The Perils of Business Travel

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In some occupations, going places is one of the things that comes with the job. While it has a lot of benefits, it also involves some risks.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Although technology has enabled videoconferencing, complete with multiple participants in multiple locations, business travel still proves a necessity for some industries, organizations, and positions. A few reasons include: Difficulties with time zones, the need to have project participants together for brainstorming sessions, or even just an old-fashioned mindset in which an employee’s physical presence is a necessity to get anything done. However, new data confirms what has long been suspected: Frequent business travel is bad for you.

To start, in terms of health, a traveler’s circadian rhythm gets disrupted with travel. This refers to your physical, mental, and behavioral cycle each day, such as when you wake up at a regular time in the morning or experience a dip in energy in the early afternoon. Your mood, ability to concentrate, and judgment are all negatively impacted from travel.

Anyone who has experienced jet lag comprehends just what it feels like to be several hours off a regular schedule. However, the immune system is also compromised, and this can mean a greater likelihood for colds and flu. Even worse, the risk of a heart attack and stroke also increase with frequent travel. And lastly, the business traveler also receives increased exposure to radiation; monthly flights from New York to London put a person above the maximum annual dosage.

There are other negatives too, one of which is the effects on family. Missed birthdays and other important events like milestones can become a regular occurrence, and which lead to the loss of the traveler’s familial role. All in all, there are a lot of perils related to business travel.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “peril” mean? “All in all, there are a lot of perils related to business travel.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘peril’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does “milestone” mean? “Missed birthdays and other important events like milestones can become a regular occurrence, and which lead to the loss of the traveler’s familial role.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘milestone’ in your own sentence.
  3. What does the adjective “compromised” mean in this context, “However, the immune system is also compromised, and this can mean a greater likelihood for colds and flu.“? Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘compromised’ in your own sentence in this context.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about business trips?
  2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of always traveling for work?
  3. Is traveling an essential part of your job? If so, please explain the reasons why. If not, would you like to be given the opportunity to do so?
  4. Are there any places you wouldn’t want to visit for business? Why?
  5. Talk about one of the most memorable business trips you’ve ever had. What made it so unforgettable?

Women’s Right to Vote

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We have to admit that women’s rights have come a long way. They are now able to hold different important professions, to vote and to study in universities of their choosing.

Listen to the podcast below and be ready to talk about important people and what they have done for their countries. Be ready talk about some of your role models.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who are some of the historically important women in your country? What have they contributed to promote changes in your society?
  2. Which woman has inspired you? Describe her and why you find her inspiring.
  3. What do you think it would be like if you couldn’t vote?
  4. What are your thoughts on women not being allowed to vote?
  5. What are some plights of women in your country and/or in the world?

What’s Your Superpower?

B1 – Intermediate

In the past few years the number of superhero films has seemed like it doubled. You’ve got different movies from Marvel and DC Comics left and right. And people just can’t get enough of them.

Click the link below and listen to the podcast about superhero and superhero films. Feel free to listen more than once and to read the transcript as well.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about superhero films?
  2. What are some of the superhero films that you think are actually good?
  3. If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
  4. Do you think such films are good for children? Are they bad for children?
  5. Did you read comic books when you were a child? Have you heard of manga comic books?

Speaking Activity: It’s a Smaller World, After All

What pops in your head when you hear the the term “globalization”? Does it give out a positive vibe or more of a negative connotation?

Express your thoughts about globalization and other topics related to it. Be ready to practice your sentence construction during the activity. Be ready to support your answers with an explanation.

  • Would you support a one-world government? Why/not?
  • Would you support English as the official language of Earth? Why/not?
  • Would you support an international standard of laws with only one system of courts?
  • Will humankind be better off because of globalization? If yes, how so? What negatives might result?
  • What does “globalization” mean to you? Please explain.
  • How does globalization affect the different cultures of the world? Why do you think so?
  • How will globalization affect different cultures of the world in the future? Please explain.
  • How will globalization affect your country in 25 years? 50 years? 100 years? Please explain.
  • What will happen to the tribes in Africa and the Amazon, as well as other indigenous people around the world, in the next 25 year? 50 years? 100 years? Why?
  • Some people say that the world is getting smaller and smaller. What do you think this actually suggests, and is it true? Why/not?
  • What would happen if the world had one government, one language, and one culture?
  • How will globalization affect business and economics in the future? Please explain.
  • Because of globalization, will the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Why/not?
  • Many of the world’s economies are tied together, so that any financial problems in one country affect the people elsewhere. Is this a good or bad thing? Why do you think so?
  • Should young people live abroad for a year as part of their education? Why/not?
  • At present, English is the world’s lingua franca. What will be the common language in 25 years? How about in 50 years? Why do you think so?
  • With English as the lingua franca now, how does it affect globalization? Why do you think so?
  • What events or disasters could halt globalization? Do you think any of these disasters/events could happen? Why/not?
  • Which invention of the 20th century has had the greatest impact on humankind? Is it the airplane, the automobile, or the Internet? Why do you think so?
  • How will the Internet and instant access to information affect the lives of our children? Please explain.


Speaking Activity: Are You a Health Nut?

“Health is wealth.” “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” These are just some famous sayings we have about health. It is no secret that people want have a full life – a healthy life. How do you take care of yours?

Answer the different questions related to health. This activity will help practice your sentence construction.

  • Do you regularly think about your health? Why/not? How about worry about it?
  • If there was a pill that allowed you to eat anything without putting on the pounds, would you take it? How would you answer if there were side-effects too?
  • Is dieting healthy? Why/not?
  • Do you think that glamour magazines and supermodels portray an unrealistic image of the human body? Should these sort of magazines be banned and/or regulated?
  • How healthy do you consider yourself to be? Please explain.
  • Do you agree or disagree? Eating healthily takes top priority, even if it means eating food that doesn’t taste very good. Please explain.
  • Have you ever heard this phrase before? You are what you eat. What does it mean?
  • Do you agree or disagree? The happiest people are healthy people.
  • In today’s fast-paced society, how easy is it to eat healthily? Please explain.
  • Which nationality portrays the unhealthiest image? How about the healthiest? Why?
  • How often do you go to the doctor to check your health? Should you go more often?
  • Which ends up as more important to our physical health, the food that we eat or our genes? Why?
  • Do you think that genetically modified food is unhealthy? How about dangerous? Should it be banned? Why/not?
  • Do you think the food we eat affects our physical and mental health? Why/not?
  • In countries with national health insurance, do you think obese people should pay higher taxes for health coverage? How about people who smoke? How about people with a history of health problems? Why/not?
  • Who is primarily responsible for our health, the government or ourselves? Why?
  • What do you think about diets that promise dynamic results in only a short amount of time? Have you ever tried such a diet? If yes, what were the results?
  • How often do you go on a diet?
  • What are your opinions about vegetarians and vegans? Are they healthy? Would you ever consider trying that lifestyle?
  • What impact does the environment play on our health as individuals? How about on a larger scale, such as society as a whole?


India Banning Commercial Surrogacy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

India is known worldwide as an outsourcing country of choice by many multinational companies for almost any kind of services.

In addition to this, India is also popular for surrogacy. In fact, it is dubbed as the “surrogacy hub” of the world, where couples who are having troubles conceiving their own children, go to in order to hire a local woman to get pregnant with their baby.

Recently, the Indian government unveils its plans to regulate this multi-billion industry.

Watch the video on why India is banning commercial surrogacy.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about India’s decision to ban commercial surrogacy?
  2. In general, how do you feel about surrogacy?
  3. Why is commercial surrogacy attractive to surrogate mothers?
  4. What are your thoughts on this opinion about surrogacy: “It’s immoral to bear another child when there are already a lot of children viable for adoption”?

Venezuela Seizes Toys for Its Children

B1 – Intermediate

The government of Venezuela has decided to confiscate some toys from a distributor to give them to children for free or at discounted prices in time for Christmas. Do you think the government has the right to do this?

Read the article and let’s discuss.

 Discussion Questions:

1. What is your general opinion about the article?
2. How important are toys to children?
3. What are some of the toys that you enjoyed during your childhood?
4. What can you say about the toys of children today?
5. Is the government right to take the toys for the children?

The Next Generation of Roads That Talk to Cars

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The safety of travellers and drivers on the road have always been a priority. From building better road infrastructure to using technology to ensure a driver’s safety.

Watch the video below to know more of how advanced technology is upping its game when it comes to road safety. Be ready to express your thoughts about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. How do smart-roads work? How can roads communicate with cars?
2. According to the video, what are the benefits of self-driving cars?
3. Which states in the US are already working on smart-roads?
4. What are your thoughts on self-driving cars?
5. Do you think smart-roads will work in your country?

Buckwheat Berry Stripe Cake | Melissa Clark Recipes

C1 – Advanced

This video is meant to practice your listening comprehension. Watch and listen carefully and be ready to answer comprehension questions. You’ll also be able to practice your speaking skills by describing processes.


1. Why does the cook like using buckwheat?
2. Why does the cook prefer using a shallow pan over a deeper one for her cake?
3. According to the video, what does it mean when a cake is a “damp cake”?
4. What did Melissa mean when she used the expressions “…go to town.” and “It’s your canvass.”?
5. Do you enjoy cakes and pastries? What are some of your favourites?
6. Describe a dessert dish that you enjoy making.

What Is Life Really Like In Sweden?

C1 – Advanced

Bike lanes, IKEA and Absolut Vodka. These are what Sweden is famously known for, among others. But what else do we know about Sweden? What do Swedes like about their country? Watch the video below and be ready for a discussion.


1. Describe education in Sweden.
2. What are the benefits of parents in Sweden?
3. How would you describe work-life balance of the Swedes?
4. What are some of the challenges Sweden is currently facing?
5. Are you happy with the educational system of your country? How about the benefits that parents in your country receive?