Couples Get Married Online in New York

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A wedding is without a doubt one of the most special days in a woman’s life. This is her big day. This day is all about her. That is why weddings have become a big global industry.

During this pandemic, most couples’ wedding ceremony had to be postponed but that is not entirely the case in New York.

Read the article about online weddings in New York.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How is the online wedding procedure in New York?
  2. What is your opinion on online wedding?
  3. How do people in your country commonly get married?
  4. Share some traditional wedding practices in your country.
  5. Do you think this is one change we would eventually adapt even after the pandemic is over?
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2 replies on “Couples Get Married Online in New York”

1.- How is the online wedding procedure in New York?
Mayor of New York, Mr Cuomo, is ordering that provision waived to let couples apply remotely. The state will also enable town and city clerks to conduct weddings by video.
2.- What is your opinion on online wedding?
I respect people who want to use this option to get married but I wouldn’t do it. The most important is to accomplish your wishes and if this option helps , I don’t mind.
3.- How do people in your country commonly get married?
Until few years ago, the traditional way to get married in my country was using the catholic church. Nowadays, the number of people using the court of peace has increased a lot and people who live together without getting married as well.
4.- Share some traditional wedding practices in your country.
Every country has its own customs and traditions for weddings. And my country is no different and here are a few like wearing a White Wedding Dress, throwing rice, tossing the bouquet or the wedding cake.
5.- Do you think this is one change we would eventually adapt even after the pandemic is over?
Absolutely. I think should have all the possibilities to get married and, if this method allow to do it, go ahead¡

It’s interesting to note the trend in your country when it comes to this matter. Thanks for sharing. Please check out how you can improve this one particular sentence.

Nowadays, the number of people using the court of peace has increased a lot and people who live together without getting married as well.
> Nowadays, it has become more common for many people to choose to live together without getting married. Moreover, couples who opt to have a civil wedding have increased a lot.

Keep up the good work!

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