Advice to Young Women

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Advice is usually a recommendation about what might be thought, said, or otherwise done to address a problem, make a decision, or manage a situation. Everyone needs to ask advice at some stage in their lives, whether it is from family, friends, colleagues, or another trusted individual. Likewise, we all offer advice, assistance, and support to someone in need of guidance at some point in time.

Watch the video on what advice women can give to younger girls. Be able to answer the discussion question that follows.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about the advice that was given to  young women?
  2. What is the best piece of advice you have received from a family member?
  3. What three pieces of advice will you give your children?
  4. Do you often ask family and friends for advice?
  5. Whose advice do you follow more, your parents’ or your friends’ advice?
  6. Do you ask your colleagues for advice?

Toys and Games

B2 – Upper intermediate

A game is structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.  Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. A toy is an object that can be used for play. Unlike games, there are no rules involved in playing with a toy.

Please click the link and watch the video. Be able to answer the discussion questions below:

English Conversations – Toys and Games


  1. Do you agree with the advice given in this video? Why? Why not?
  2. Do you think experiences are better than toys?
  3. What kind of games did you play when you were a child?
  4. What games are popular in your country today?
  5. What kinds of games were popular when you were young?
  6. Do you think adults should play games?
  7. What do children learn from games?

Funeral Discounts for Japan’s Elderly

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In Japan, the authorities have been encouraging the older people to give up their licenses to reduce traffic related accidents that involve seniors.  A  funeral discount is given to them  to do the trick.  What do you think of this initiative? How successful do you think this strategy will be?

Let’s read more:

Discussion Questions:

1. How safe are the roads in your country?
2. Who are the most dangerous drivers in your country?
3. What would you do to make roads safer?
4. Should seniors have stickers on their cars to warn other drivers?
5. Should there be an age at which people should stop driving?
6. What kind of driver are you?

Video: Iran Pre-Nups Put Men in Jail

B2 – Upper intermediate

Every country has specific laws when it comes to marriage and separation. In Iran, a specific system is threatening husbands to face jail time if they fail to give spousal support.

Watch the video and be ready to answer discussion questions.

Iran pre-nups land thousands of men in jail


1. What is the “mehrieh” system and how is it affecting husbands?
2. What is the Iranian government doing to combat the problems in the “mehrieh” system?
3. Does your country have very strict rules when it comes to divorce and separation?
4. Are there cultural practices in your country regarding marriage that you think should be changed?

When To Tie the Knot

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A person’s wedding day is considered to be important and special. Some weddings are small and intimate while some are extravagant.

Read the article below to know about the different factors that people consider before getting married.

Around the world, young people have delayed marriage and wait longer to tie the knot. There are many reasons for this trend, such as the pursuit of careers and personal goals and a fear of divorce. There is also the realization that marriage isn’t the first step of adulthood anymore. It is the last step. Some see this shift as positive. Of course, others are upset by the change.

Advocates of late marriage believe that couples should wait until their late 20s and early 30s because the average quality of marital life is improved. Couples are more likely to do things together, and are less likely to worry that their marriage is in jeopardy. They also aren’t as likely to consider divorce. In part, greater personal experience affects their outlook. A better understanding of oneself allows each person to choose the right life partner. Financial stability, a completed education, and the beginnings of a career also greatly add to the success of the marriage. However, many people who wait too long may simply never marry.

But a significant number of people favor the opposite view. They believe that marriage at a younger age is better. An early marriage means that the couple matures together because they discover the joys and pains of adulthood as a team. They rely on one another when faced with difficulties. New research also suggests that couples who get married by their early 20s were slightly happier than couples who waited until their late 20s. In addition, those who waited until their 30s or older to marry were significantly less satisfied with their relationships.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an ideal age for marriage. No one can guarantee a happy and fulfilling life for those who get married at 28 instead of 23. Worldwide trends point to later marriages, but it remains undecided if this is a good thing.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think is the ideal age for people to get married? Why do you think so?
  2. At what age do people usually get married in your country? Is this too young or too old?
  3. What does a successful marriage need? Please explain.
  4. Many couples live together before tying the knot. Do you think helps or harms a marriage? Why?
  5. Should couples stay married no matter what? Why/not?

Habits That Will Improve Your Life


B2 – Upper intermediate

One popular proverb you’ve probably heard is the one that goes, “Change is the only constant thing in this world”.

Read on for some ways to start bringing in that change you’ve been meaning to see in your life.

10 Habits That Will Dramatically Improve Your Life

1. What are some changes you’d like to make in your life? And why are these changes crucial to you?
2. Which habit/s from the list would you likely adapt?
3. What are your thoughts on “going out of one’s comfort zone?”

Guyana Tribe Goes Hi-Tech

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Perhaps never in our wildest imagination would we associate the jungle with cutting-edge technology. The Wai-wais, members of the smallest tribe in South America, are defying technology barriers in order to continue being the stewards of the rainforests in this nation.

Read the article on how members of the Guyana tribe are being trained to use technology while being stewards of their environment.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it necessary for the Wai-wais to learn the use of technology?
2. What do you think of this drastic change? How would this impact their old way of life?
3. Are there any tribes/indigenous groups in your country? Share what you know about them.

Men, Women and Housework

B2 – Upper intermediate

It is quite common for women to do most of the housework while holding full time or part time jobs. The video below, however, shows a different trend happening when it comes to families and domestic chores.

Watch the video and answer the questions below:


  1. How much work do you do around the house each week? What chores do you do?
  2. Why do you think men do fewer chores than women? Please explain.
  3. Why do women have more housework when there are children?
  4. Would you ever want to become a housewife/ house husband?
  5. Which is more difficult, work in a career or work in the home for the family? Why?

Rugby Sport Helps Heal Wounds


B2 – Upper intermediate

After a devastating event, children of all ages in Rwanda are healing through the game of Rugby. Read the extraordinary stories of people involved in bringing hope back in a wounded community.

Rwanda Rugby: Sport helps heal wounds in ‘Land of a Thousand Hills’


1. Tell the story of Kamanda Tharcisse. How has Rugby helped him?
2. How did rugby reach Rwanda? Who are the other people involved in the foundation Friends of Rwandan Rugby?
3. How is rugny fairing in your country?
4. Aside from sports, what other activities can help heal or recuperate people who have gone through traumatic events.

Homeschooling 101


B2 – Upper intermediate

Homeschooling in North America, or home education in the UK, is another educational option that parents consider for their children.

Read the article below to know more about educating a child at home then be ready to express your thoughts.

Homeschooling 101: What Is Homeschooling?


1. How do you feel about homeschooling? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
2. Is homeschooling gaining popularity in your country?
3. Home schooling avoids many problems such as bullying. What is your opinion on this?
4. Would you have preferred homeschooling or going to school? How different would you be today if you’d been homeschooled?
5. Would you consider homeschooling your children?