous Egyptian Haircut

B1 – Intermediate

An Egyptian barber was given the nickname ‘The Joker’. He became famous for using unusual tools in cutting his costumers’ hair.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on a barber’s unusual haircutting tools and techniques.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about his style of cutting hair?
  2. What are the good and bad things about this barber’s way of working?
  3. Would you like to try getting a haircut from him? Why or why not?
  4. Talk about your favorite barber/hairdresser. Why do you like him/her?
  5. Barbers and salons were not considered essential business during the pandemic lockdowns. In your opinion, are barbers and salons essential business and should remain open during lockdowns? Why or why not?

How to Weigh Job Benefits

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When you finally got a job offer, after weeks or even months of job searching, you might want to think twice before accepting it. Not every job offer is the right one for you, so you’ll need to evaluate it carefully before accepting it. The hardest part when deciding whether to accept a job offer is weighing the benefits.

Watch the video below on how to weigh job offers.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What influences your choice of company to work for?
  2. In your opinion, what is the most important benefit offered by your company?
  3. What made you decide to accept your company’s job offer?
  4. If you can make a suggestion to your company, what benefit/s would you like your company to offer to its employees?


B1 – Intermediate

Big businesses always want to find ways to cut their costs. One of them is to employ the goods and services from and of sweatshops. The labor cost is extremely cheap but the ugly truth is, the labor condition of people working there is horrible.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about sweatshops.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion of sweatshops?
  2. What are sweatshops for?
  3. Why are sweatshops a horrible place?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that big multinational companies have a big responsibility to make sure their goods do not come from sweatshops? Explain your opinion.
  5. Is it possible to end businesses such as sweatshops? Explain.

Nike Workers Get a Week Off to De-stress

B1 – Intermediate

It almost seem like the world has gone crazy! It is quite a very stressful time for everyone. 

When we are stressed at work, we usually take a day off to relax and disconnect. But, has your company ever offered you days off to do that? Nike did it for their workers. 

Read the lesson on Nike giving its workers one week off to help them de-stress. Then, be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this initiative from Nike?
  2. Is it possible for your company to do the same? Why or why not?
  3. What does your company do to help workers who are very stressed out?
  4. What do you usually do to de-stress?
  5. “Taking time for rest and recovery is key to performing well.” Do you agree or disagree? Share your opinion.

Toxic Workplaces Increase Depression Risk

B1 – Intermediate

Being satisfied at school or at work can, at times, be challenging. Work environment satisfaction is determined by how much a person likes what he/she is doing.

 Having a negative and a toxic work environment can cause anxiety and depression which may lead to some mental and health problems.

Let’s read the article below to know more about toxic workplaces increase depression risk.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can workers do about toxic workplaces?
  2. How do bad workplaces affect people?
  3. What responsibility do managers have to create a positive workplace?
  4. What is your ideal workplace?
  5. How is your workplace like?
  6. Have you ever worked in a toxic workplace? How was it?

Four-Day Workweek’s Overwhelming Success

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Throughout the years, governments and employers have been spending loads of effort to improve employees’ work-life balance.

One of the ideas is the four-day workweek that has been around for years even before the pandemic started. It is in which workers work fewer numbers of hours or days while still being paid the same amount. This concept is starting to gain international attention. In fact, some countries have started experimenting with it, one of which is Iceland.

Click the article and read how the four-day workweek experiment turned out in Iceland.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction and thoughts on this news? What does it mean for all workers around the world?
  2. How did the four-day workweek experiment turn out in Iceland?
  3. Do you think a four-day workweek at your office would affect your productivity?
  4. What are some effects of a good work-life balance?
  5. Do you think a four-day workweek will become the norm in the future? Why or why not?

Career Search

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Assigning a job as “male” or “female” hurts both genders. It lessens the chances of the excluded gender to be considered in the same position regardless of how highly-qualified the person is. There are jobs that are gender-stereotyped such as firefighters, hairdressers, nurses etc. Fortunately, gender lines are blurring in the recent years.

Listen to the audio about career search.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What career does the woman want to pursue? How about her boyfriend?
  2. What’s Ryan’s opinion on their career choices?
  3. Do you agree that some jobs are gender-specific? If so, give examples.
  4. How did you decide on your chosen career?
  5. How easy/difficult was it for you to establish yourself in your chose field? Share your experience/s.