Fathers Are Too Old

B1 – Intermediate

Some men would say that becoming a father is the best thing that ever happened to them. They claim that the best thing about it is the fulfillment you get in raising someone and seeing them grow up to be great people. But is there a perfect age to become a dad?

Click the link below to read the transcript and listen to the audio about being a father when you are older.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Why do men delay having children?
  2. What is your opinion on sperm freezing? Is it popularly done by men in your country?
  3. Do you agree or disagree that earlier fatherhood should be promoted among young men?
  4. What are the good and bad things about having children when you are older?
  5. Do you think men in your country are having children when they are younger or older? Why do you think this is the case?
  6. Talk about your father or being a father yourself.


B1 – Intermediate

Many decades ago, women were expected to stay at home after they got married. They had to take care of the children and maintain their homes. Nowadays, more women are working. There are still a few who are housewives.

Listen to the audio about being a housewife.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you agree that a housewife’s job is very demanding?
  2. How does the speaker describe a day in the life of a housewife?
  3. In your country, are there more stay-at-home wives or working mothers? Why do you think that is the case?
  4. What is your ideal family set-up?
  5. How can working mothers do both their domestic and professional duties efficiently?

How Would You Like to Pay?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are a lot of different options to pay for the things we need now. One must wonder which really is the best way.

Listen to the audio to figure out which method best suits your circumstances.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the easiest way to pay? Which one do you prefer most?
  2. What are the risks of using debit cards or credit cards in shopping?
  3. What are your thoughts on mobile phones, contactless cards, and fingerprinting as payment methods?
  4. Are credit/debit card frauds common in your country? Have you or anyone you know ever been a victim of credit/debit card fraud? Share your story.
  5. Do you agree or disagree that the days of paying by cash is nearly history?

Line Management

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Managers are the ones responsible for controlling damages, creating new tactics, trainings, and administering new procedures to make sure the company runs smoothly.

Most of the time, the manager is the go-to person of old and new employees when they need assistance at work.

Listen to the audio and let’s see how managers handle different staff.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever managed staff? Talk about your experience.
  2. Explain why line management matters.
  3. What makes a good line manager?
  4. What are some management strategies you know of?
  5. What are the aspects of managing that could be difficult?
  6. What are the positive things about managing staff?

Tips for Parents Coping with Kids at Home

B2 – Upper Intermediate

How can we turn self-isolation into family bonding time? During this difficult time of quarantine, we have learned how to adapt to living, working, and educating from home. What are some of the important things parent should know to stay creative as a family during a lock down?

Listen to the conversation and learn some tips to cope with kids at home.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the country described in the audio that has the longest school summer holidays?
  2. Did your daily routines change when lock down started? What are your normal routines during isolation?
  3. Explain how you help your kids cope with the lock down.
  4. How do you keep your kids happy during the lock down?
  5. What advice can you give other parents so they can survive this unprecedented situation?

Are Bucket Lists Always a Good Thing?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The term “bucket list” is a list of all the goals and dreams we want to achieve in our lives before we kick the bucket. It can be in a duration of a month, a year, or even a lifetime; depending on the person. Almost everyone makes a bucket list. Some are doable but others are just unachievable. More or less, people make one for some sort of self-fulfillment.

Hear more information about it from the audio below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How can having a bucket list be good for you?
  2. How can having a bucket list be bad for yourself and/or others?
  3. What items are on your bucket list?
  4. Do you like planning activities or are you the spontaneous type?
  5. What really excites you the most in life?

The Power of Crying

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everyone had shed tears in our lifetime. Starting from the day we were born until we aged. There are countless reasons why people cry – from irritations in our eyes to different emotions we feel. Crying is part of human nature that can actually benefit us somehow.

Hear more information about it through the audio below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are reasons people cry?
  2. Why do women cry more than men?
  3. Why is it embarrassing for a man to be seen crying?
  4. Do you often cry? What makes you cry?
  5. How can crying help people?


B1 – Intermediate

It must be great to be famous, paid a lot of money, and do what you love doing. Welcome to the life of an actor!

Listen to the audio and read the transcript of this lesson about actors.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about being an actor?
  2. What are the good and bad things about being an actor?
  3. Who are some of your favorite movie stars and theatre actors?
  4. Do you like watching movies and theatre plays? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever performed in front of many people? Talk about that moment.

‘Ghosts’ Keep Frightened Indonesians Inside, Away from Coronavirus

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to the audio, Kepuh Village in Indonesia has deployed a team of ‘ghosts’ to scare people and keep them staying indoors after evening prayers. Some volunteers dress as “Pocong”. In Indonesian folklores, Pocongs are trapped souls of the dead. The village leaders have decided to take their own measures to keep people safe from Corona Virus.

Hear more information about it in the audio below.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What was your reaction to the audio?
  2. Do you believe ghosts are real? Why or why not? If yes, talk about some ghost stories you have/know of.
  3. How can this affect people’s mindset?
  4. Do you think this could work in your country?
  5. What are some ways to keep people indoors?
  6. What are you thoughts on Widodo’s measures?


B1 – Intermediate

We like to believe that our home is the safest place to be but it could also be a place for accidents. Working in an office seems safe, right? Accidents can take place there too.
We hear this all the time, ” Accidents do happen.” They really do but is it enough that we accept that they happen normally or is it better that we try to prevent them by being more cautious?

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about accidents and be ready to discuss afterwards.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What common accidents at home did the speaker mention?
  2. How did the speaker describe his friend? What does it mean?
  3. Are you prone to accidents? What kinds of accidents have you gotten into?
  4. How do you try to avoid them? What precautionary measures do you take?
  5. Have you witnessed a major accident before? What happened?