Los Angeles Wildfires Lead to Sky-High Rents  

B1 – Intermediate 

There have been more than 15,000 structures destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles recently.

Those residents that lost their homes need to find a place to live in after this devastating incident. 

Unfortunately, some landlords seem to be taking advantage of this situation to increase their profits by raising the rents.

Read more about the high rents in Los Angeles after the wildfires.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “price gouging” mean? “The California governor introduced a price gouging law on January the 7th.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “upmarket” mean? “Actress Paris Hilton lost her house in upmarket Malibu.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘upmarket’ in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to break/shatter one’s heart into pieces” mean? “Actress Paris Hilton lost her house in upmarket Malibu. She wrote on social media: It feels like my heart has shattered into a million pieces.” Use this idiom in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about some landlords increasing the rents by thousands of dollars in the middle of the wildfires in LA?
  2. Is price gouging ever justifiable or fair? Explain your thoughts.
  3. Talk about another incident of price gouging that you know of.
  4. Many people are blaming climate change for the fires. Little rain left Los Angeles very dry. The risk of wildfires is high.” Share your opinion about this statement. 
  5. Has your country ever been affected by wildfires? Talk about this instance.

Misokinesia: Sensitivity to Seeing Others Fidget

B1 – Intermediate 

Some people fidget or move restlessly when they are nervous, anxious, or stressed. To many, it doesn’t bother them seeing other people fidget. But if they suffer from a condition called misokinesia, those movements can be extremely distressing.

Read more about the mental health condition misokinesia in this article.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “pop into the head” mean? “A psychologist said, ‘Violent images might pop into the head’ of sufferers.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  2. What does “twiddle” mean? “Misokinesia sufferers can have an “intense hatred” of people who tap their fingers, click a pen, or twiddle their hair.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What is a “support group”? “Researchers in Canada interviewed 21 misokinesia sufferers from a support group.” Use the phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts about misokinesia?
  2. According to the article, “The condition misokinesia can be “life limiting”. What day-to-day problems do you think people with misokinesia have?
  3. What are tiny things other people do that you hate seeing? Why do you think that is irritating for you? And what pops into your head when you see them do that?
  4. What happens to you when you get nervous, anxious, or stressed?

Mystery Drones in USA Causing Alarm

B1 – Intermediate 

Many people all over America have reported sightings of mystery drones. It caused alarm among residents because the drones were flying over military bases and airfields, Donald Trump’s golf course, among others. 

Read more about the suspicious drone sightings in this article.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “sighting” mean? “People started telling the police about the drones last month. Most of the sightings have been in the state of New Jersey.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘sighting’ in your own sentence. 
  2. What does “spot” mean here, “One drone was spotted near one of Donald Trump’s golf courses.”? Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘spot’ in a sentence in this context.
  3. What does “a case of mistaken identity” mean? “FBI investigators said most of the drone sightings were cases of “mistaken identity.” Use the phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. What is your own conspiracy theory about those mystery drones?
  3. If you saw drones flying over your city, what would you think and do?
  4. What is your opinion on this, “FBI investigators said most of the drone sightings were cases of “mistaken identity”. It said people were “over-reacting” unnecessarily to news reports.”?
  5. Talk about any security issues that had occurred in your city/country recently.

Crackdown on Electric Rideable Suitcases

B1 – Intermediate 

The latest technology in suitcases is the electric rideable luggage. While it might seem like a cool piece of device, it could cause problems too.

In Japan, mobile luggage is considered a motor vehicle which means the rider should follow the same rules when operating any motorized form of transportation.

Read the article about the crackdown on electric rideable suitcases in Japan.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the word “nuisance” mean? “However, it is becoming a nuisance in some parts of Japan.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘nuisance’ in your own sentence. 
  2. What does the phrase “a way of getting around” mean here, “Companies are also trying to make rules for the new way of getting around.” Give one synonym and use this phrase in a sentence in this context.
  3. What does “emerge” mean? “Unexpected new forms of transport will continue to emerge.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘emerge’ in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on mobile suitcases and their popularity these days?
  2. What is your opinion on Japan’s crackdown on rideable suitcases?
  3. What are the pros and cons of a electric luggage?
  4. Should they be considered a motor vehicle? Explain.
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “Unexpected new forms of transport will continue to emerge.”.

Global Treaty to End Plastic Pollution

B1 – Intermediate 

Countries are meeting in South Korea in hopes of coming up with a treaty that could end plastic pollution all over the world and help protect the planet and our future. The South Korean president urges governments to finalize a treaty to address the problem with plastic pollution.

Read the article about the new zero plastic pollution treaty among countries.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “insurance policy” mean in this context, “The U.N. said a treaty is, ‘an insurance policy for this generation and future ones, so they may live with plastic and not be doomed by it.’”?Use this phrase in a sentence in the same context.
  2. What does “drown” mean here, “Our world is drowning in plastic pollution.” Use this word in a sentence in this context.
  3. What does “to open a new chapter” mean? “He asked governments, ‘to open a new historic chapter by finalizing a treaty on plastic pollution.’” Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this treaty among nations to reduce plastic pollution?
  2. What are some problems related to plastic pollution?
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Our world is drowning in plastic pollution.”.
  4. A path to zero plastic pollution, is it possible? Why or why not? If so, how?
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “We must stop thinking of plastic as being convenient.”.

Cyclists on Mobile Phones Could Go to Jail

B1 – Intermediate 

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of accidents on the road. It is definitely unacceptable to be on your phone while driving. It is the same for bikers.

So, in Japan, in order to prevent more traffic accidents involving cyclists who use their phones, it is now illegal for cyclists to use mobile phones or be under the influence of alcohol while riding their bicycles.

Read the article about the new traffic laws for bikers in Japan.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to be under the influence” mean? “New traffic laws in Japan make it illegal for cyclists to use mobile phones or be under the influence of alcohol when they are on their  bikes.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “sentence” mean here, “Cyclists using phones could get a six-month prison sentence or a fine of $650.” Use this term in a sentence.
  3. What does “to raise (public) awareness” mean? “Authorities say raising public awareness of the new rules could be a challenge.” Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the reason for this new traffic law?
  2. What are the good and bad things about these new traffic rules?
  3. What is your personal opinion about it and the punishment?
  4. Do you have the same rules for bikers in your country? If so, what do you think of it? If not, do you think you should have them? Elaborate.
  5. Do you think jail time is a heavy penalty for drunk bikers and those who use their phones while cycling? Explain your opinion.
  6. How can accidents involving bikers be reduced?

Three-Minute Hugs at New Zealand Airport

B1 – Intermediate 

It is not easy to say goodbye to our loved ones when they are about to leave the country. It usually takes people a long time to finally say farewell to their family or friends at airports. 

This sometimes causes problems with traffic. So, an airport in Dunedin, New Zealand is putting a three-minute limit on goodbye hugs in their car drop-off zones.

Read the article about the new hugging policy at a New Zealand airport.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to get someone in trouble” mean? “Hugging at Dunedin International Airport in New Zealand could get you in trouble.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “drop-off zone” mean? “The airport has set a three-minute limit on the time people can spend hugging at the drop-off zone.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What does “someone/something is not popular with everyone” mean? “The airport’s hugging policy is not popular with everybody.” Use this expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the reason for this new rule?
  2. What are the good and bad things about this new hugging limit?
  3. What is your personal opinion about it?
  4. Do you think this rule will be popular with everyone in your country? Why or why not?
  5. How can traffic at the airport drop-offs be lessened?
  6. How is traffic like at the airport drop-offs in your city/country?

People Need a Hundred Thousand Dollars to Stop Money Worries

B1 – Intermediate 

We need to make a certain amount of money to be able to live the life we want. However, are people earning enough money to say that they are happy and financially secure these days? And another question is, how much money do we really need to be able to live without having money worries?

Read the article to know more about the amount people need to stop worrying about money.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “money worries” mean? Give a synonym of this term and use it in a sentence. “Researchers asked more than 3,000 adults over the age of 30 about their money worries.”
  2. What does “financially secure” mean? “Surprisingly, the researchers reported that just 33 percent of millionaires in the study said they felt financially secure.” Use the phrase in your own sentence and give a synonym.
  3. What does “a sign of something” mean? “It said $100,000 was no longer a sign of financial success and wealth.” Give a synonym and use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your personal definition of a “stable lifestyle”?
  2. In your opinion, how much money should someone have to be able to say they are financially secure in your country?
  3. In America, “$100,000 was no longer a sign of financial success and wealth.”. Is it the same in your country? Is €100,000 does not mean financial security anymore?” Explain.
  4. Do you think people have more money worries now more than before? Elaborate.
  5. How can a person be very confident about their financial situation?

UK Prisons’ Overcrowding Crisis

B1 – Intermediate

In the UK, prisons are nearing full capacity, a concerning trend that experts warn leads to unsafe conditions for both inmates and staff. If arrests and convictions continue at the current pace, prison spaces are expected to run out within a matter of weeks. In an effort to address the situation, the new Labour administration announced on Friday that thousands of prisoners would be released before completing their sentences.

Discover more by reading the article about prisons in the UK having serious problems with overcrowding.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “on the point of collapse” mean in this sentence? “Prisons are on the point of collapse“. Use the phrase “on the point of collapse” in your own sentence.
  2. Define the phrase “to run out”. “ If space ran out, there would be nowhere to put those arrested or newly sentenced.” Use “to run out” in your own sentence.
  3. What does the idiom “to run amok” mean? “Mahmood said there would be “looters running amok, smashing windows, robbing shops and setting neighbourhoods alight.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on the new Labour administration’s solution?
  2. If you could offer a suggestion to address the issue, what do you think is the best approach to solving prison overcrowding?
  3. What are the prisons like in your country?
  4. Do you think the current prison system is effective in reducing crime in your country? Explain.

Vienna Tops the Global Liveability Index 

B1 – Intermediate

In June 2023, Vienna was ranked the most livable city in the world for the third consecutive time. Vienna first claimed the top spot in 2018, becoming the first European city to do so, and ending Melbourne’s seven-year reign as the most livable city. Vienna maintained its leading position in 2019, 2022, and again in 2023.

Read the article to find out more about Vienna being the most liveable city in the world.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “accolade” mean? “It is the third year running the Austrian capital has won this accolade.” Give 1 synonym of the word “accolade” and use it in your own sentence.
  2. Define “scoop”. “It failed to scoop maximum points for culture, “owing to a lack of major sporting events”.” Give 1 synonym of the word “scoop” and use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “civil unrest” mean in this sentence? “Since we conducted our survey, there have been more instances of civil unrest and demonstrations around the world.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever visited Vienna? What do you think of the city?
  2. In your opinion, what makes a city liveable?
  3. Among the 5 categories mentioned in the article, which do you think is the most important? Why?
  4. How liveable is the city you live in terms of culture and environment,  education, healthcare, infrastructure, and stability?
  5. Which city in your country do you think is the most liveable and why?