Entitled Millennial or Starving Ex-Employee?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Talia Jane was recently dismissed from her job. she feels it was an unfair dismissal, but some think otherwise.

Read on and discover why this woman’s post became viral on the internet.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Who is Talia Jane and what were the problems she cited?
  2. What do you think about her and what she did?
  3. Would you support or fund “Help a Yelper EAT”? Why or why not?
  4. What was your life like when you were a fresh graduate/in your 20s?
  5. How do you display work ethic?

Interview Tips That Lead to Job Offers

B2 – Upper intermediate – Job Interview

If you’re counting down the days till your next job interview, these helpful hints will help you get in the right mood so you can leave a lasting impression on the interviewers:

Interview Tips That Lead to Job Offers


1. According to the article, why is it good to take notes during the interview?
2. What is the importance of researching the company you are applying for?
3. What are other things you can do to be prepared for your interview?

After Vacation: Tips to Bounce Back Fast

C2 – Proficient

Vacations are events we always look forward to. There’s stress in planning the perfect one. But there’s also stress involved when it’s time to check back to reality and start working again.

Read the article on how to get your head back in life’s game to do some hard work.

After Vacation: Tips to Bounce Back Fast


1. Which of the tips in the article do you agree on? Disagree on?
2. Which ones do you practice?
3. Do you often go on big holidays?
4. Do you find it hard getting back to the routine after a long vacation?

Hooked Up to Computers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

With so many advancements in the medical field, it is no surprise that doctors and surgeons are able to utilize computers as part of a person’s recovery.

Read the article below to know about Matt Nagel and his operation.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your initial reaction to the story?
  2. Will this kind of technology be helpful to a lot of people? Why or why not?
  3. How can this technology be helpful to paralyzed people? What do you see are its dangers/risks?
  4. Do you see this new technology becoming widely available to help a lot of people in the near future?
  5. Matt Nagel is the first patient to try out this new technology. Would you be willing to be the first person to ever try out a new medical technology? Why or why not?

Video: Women and Self-defence

B2 – Upper intermediate

Click on the title below and listen to the story of Rana Abdelhamid and how her movement is empowering Muslim women in her country.

Teaching self-defence to Muslim women


1. Describe how Rana Abdelhamid feels about martial arts?
2. What is WISE and how did it start? What is the story behind this initiative?
3. Have you noticed an increase in discrimination and violence in your country?
4. According to the video, what makes Muslim women more susceptible to facing violence?
5. How would you protect yourself if you are threatened?

Video: Kenya’s Woman Cartoonist

B2 – Upper intermediate

Cartoons have a very different way of showing crucial and weighty issues to the public. Click on the title below to watch about Celeste Wamiru and her cartoons.

Kenya’s first woman editorial cartoonist


1. What kind of cartoon does Celeste Wamiru create?
2. In the video, what does “pushing the envelope” mean?
3. What did Celeste Wamiru suggest when she said that “as cartoonists…it gives us the license to offend”?
4. What is your general opinion of freedom of the press? Is this a right that members of the press take advantage of in your country?
5. What are some of the values your country has that are still considered conservative?

Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


B2 – Upper intermediate

Kim Jong Un is no stranger to the world. Mostly, for all the wrong reasons. Read the short article below and express your thoughts about North Korea and its leaders.

UN: Kim Jong Un Could Be Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity


1. Why are human rights violation common in countries like North Korea?
2. Do you think that the UN council has the right to hold this kind of investigation? Why?
3. What are your thoughts on countries under communism?

A Minority for Every Occasion

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Rent-A-Minority website is described as “a revolutionary new service” which was created for those times when you remember your event consists completely of Caucasian men.

Discover the reasons why the creator came up with such idea and how social media was set abuzz by this website.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What was your initial reaction to the article?
  2. What is your understanding of positive discrimination?
  3. At your workplace, would you say that you have a good mix of different races? Why or why not?

Speaking Activity: Science & Technology

There’s no doubt that technology has improved over the years. But with that comes controversies and questions.

This speaking activity will serve as a good exercise in negating, expressing opinions, and increasing fluency.

Discuss the questions below. Remember to support your answers.

  • Everyone was far happier before such inventions as the computer and automobile. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • Science has become the new religion. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • Have you ever had an idea for an invention? Please explain.
  • If you could invent something, what would it be? Please explain.
  • Did you study science at school? How did you feel about your science class? How did you feel about your science teacher?
  • Do you think science helps or harms humankind? Why do you think so?
  • What, if any, scientific advances have had negative results? Why do you think so?
  • Some people believe less money should be spent on science and technology and more should be spent on helping third world countries. What do you think?
  • How has science improved your life? Think of three examples and explain.
  • In your opinion, what has been the single greatest invention during your life thus far? How about in the last 100 years? Why do you think so?
  • Some people say that scientists have begun to play God. What do you think this means? What are your thoughts on the subject?
  • What interesting news about science and technology have you seen or heard recently?
  • Tell your partner about an interesting sci-fi movie you have seen. Why was it interesting? Was it believable? Why?
  • Do you believe science is more important than religion to many people? Why/not?
  • Do you think there is still a lot to invent? Why/not?
  • Do you trust scientists? Why/not?
  • What great scientific advances do you imagine happening in the next 10 years? 25 years? 100 years? Please explain.
  • What scientific or technological advance would make your life easier? Do you think any of these will be invented soon?
  • Which field of science do you find the most interesting? Why?
  • What is the most dangerous and deadly invention in the past 100 years? Do you think humankind will invent something worse in the next 100 years? Why/not?

Source: headsupenglish.com

American Idol

B1 – Intermediate

Reality TV or reality shows have been around for quite some time and it seems like they’re getting more popular.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

American Idol is a reality TV program broadcast in the US and over one hundred countries around the world. It debuted in the summer of 2002, and has become one of the most popular programs on air. It has ranked as the number one show for five seasons in a row. On the program, contestants sing before three judges to be the best singer in the country. The winner usually goes on to win large record contracts.

Although very successful, there has been some controversy too. For example, Sir Elton John called the show “racist” after African American contestants scored poorly. The show also has total control of the careers of each year’s winners, a fact which may or may not be favorable to the contestants.

Source: headsupenglish.com

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you watch shows such as American Idol or other reality TV programs?
2. What are some of your preferences when watching TV shows?
3. What has been the impact of airing reality shows?