The Salem Witch Trials

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the early months of 1692, Reverend Samuel Parris’ daughter and niece became ill. Despite the help of the village doctor, their conditions did not improve. He then diagnosed the two children of bewitchment. What happened next was a result of paranoia about the supernatural, misdirected religious fervor, and a broken justice system that valued repentance over the truth.

Watch the video to find out more about the witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the justice system work in the Salem witch trial?
  2. What is a false confession?
  3. Have you heard of cases wherein innocent people where convicted of a crime they did not commit?
  4. In our present society where the children are generally considered to be credible witnesses, do you think the same mistake might be committed again?
  5. What are your thoughts when the justice system values repentance over the truth?
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