Carnival Scam Science

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A carnival is a fun place where people have fun and play games but have you ever played any carnival games before? Have you ever experienced winning and losing those games?

We all have probably heard of carnival games being scams. The question is, how are they ripping us off?

Do they glue bottles so we can’t knock them down, do they make it impossible to land a shot on a net, or do they do something subtle so they make a lot of money?

To understand this, take a look at this video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you actually think carnival games are a scam? Explain your stand.
  2. Do you agree with the points made in the video? Yes or no? Explain your opinion.
  3. What are the things that this video taught you about carnivals games and the science behind them?
  4. Do you think you have higher probability of winning a prize at carnival games after watching this video?
  5. Talk about any of your fond/unforgettable memories at carnivals.
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