It Only Takes One Bad Apple

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Recent studies have shown that negative vibes have stronger influence in the workplace. An employee with a negative behavior could easily influence the rest of the team and might have undesirable effects on the team dynamics and quality of work.

Read the article to learn more about how negative behavior at work affect others around.

There is an old saying: It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. The idiom can be applied to every day life. A recent research report indicates that “one bad apple” can quickly spoil the atmosphere of the office. An employee with a negative attitude brings conflict and stress to the workplace. A problem employee usually doesn’t do an equal amount of work, is always unhappy and complaining, and bullies others.

Negative behavior, the researchers found, is much stronger than positive behavior. As such, several positive employees can’t change the mood created by one negative teammate. In fact, it often leads to a downward spiral, with more and more employees becoming unhappier and unhappier as time continues. The news comes out of the University of Washington.

In order to solve the problem, companies need to deal with the negativity immediately. One answer is to have the employee work alone as much as possible. In effect, he should be isolated from other team members work-wise. Better yet, ensure that effective hiring practices prevent the problem from entering the building. Training managers to better determine potential hires helps, as do personality tests. These can identify and remove emotionally unstable or disagreeable people.

Case in point: The wife of the report’s lead author noticed that when a problem employee at her office was sick for several days, the atmosphere quickly changed. People began to help one another. They played classical music on their radios. Many went out for drinks after work. However, once the problem returned, the toxic atmosphere returned, too.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree, that “one bad apple spoils the bunch?” Why/not?
  2. Have you ever had a similar experience as the example? What happened when the negative person was away?
  3. If your office were “toxic,” would you consider quitting? Why/not?
  4. What other solutions do you think might work with a bad apple? Why?
  5. Do you think that a bad apple usually knows he creates a negative atmosphere? Why/not?

Job Promotions Unhealthy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As employees, we always strive to go up the corporate ladder as we stay longer in a company. As we become more successful in our career, we are faced with more responsibilities and challenges. These things cause stress. Studies in the past indicate that stress is a silent and deadly killer.

Read the article below then express your thoughts.

Ambition drives people at work to succeed, receive recognition, and eventually move up the chain of command.  And with promotions and increased responsibilities also come dreams of new cars, bigger homes, more exotic vacations, and perhaps an earlier, more fulfilling retirement.  Yet new research out of Britain irrefutably showed that promotions at work may actually harm the health of people.

Research indicated that the mental health of people worsened with a promotion.  What’s more, it wasn’t a short-term deterioration but instead continued for the long term.  Mental strain increased by an average of 10%.  In addition, people were more likely to skip visits to the doctor, citing stress and a general lack of time that unexpectedly came with the new job.  The research also showed that a promotion offered no health benefits whatsoever.

Past studies have shown what a silent and deadly killer stress can be, as it affects every part of the body.  Stress can lead to heart disease, cancer, depression, and even more bouts with the common cold because it slows or shuts down important bodily functions like digestion, physical growth, and parts of the immune system.  Although this is just temporary, frequent and severe stress causes the slow down to occur again and again.  The effects are compounded over time.

The findings came from an annual survey which also included information from roughly 1,000 newly promoted people.  And although the poor economy and the threat of joblessness loom large enough to cause stress for some, there’s now something else to worry about too: recognition and job promotion.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “chain of command” mean, “Ambition drives people at work to succeed, receive recognition, and eventually move up the chain of command.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “bout” mean here, “Stress can lead to heart disease, cancer, depression, and even more bouts with the common cold because it slows or shuts down important bodily functions like digestion, physical growth, and parts of the immune system.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “compounded” mean, “The effects are compounded over time.” Use this word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some areas that generally cause stress at work? How about areas for you at your job?
  2. Do you agree that the new job responsibilities that come with a promotion are stressful?
  3. Why are some people so ambitious that they seek promotions again and again?
  4. Have you ever heard the term “work-life balance?” What do you think it means?

Generation Y – Their Attitudes towards Work and Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Members of Generation Y are born in a time of constant access to technology in their youth. Also called millennials, this generation has been, somewhat, criticized for how they view life.

Read the article below then express your thoughts about the topic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the different characteristics of Generation Y?
  2. What is your opinion of generation Y?
  3. What do you think are some of the advantages or disadvantages of other generations?
  4. Are people from the “older” generation always more wise and correct in their ways of thinking and choices? Why or why not?

Sitting May Be Dangerous For Your Health

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Sitting on an office chair for prolonged periods of time can definitely cause lower back pain or worsen an existing back problem. What else are the other effects?

Read the article below to know more about the consequences of sitting for too long.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this?
  2. How long do you usually sit everyday? What do you notice are its effects on you/your body?
  3. How do you make your lifestyle less sedentary?
  4. What can you do to curb the amount of time you spend on the chair?
  5. What other things have effects on a person’s longevity?

The Job of a Food Stylist

B2 – Upper Intermediate

They say, “We eat with our eyes.” Have you ever wondered why food or dishes in magazines look so mouth-watering?

Watch the video below about the job of a food stylist and see what a dish goes through before it is advertised online or on print.

 Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe how Lisa Cherkasky became a food stylist.
  2. Share your thoughts on this kind of profession.
  3. How important is this kind of job?
  4. Do you get hungry when you look at appetizing food photos on books or on TV? Did you get hungry after watching the video?
  5. What are some food you usually crave for?

Why I Gave Up a $95,000 Job

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There comes a point when a vacation is just what we need. We need to relax and have a breather to be able to come back recharged and sharper. But, as the author adds, “If you’re constantly thinking you need a vacation, maybe what you really need is a new life.”

The article below is a story of a journalist who gave up her job to move to an island to simplify her life. Express your thoughts after reading.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is you reaction to the article?
  2. What are your thoughts on living in a competitive city where you have to spend most of your time working to afford to live?
  3. What are your thoughts on this statement: “ambitious people are often overscheduled”?
  4. Share your opinion on this statement: “If you’re constantly thinking you need a vacation, maybe what you really need is a new life.”
  5. Where and how would you most likely spend it in case you want a change in your life and why that place?

Mistakes You Can Make at Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s one thing to notice someone else’s attitude. It’s another to notice your own. You may be performing very well but your colleagues hold you on low regard due to some behaviors you manifest.

Read the article below to find out some office behaviors or mistakes workers do at work.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to cast someone in a negative/bad light” mean, “No matter how talented you are or what you’ve accomplished, there are certain behaviors that instantly change the way people see you and forever cast you in a negative light.“? Write your own sentence using this idiom.
  2. What does “at all costs” mean, “The following list contains nine of the most notorious behaviors that you should avoid at all costs.“? Give 2 synonyms and write your own sentence using this idiom.
  3. What does “to take credit for someone else’s work” mean, “Taking credit for someone else’s work­—no matter how small—creates the impression that you haven’t accomplished anything significant on your own.” Give 2 synonyms and write your own sentence using this idiom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How well do you blend in with the people in your office?
  2. Are you familiar with any of the behaviors mentioned in the article? Share some experiences.
  3. Do you almost always try to be at your best behavior but still feel that you’re not giving enough due to prying eyes especially at work?
  4. How do you deal with coworkers who could be a bit difficult to work with?
  5. What are some things you can’t stand people who you work/you’ve worked with do?

Getting Caught Red-Handed

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We always try to do our job well. Who would want to be caught slacking off or doing something you aren’t supposed to during your shift.

Check out the article and video below then share your thoughts on the employee’s actions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Did you think what happened to the traffic reporter was funny or unfortunate? Do you think he handled the situation well?
  2. If you were in the traffic reporter’s place, how would you handle the situation?
  3. If you were the station manager, would you do anything to reprimand the employee?
  4. Share a situation where you were caught red-handed.

Kinds of People You Don’t Want in a Meeting

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As professionals we’ve had our share of endless meetings. Some were productive but some were pointless. The agenda is important but so are the people attending the meeting. It turns out that meeting participants can affect the mood or environment in a meeting.

Here is an article to help you identify what kind of meeting  attendee you should and shouldn’t be.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you recognized any of the types among your colleagues?
2. Are you any of these types?
3. What do you think is the worst kind of attendee?
4. Can you think of other type/s that you can add to the list?

How to Stay Focused at Work When You’re the Boss

C1 – Advanced

Whether you are a simple employee, a manager or a company owner, you  need to stay focused on your job to be continuously productive. However, there’s almost always something that may distract you and could affect your performance at work.

In the link below, CEO’s of different companies share how they stay focused on their job.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say on this statement: “The CEO’s job is not for the faint-hearted.” ?
  2. What’s your impression on CEOs and bosses in general?
  3. What does it take to be a great boss/CEO?
  4. How do you stay focused at what you do? How do you deal with distractions at work?
  5. For you, what would be the best working conditions to achieve optimum results?