Deleting memories


B2 – Upper intermediate

Neurons work as transmitter of information in the brain but when the process is disturbed they lose the connection between brain cells and can cause memory loss. Scientists have successfully done a process called Electroconvulsive Therapy to delete specific memory.

Find out how this therapy works and how it helps people with post- traumatic stress disorder.

Deleting memories

Click on the title to listen to the report: Deleting Memories: Audio

Click on the title to read the text: Deleting Memories: Text


1. Do you have a memory that you would like to forget?
2. Is deleting a specific memory a helpful way treat depression?
3. How do you deal with traumatic memory and depression?

Sexist Poll on Women’s Mood

B2 – Upper intermediate

Below is an interesting study about men and women and their mood swings.

Read the article and express your thoughts about it. Be prepared to share some of your experiences.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you think that women are grumpier than men?
2. What puts you in a bad mood?
3. How do you deal with little, everyday stress in your life? How do you keep your cool?

Annoying Tourists Habits for Spaniards

 B2 – Upper Intermediate

Spanish are known to be very easygoing. However, even the most patient locals could have some tourists actions or behaviors that tick them off.

Find out some things that tourists do that displease the locals.

Discussion Questions:

1. Which habits annoy you? Which habits do you find tolerable?
2. What tips can you give tourists for them to enjoy your country?
3. Share some of your travel experiences.

Pope says World War III pretty much here

B2 – Upper intermediate

Pope Francis has announced that a third world war may soon happen. He has made repeated appeals for an end to the world’s conflicts. He cited the loss of life in WWI to what is happening today.

Be ready to have a speaking activity and to discuss some vocabulary words

Pope says World War III pretty much here


1. Do you think that World War III will happen?
2. What is your opinion about war?
3. What do you think we should do to prevent this from happening?


What is the Point of College?


B2 – Upper intermediate

Nowadays, people with college degrees are going through a tough time finding a job they like. Is getting a degree worth it? Or is it becoming to be a waste of time?

Read the article to know the benefits of getting a college education. Prepare to express your thoughts.

What’s the Point of College, Really?


1. According to the article, explain the benefits of going to college or university.
2. What is your general opinion of the article?
3. Is your current career related to the degree that you took in college/university?
4. In your country, is it important to get a university education to land a good job?
5. If given the chance, what other fields of education would you study or take up?


Hunger in America

B2 – Upper intermediate

One in seven American families suffer from food insecurity. Inflation is low but the population’s ability to get healthy food is decreasing. Eating unhealthy food can cause illness such us diabetes and hypertension and food insecurity can lead people to committing crimes such us robbery and stealing.

Hunger Threatens One in Seven Americans


1. What do you think people can do to address this issue in their own little ways?
2. Can you think of alternative ways to get healthy food in cheaper cost?
3. Has your country experienced such difficulty? Do you see this happening in the future?
4. How secure are the citizens of your country when it comes to their employment?

Make Your Happy Hour

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Happiness- the quality or state of being happy. We each have our own definition of happiness depending on situations we are in.

Read the article below and know more about the pursuit of happiness.

Discussion Questions:

1. What makes you happy?
2. What are the components of happiness?
3. Will you consider happiness as a luxury item?

How to Detect Lies

B2 – Upper intermediate

Lies are part of human nature. Cliché, but true. It can be inevitable in some instances especially when you have personal reasons. How would you detect if someone is lying to you? Watch this interesting video.

Click on CC on the video to watch the clip with subtitles.


1. How about you? How can you tell when your colleagues or friends are being dishonest to you?
2. Were there times when you told a lie to impress someone? Or maybe lied to avoid hurting someone’s feelings?
3. Share some of your funny experiences about lying.

Gender Stereotyping

B2 – Upper intermediate

People usually have preconceived ideas of men’s or women’s characteristics, traits, habits or roles in general.  Have you ever wondered what causes gender stereotypes and how it all started? Watch this video to see our history.


1. Can you name a few stereotypes of men and women?
2. Have you been a victim of a stereotype?
3. Do you witness gender discrimination in your workplace?

PepsiCo CEO Indra K. Nooyi Women Can’t Have It All

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Being a women and a CEO of one of the world’s top companies might not be a walk in the park for anybody. But we’ve watch a lot of boss ladies successfully conquer both family and work life.

Watch the interview of Indra K. Nooyi and why she said, “Women can’t have it all.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How would you react to your mother if you were Indra?
  2. Do you agree or disagree that women can’t have it all? Explain.
  3. If you are/were a working parent, what do you think would be your coping mechanisms in being a good parent and at the same time, the best employee/boss at your company?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “The biological clock and the career clock are in total conflict with each other.