The Robots Are Coming for Your Job Sooner Than You Think

B2 – Upper Intermediate

AI is advancing rapidly, and researcher Adam Dorr warns it will soon replace not just repetitive tasks, but entire professions. As automation spreads, industries will transform faster than expected, forcing societies to rethink jobs and the economy.

Read the article about the risks and possibilities of AI dominance, from job losses to a future of abundance and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “stark warning” mean? “For those clinging to the belief that automation and robots are still decades away from significantly impacting the workforce, Adam Dorr, director of research at the think tank RethinkX, has a stark warning: this change is going to be fundamental, and it’s coming faster than nearly anyone thinks.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ’stark warning’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does “at a breakneck pace” mean? “The future of AI isn’t a distant possibility—it’s already here, Dorr says, reshaping industries at a breakneck pace.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.
  3. What does “watershed event” mean? “AI will not remain confined to a computer, Dorr said, arguing that one of the big watershed events on the horizon will be the marriage of advanced AI with robotics.”  Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about Adam Dorr’s prediction that AI will automate entire professions faster than expected? Do you think his timeline is realistic? Why or why not?
  2. The article suggests that AI will take over jobs gradually by replacing tasks first. How might this impact job training and career planning for future generations?
  3. Dorr envisions a future where AI eliminates scarcity and makes human labor optional. Do you think this is an achievable utopian vision, or are there obstacles that could prevent it?
  4. The rise of AI-driven automation could increase economic inequality if controlled by a few powerful entities. What steps can governments or businesses take to ensure that AI benefits everyone?
  5. With AI advancing rapidly, some experts propose solutions like universal basic income (UBI) to support displaced workers. Do you think UBI is a viable solution? Explain. Or are there better ways to address job displacement? If so, what are they?

Trump Wants to End Penny Production

B2 – Upper Intermediate

President Donald Trump recently proposed ending the production of the penny, reigniting a long-running debate. Supporters argue that eliminating the one-cent coin could save the government money and reduce inefficiencies, while opponents believe it could lead to rounding issues and impact charitable donations. Is it time to say goodbye to the penny, or does it still have a place in our pockets?

Watch the video and be able to answer the questions below.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is “seigniorage“? “The coin has had a negative seigniorage for almost 20 years and part of the reason for the increased production cost is the metal, in this case, zinc, has gotten more expensive.” Use the word in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “round off ” mean? “Canada rounds off all cash transactions to the nearest 5 cents interval.” Make a sentence using the phrase.
  3. What does the word “mint” mean here, “Last year, the mint lost more than $85 million to make more than 3 billion pennies.“? Use the word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think eliminating the penny would have a significant impact on everyday transactions? Why or why not?
  2. Should sentimental or historical value be a factor in deciding whether to keep the penny? Explain.
  3. Would rounding prices to the nearest nickel be fair to consumers and businesses? Explain.
  4. How do the costs of producing pennies compare to their actual usefulness in today’s economy?
  5. What potential effects could removing the penny have on low-income individuals and cash-based transactions?
  6. How have other countries handled getting rid of low-denomination coins, and what lessons can the U.S. learn from them?

CEO Tells Parents to Keep Kids Off Roblox

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Roblox is an online game platform that was created in 2004 and released in 2006. In the UK, the site is the most popular among gaming enthusiasts from ages eight to 12.

Amidst allegations that children using the platform are constantly exposed to explicit or harmful contents, the company’s CEO Dave Baszucki advised parents to keep their children off the site if they have concerns over their safety.

Read this article about Roblox CEO’s message to parents.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “dogged” mean? “The site, which is the most popular in the UK among young gamers aged eight to 12, has been dogged by claims of some children being exposed to explicit or harmful content through its games, alongside multiple reported allegations of bullying and grooming.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “counter-intuitive” mean? “That sounds a little counter-intuitive, but I would always trust parents to make their own decisions.” Use this word in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “with the best will in the world” mean? “There are parental controls, and our users would urge constant parental supervision. But we all know that with the best will in the world, life sometimes gets in the way.” Use this idiom in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this statement by Roblox CEO Dave Baszucki? “My first message would be, if you’re not comfortable, don’t let your kids be on Roblox.” 
  2. How do you think this statement could affect the company? 
  3. What can companies and parents alike do to ensure children’s safety on gaming platforms?
  4. Do you agree or disagree with what Ellie Gibson said that Mr. Baszucki’s message risked sounding “a bit of a get out”? Share your thoughts.
  5. If a site or app a child is using is dogged by claims of kids’ exposure to explicit or harmful contents, what should their parents do?

Singapore’s Sewage Beer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When it comes to creative beverages, Singapore has taken things to a whole new level with its unconventional yet sustainable drink — sewage beer. This innovative brew is crafted using recycled wastewater, turning what might seem unappealing into a clean, safe, and environmentally friendly product.

Read this article to know how this unusual idea came about.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ramp up” mean? “Authorities have said they need to ramp up all water sources, as demand is expected to double by 2065.” Make a sentence with this.
  2. What’s the meaning of “hail from“? “Rummel told onlookers he was in a good position to judge beer, as he hailed from Munich, Germany, home to the Oktoberfest beer festival.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. Define “biennial“. “The idea was to showcase treated wastewater at the country’s biennial International Water Week.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence with this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this type of beer? Would you try it? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think other countries should try this idea? How could it help them?
  3. How does this type of beer help the environment?
  4. Share your thoughts on this statement, “It’s important not to use the term ‘wastewater’ and instead call it used water..
  5. Have you heard of any other drinks or products made using recycled water? What do you think about them?

The ‘Golden Handcuffs’ of High-Earning Jobs

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Perhaps one of the things that entice people to high-paying corporate jobs is the privileges that come with that job title. A fat paycheck, for one, remains a strong drive to pursue and persevere in such positions no matter the toll it could take on one’s personal life.

However, isn’t it a cliche that the bigger pay one receives, the greater the responsibilities put on their shoulders, which comes at a price of sacrificing their quality of life.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to break free from the “golden handcuffs” of a top-tier salary.

Read this article about the so-called “golden handcuffs” of a six-figure payday.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain “golden handcuffs” in this context, “While some can shake off golden handcuffs for a healthier work-life balance, others find them nearly impossible to walk away from – and pay the price.” Use this term in a sentence.
  2. What does “to be at someone’s whim” mean? “Handsome compensation means employees are at the company’s whim.” Use this phrase in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “to push someone over the edge” mean? “He says on top of “a poor work-life balance, the long hours negatively impacting my relationship, the bullying culture,” he didn’t see a path to promotion, which pushed him over the edge.” Use this idiom in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where you thought this way, “You accept those conditions in return for such a high salary – that’s the game. If you’re not working 12 hours straight, the response is ‘you’re being paid this much, so you have to’.”? Talk about it.
  2. Do you think this is fair, “Higher up the chain, the financial packages sweeten – and the golden handcuffs tighten.“? Share your point of view.
  3. Share your insights on this, “It’s more than a salary you’re tied to: it’s also lifestyle, friendship group and sense of worth.”.
  4. These financial packages will be here to stay – and in an uncertain economy, more workers may end up sticking it out, no matter the circumstances.” Share your thoughts on this statement.
  5. How important is high compensation and job prestige for you personally?

Focusing on Neurodiverse Talent

B2- Upper Intermediate 

In this interview with global vice chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness (DEI) Karyn Twaronite of Ernst & Young’s (EY), she talks about how tapping into the pool of neurodiverse talents benefits not only the workers, but also the company.

Read this article about how focusing on neurodiverse workers can help benefit both businesses and employees.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to climb the ranks” mean? “Throughout more than 30 years – all spent at Ernst & Young, now EY – Twaronite has climbed the ranks, rotating through different departments.” Use this phrase in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  2. What does “to keep someone on one’s toes” mean? “Today, as EY’s global vice chair of diversity, equity and inclusiveness, she oversees DEI programmes for 400,000 people across 150 countries. The group, says Twaronite, is around 80% Gen Z and millennial workers, average age about 27. “That keeps us on our toes innovation-wise.” Use this idiom in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “all tides rise together” mean? “And this talent base has really been extremely beneficial for us, because all tides rise together on this population.” Use this expression in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts about hiring neurodiverse talent.
  2. What are the benefits and challenges that companies might face should they commit to inclusion for neurodiverse talent?
  3. Are companies in your country generally inclusive? Share something about this topic.
  4. What are some things your company does to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in the workplace?
  5. Is it important for you that a company you work for strive for diversity, equity, and inclusiveness? Explain. 

Genetic Risk Factors for Depression

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The study calculated 308 genes associated with a higher risk of depression and explored the impact of over 1,600 medications, identifying existing drugs like Pregabalin and Modafinil that could potentially treat depression. The findings aim to enhance the accuracy of predicting depression risks and diversify treatment options.

Read the article to know how experts welcomed the study’s diverse representation and emphasized addressing broader societal factors, such as poverty and racism, for depression prevention.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain the term “genetic risk factor”. ” A global study has identified 300 previously unknown genetic risk factors for depression because it included a much wider population sample.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “gene pool” mean? “Responding to the findings, Dr David Crepaz-Keay, the head of research and applied learning at the Mental Health Foundation, said that the study’s diverse gene pool was “a significant step forward” but that genetic risk factors should not be used as a definitive guide to treatment.
    Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the word “cumulative” mean? “While each genetic risk factor for depression is very small, the cumulative impact for individuals with multiple DNA variants, can increase their risk, the study found.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the idea that genetics play a significant role in depression?
  2. Does it change how you view mental health conditions?Now that researchers have identified hundreds of genetic risk factors for depression, do you think this will lead to more effective treatments in the near future?
  3. Would you consider taking a genetic test to assess your risk for depression if it could help with early intervention? Why or why not?
  4. Since genetics is only one factor in depression, what other influences—like environment, lifestyle, or stress—do you think play an equally important role?
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “Previous research into depression has primarily involved white, richer populations.“.

AI Shaping Proteomics and Multiomics

B2 – Upper Intermediate

This project leverages the extensive genetic database to train AI models, identifying precise disease subtypes for tailored treatments.

Read the article to know more about the launching of proteomics utilizing artificial intelligence to better understand and treat diseases.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain the word “underpinning”. “Discovery research is incredibly important for interrogating the underpinning mechanisms of biological states, such as health and disease.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.
  2. What does the word “bottleneck” mean here, “There’s one drawback, however; DIA generates large amounts of data, which creates a bottleneck.” Use it in a sentence and give 2 synonyms.
  3. Explain “pan-cancer cohort”. “Local models were trained on simulated sites that contained data from a pan-cancer cohort and 29 cohorts that were held behind firewalls, representing 8 countries and 19,930 DIA-MS runs.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about AI being used to analyze genetic and protein data to personalize disease treatments?
  2. Do you think AI-driven medical advancements will make healthcare more accessible, or could it widen the gap between those who can afford cutting-edge treatments and those who cannot?
  3. Since proteomics helps in understanding how proteins influence diseases, what conditions do you think could benefit the most from this research?
  4. Would you be open to having your genetic and protein data analyzed by AI to predict potential health risks, or would privacy concerns hold you back?

Huge Health Benefit of Coffee

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Recent research published in Nature Microbiology reveals that coffee consumption supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Analyzing stool samples from nearly 22,867 participants, the study found that coffee drinkers had higher levels of the beneficial bacterium Lachnospiraceae asaccharolyticus. Coffee’s polyphenols, including chlorogenic and quinic acid, may act as prebiotics, encouraging the growth of good bacteria in the gut. A diverse microbiome is crucial for overall health, influencing immune cells, digestion, and potentially impacting conditions like obesity and heart disease.

Read the article to know why moderate coffee consumption, even with added milk or sugar, can promote beneficial gut bacteria.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “eye-opening” mean? “Recent research found a surprising link between coffee and gut health, and the findings are eye-opening.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. Explain “gut health”. “As if coffee drinkers needed another excuse to keep brewing their favorite cup, new research suggests that coffee is beneficial for gut health.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. Explain the word “tout”. “Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, coffee has long been touted for its many health benefits.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever noticed any changes in your digestion or gut health after drinking coffee regularly? Talk about it.
  2. Knowing that coffee may act as a prebiotic, do you think this will change how much or how often you drink it? Why or why not?
  3. Since coffee can support beneficial gut bacteria, do you think adding probiotics or fiber-rich foods to your diet could enhance the effect? Explain.
  4. Some people experience stomach discomfort from coffee—do you think the benefits outweigh the potential downsides for gut health? Explain.
  5. What are other ways to promote good gut health?

Inmates Learn to Code

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In an effort to break the cycle of incarceration, prisons are introducing coding programs to equip inmates with valuable tech skills. These initiatives aim to provide a second chance by preparing them for in-demand jobs in the tech industry. However, despite gaining technical expertise, many former inmates struggle to secure employment due to the stigma of a criminal record.

Read this article to learn about this coding program in prison.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to jump through the hoops” mean? “For Gaetz, and her students, jumping through the hoops is worth it.” Make a sentence with this.
  2. Define “to get hung up on something“. “Then he could hire whomever he wanted based on what they bring to the job today and not get hung up on anyone’s past.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. What is a “stumbling block“? “This lack of connection, activists say, is one of the stumbling blocks to reform.” Make a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on this program.
  2. How can coding help former inmates reintegrate into society?
  3. What can be done to reduce the stigma of hiring former inmates?
  4. Should more prisons implement similar coding programs? Why or why not?
  5. What are the biggest barriers that formerly incarcerated coders face when job hunting?