Face To Replace Bank Card

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Face recognition is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a subject through an image, video, or any audiovisual element of his face. It simply requires any device that has digital photographic technology to generate and obtain the images and data necessary to create and record the biometric facial pattern of the person that needs to be identified.

Unlike other identification solutions such as passwords, verification by email, selfies or images, or fingerprint identification, Biometric facial recognition uses unique mathematical and dynamic patterns that make this system one of the safest and most effective. But are there data security and privacy issues that we should be worried about?

Let’s read the article to know more about facial recognition payment.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about this new technology?
  2. Would you use facial recognition when making payments?
  3. What is your preferred way of paying for things?
  4. How important are notes and coins?
  5. What are the benefits of cashless payments? How about its dangers?
  6. How will facial recognition affect our data security and privacy?

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