Men Should Grocery Shop During Pandemic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Grocery shopping is one of the essentials that everyone should do in order to survive during this trying times. It has been an issue in some countries as they try to control the crowd of shoppers while abiding with the quarantine rules. One mayor in Japan had recently received backlash for stating that men should do the grocery shopping as women take longer which could lead to overcrowding at the supermarkets.

Read the article below for more details on this story and be ready to answer the questions for discussion.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on the mayor’s statement? Could it be considered a sexist remark?
  2. How do you plan your grocery shopping during the pandemic?
  3. Is there such thing as gender preference in effective grocery shopping?
  4. Based on your experience, make a comparison between men and women when it comes to grocery shopping.
  5. Describe your grocery runs during the pandemic.
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