Marketers Target Your Nose

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever walked into a store and instantly felt a unique aroma that just screams, ‘This is the place.’? That’s the magic of scent branding.

Scent branding is not just about smelling nice. It’s a powerful tool in the industry that taps into the psychology of our olfactory senses. Companies use carefully crafted scents to create memorable experiences, trigger emotions, and build strong brand connections.

Watch this video and explore how scent branding works, its impact on consumer behavior, and how businesses leverage the power of fragrances to enhance their brand identity. Be able to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “touch point” mean? “Scent marketing is the idea of using scent and incorporating to all the touch points of the customer experience.” Use this term in a sentence.
  2. Explain “scentscaping“. “For example, museums have used “scentscaping” to intensify their exhibits.” Use the word in sentence.
  3. What does the term “billboard scenting” mean? “Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister stores are most extreme form of scent marketing called “billboard scenting.” Make a sentence using the expression.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your personal experience with encountering scent branding in various places, and how did it impact your perception of those spaces?
  2. Do you believe that scent branding is a genuine and effective method for businesses to establish a unique brand identity? Why or why not?
  3. In your opinion, should businesses invest more in scent branding or focus on traditional branding methods? What factors contribute to your viewpoint?
  4. How ethical do you find the use of scent in marketing, especially when it comes to influencing consumer behavior? Are there any boundaries that businesses should adhere to?
  5. Considering the potential impact of scent on emotions and memories, how might scent branding be used in non-commercial spaces, such as healthcare environments or educational institutions?

Instagram Traps Are Changing Art Museums

B2 – Upper Intermediate

New art installations in cities worldwide are shifting away from traditional exhibits and historical artifacts. Instead, these installations focus on providing picturesque backdrops for photos, particularly on Instagram. This trend reflects a changing landscape in the museum world. Both new temporary museums and traditional ones are adapting to the prevalence of smartphones, creating spaces designed for easy selfie-taking. As online experiences become more prevalent, these selfie-friendly spaces are becoming increasingly common.

Watch the video to learn more about pop-out museums and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of “installation art“. “You can see installation art‘s influence on today’s pop-up museums pretty clearly.” Make one sentence using the word.
  2. What is a “pop-up museum“? “Pop-up museums figured out that there was a business to be made out of that photographability.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to put away” mean? “At Refinery29’s pop-up experience, that means having some rooms where phones are supposed to be put away.” Give 2 synonyms and use ‘to put away’ in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do Instagram traps enhance or detract from the traditional art museum experience? Share your opinion.
  2. How do you feel about art museums adapting to the trend of Instagram traps to attract a younger audience?
  3. Do you believe that the rise of Instagram traps in art museums is a positive evolution or a departure from the core purpose of these cultural institutions? Explain.
  4. How do you think the presence of Instagram traps affects the way people engage with and appreciate art within the museum setting?
  5. Do you think the popularity of Instagram traps might overshadow the significance of the artworks themselves in traditional art museums? Elaborate.

Using Savings to Start an Amazon Side Hustle

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, many individuals find themselves contemplating whether to continue on their current path or pursue a side hustle that shows potential for success. While the decision to leave behind stability and venture into the unknown can be daunting, it is important to carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks before taking such a leap.

One common thread among various definitions of success is the idea of accomplishment. Success often implies reaching a desired outcome or fulfilling one’s aspirations. However, it is important to recognize that success is not solely measured by external achievements but also by internal satisfaction and fulfillment.

See how a 17-year-old turned her $2,000 savings into a side hustle that is now bringing her more than $30,000 a month.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to mock up” mean here,  “After a year of mocking up prototypes, Lin got distracted by a different idea: She wanted to sell athleisure for girls at a lower price point than large, trendy brands.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “to fizzle out” mean,  “It was one of a few signs that TLeggings was fizzling out: Despite the lofty revenue numbers, the company was never profitable, and Lin struggled to keep up with her competitors.”?  Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “to reek of something” mean in the sentence, “They are difficult to clean, Lin says, and often reek of excrement.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on Bella Lin’s business journey?
  2. What do you think about her products?
  3. What are your thoughts on having a side hustle?
  4. She’s also considering taking a gap year after graduating high school.” If you were Bella Lin, would you also temporarily halt your education to run and expand your business? Why or why wouldn’t you?
  5. Have you ever had to make a significant decision on your professional path? Tell me the details of what happened.

Make Smart Decisions More Easily

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Every single thing our bodies do — be it physical or mental— requires energy. We might not notice it, but making decisions, even if it is as simple as what to eat, what to wear, etc., takes up a lot of our energy. Imagine how much more exhausted our brains get when are constantly faced with complex matters that need our deciding prowess. 

Based on numerous research, some people tend to have a “daily threshold for making decisions”. Very long periods of time of making decisions can cause us to suffer from cognitive exhaustion or decision fatigue.

Watch the video to know more about decision fatigue and learn some ways on how to avoid it.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does it mean for “to meet the threshold“? “Once that threshold is met, most people make the conscious choice to “take it easy” and save serious thinking about any new decisions for another day.” Use this expression in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to save something for another day” mean? “Once that threshold is met, most people make the conscious choice to “take it easy” and save serious thinking about any new decisions for another day.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  3. What does the adjective “taxing” mean here, “For example, choosing what to eat for breakfast isn’t very taxing.”? Give two synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘taxing’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Individuals have a daily threshold for decision-making.” In your opinion or personal experience, when is it the best time to just choose to “take it easy” and why so? In other words, what is your decision-making threshold?
  2. What is your process when it comes to decision-making?
  3. What factors affect your decisions, whether minor or big ones?
  4. What are ways we can avoid decision fatigue?
  5. Share your thoughts on this: “Many researchers are especially concerned about decision fatigue in medicine.”.

Paying Attention to Our Dreams

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Paying attention to our dreams can offer valuable insights into our subconscious thoughts, emotions, and concerns. While some view dreams as random mental chatter, others believe they hold significant meaning and that they can provide clues to unresolved issues or desires.

Psychologists and researchers often explore the potential connections between dreams and waking life, studying patterns and themes to understand their potential impact on our mental well-being.

Ultimately, the importance of paying attention to dreams varies from person to person, but many find that acknowledging and reflecting on their dreams can offer unique perspectives and foster personal growth.

Read the article about how much should we be paying attention to our dreams and some benefits of keeping a dream log. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the verb “decipher” mean, “People have been recording, analyzing, and attempting to decipher dreams for centuries, as is seen in evidence of cave drawings and early literature.”? Give two synonyms and use ‘decipher’ in a sentence.
  2. What does “omen” mean, “Some believed they were prophecies from God, others interpreted dreams as omens from demonic forces”? Give two synonyms and use ‘omen’ in a sentence.
  3. What does “wiring” mean in the sentence, “Keeping a dream log is just one more way we can get to know ourselves and better understand our unique wiring.”? Use this word in a sentence. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you typically remember your dreams? How do you perceive the importance of dreams in your life?
  2. What are your thoughts on making a dream log? How might keeping one contribute to personal growth or understanding oneself better? 
  3. Do you believe dreams have psychological significance, or do you see them as random brain activity during sleep? Explain.
  4. Have you experienced instances where your dreams seemed influenced by your activities or thoughts before sleep? How do you think external factors affect dream content?
  5. What are your thoughts on the idea that dreams might reflect physical health or conditions in the body? Do you find this concept plausible or far-fetched? Explain.

New Year’s Resolutions Cardiologists Make

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s the start of a new year which means it’s time for people to make their new year’s resolutions. Individuals often vow to have healthier habits and make positive personal changes.

Cardiologists, in particular, understand the importance of leading a heart healthy-lifestyle. Hence, they focus on resolutions to maintain their own heart health.

Read this article to learn what new year’s resolutions cardiologists always make for better cardiovascular health.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “out of whack” mean? ““It’s important to know where you’re at in terms of those numbers, but also not to be discouraged if numbers are out of whack,” Jackson noted.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence using ‘out of whack’.
  2. What does “to turn on a switch” mean? ““Our cardiovascular health is not just turning on a switch.” Use this expression in this context in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to cut someone some slack” mean? “You should cut yourself some slack if you miss a day at the gym or fall back into an old habit you’re trying to break.” Give two synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘to cut someone some slack’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the four resolutions mentioned in the article and share your thoughts on them.
  2. Have you considered your heart health while making New Year’s resolutions, and if yes, what changes are you contemplating?
  3. How might cardiologists’ resolutions inspire you to incorporate heart-conscious habits into your own life?
  4. Which habits have you adopted that are influenced by cardiologists’ resolutions for heart health in your own lifestyle?

Harmless Habits May Increase Risk of Dementia

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Dementia is an umbrella term for loss of thinking ability, memory attention, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. In our every day lives, habits create a pattern that we often overlook. While some habits contribute to our well-being, some may harbor hidden risks especially to our mental health.

Read this article to learn about those seemingly harmless habits that may actually increase your risk of dementia.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “somebody’s way or the highway” mean? “Additionally, “try to be flexible with your reactions and avoid the ‘my way or the highway’ mentality, which can be common in older adults,” Steel said.” Use this in a sentence.
  2. Define the expression “put something on the back burner“. “Let’s face it, sleep tends to be put on the back burner.” Make a sentence with this.
  3. What does “unplug” mean in this context, “Try unplugging at least 30 minutes before bed.”? Give two synonyms and make a sentence with “unplug”.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which habits mentioned in the article do you have?
  2. Are there other habits in your daily routine that seem harmless, but might potentially pose a risk to your cognitive health?
  3. How do you prioritize activities that promote brain health in your personal lifestyle?
  4. What specific cognitive health goals have you set for yourself, considering your current habits and lifestyle?

Hospitals Sue Patients for Medical Debts

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We often hear about patients suing doctors or hospitals for negligence or some kind of medical malpractice.

However, some hospitals in America are doing it the other way around. They are taking some legal actions against their patients.

Read the article to find out why some US hospitals sue patients.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is “wage garnishment“? “More than two-thirds of hospitals are filing lawsuits or taking other legal measures, including garnishing wages and placing liens on homes or property.” Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “(property) lien” mean? “More than two-thirds of hospitals are filing lawsuits or taking other legal measures, including garnishing wages and placing liens on homes or property.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “saddled with” mean? “At a White House event in April, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “Too many families across the country are saddled with crushing medical debt.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on hospitals aggressively going after patients for unpaid medical bills?
  2. How can this impact patients with huge medical debts?
  3. What are things being done in order to address the issue of hospitals suing patients who have increasing unpaid hospital bills?
  4. What impact could these solutions have on the healthcare system in America?
  5. Does this also happen in your country? Why or why not?

Food Expiration Dates

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We could all be guilty about one thing — tossing food on or before their sell-by dates. Part of the reason is because we do not fully understand what expiration date labels on them actually mean. As a result, massive amounts of food are wasted globally.

Watch the video about the truth about food expiration dates and how to solve food waste.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”go bad” mean,“So if the dates on our food don’t tell us that something’s gone bad, what do they tell us?”? Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘go bad’.
  2. Explain “open dating”. “Many supermarkets adopted a system still in place today called ‘open dating.” Use this term in a sentence.
  3. What does “gauge” mean? “But when supermarkets began stocking processed foods, product ages became harder to gauge.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘gauge’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this, “Many foods are safe to eat far beyond their labeled dates.”?
  2. Do you use date labels to decide if food is still edible? Why or why not? Would the info in this video change your ways? Explain.
  3. What are some food preservation hacks you employ on your food items at home?
  4. How do you minimize your food waste?
  5. Should grocers remove date labels on produces and just let consumers use their own judgement? Explain your perspective on this.
  6. Should restaurants and grocers donate unsold food? Share your opinion.

Rules to Control Spending in Video Games 

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Based on recent data, the gaming market worldwide is hundreds of billions worth, besting the music and movie industries combined.

In attempts to battle rampant video games addiction in the country, the Chinese government has outlined new set of regulations to crackdown on spending and rewards in video games so as not to encourage people from playing them too much.

These new rules affect one of the world’s biggest gaming industries which has just started seeing growth again this year.

Watch the video about the new rules to control spending in video games in China.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does ”deal a blow to someone/something” mean,”The decision spooked investors and dealt a blow to the world’s biggest games market which returned to growth this year.”? Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘deal a blow’.
  2. What does “take a hard/tough line on someone/something” mean? “Beijing has taken a tough line on video games over the years.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘take a hard/tough line on someone/something’.
  3. What does “suspend” mean? “It also suspended the approval of new video games for about eight months citing gaming addiction concerns.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘suspend’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on these new regulations? Are they necessarily crucial at this point given that the gaming industry in China is just starting to gain momentum again?
  2. What impact do these new rules have on the gaming industry in China?
  3. Is video game addiction also a serious problem in your country? Elaborate on the situation.
  4. How else can video game addiction be controlled?
  5. Should video gaming be encouraged or otherwise? State your stance.