Budget Cuts

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When business isn’t doing good, some companies opt to cut costs so they can still operate. In the process of doing so, they are dealt with tough decisions such as cutting back on projects and staff. Employees panic when there are issues like this going around the office.

Watch the video and find out more about when rumors travel through the office.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What jobs were mentioned in the video?
  2. What did the workers think the meeting would be about? Why did they think so?
  3. Some office issues start with a rumor, how do we prevent them?
  4. Has your company undergone budget cuts before? What measures did they have to take?
  5. Talk about some rumors that spread within your company that caused some issues among the employees.

Stop Rushing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you always in a hurry? We all know that  time  is very precious  to us and so we want to be efficient with it. But what if it’s more efficient to do things slowly? What if being in a fast lane would actually slow us down?

Read the article and be ready to discuss the questions that follow:


Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you always in a hurry? In what situation are you usually in a hurry?
  2. What are the disadvantages of being in a rush?
  3. Are there benefits of it? What are they?