Travel in 2021: What To Know About Flying

C1 – Advanced

Vaccination against the coronavirus is ramping up as year 2020 ends. As a result, many people in the U.S. feel optimistic about traveling again in the year 2021.

Watch the video to know how might the vaccines impact traveling and what people need to know to prepare for following our wanderlust again. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the video? Do you think it’s safe to travel this 2021? Why or why not? Would you consider traveling this year after having the vaccine? Why or why not?
  2. How often did you use to go on a trip before the pandemic? How important is traveling to you?
  3. What are your thoughts on this statement: “After nearly a year of lost travels, some say, it’s just the thought of a future escape that counts.”?
  4. “Plan a trip. Even if you don’t end up taking it, it’s good for your mental health to have something to look forward to.” Do you agree or disagree with this? What are you most looking forward to do soon?
  5. “Experts say that the return to travel would start with leisure travels. Unlikely that the business travel would pick up right away because people are finding that you can do business fine over Zoom.” Share your thoughts on this. Would you like to be sent on a business trip around and out of your country again as soon as possible? Why or why not?

Air Force One – A Special Plane for the American President

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It is the most notable plane in the world and probably the most secure one too. It’s called the ‘Air Force One’. It is actually just a call sign for any Air Force where the president of the United States of America is aboard.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the ‘Air Force One’? What special features does it have?
  2. Does the leader of your country have something similar to this? Is there a special name for it? Who uses it? Is it strictly for the president or the head of the state?
  3. Is this kind of transport means necessary or merely a special privilege? Support your stand.
  4. Do you think country leaders should fly commercially too? Why/why not?

Luxury Hotel in Outer Space

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everything that’s been happening around us recently is quite an evidence of advanced technology.

Just like the latest COVID-19 vaccine that has recently made record of the fastest vaccine created in human history. It’s all because of the technology we have at the present time.

Although, flying cars are still on the verge of becoming reality, it is real that we are all living in the modern world.

Now, Elon Musk, creator of SpaceX, has another advanced innovation that might be available for everyone that is capable of paying a hefty price for a trip and stay in his luxury hotel located in outer space.

Read the article below about a luxury hotel in outer space.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What comes to mind when you think of luxury hotels?
  2. Do you ever imagine what type of experience you’d have especially if the hotel is located in outer space?
  3. Are you willing to pay a hefty price for a once in a lifetime experience in this outer space hotel? Why or why not?
  4. Is this considered absurd or a crazy concept not to be tagged a realistic one? Explain your point.
  5. Talk about the best type of holiday accommodation you’ve ever stayed in.

Natural Landscapes That Even Scientists Can’t Explain

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Mysteries in this planet are everywhere. There are certain phenomena that even science cant’t explain.

These hard-to-explain phenomena led to myth-making. These are some of the wonders of our natural world. These natural landscapes roused some questions that remain unanswered.

Read this article to discover these natural landscapes that are unexplainable.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion about the article?
  2. Do you believe that there are mysteries happening on this planet?
  3. Among the featured landscapes in the article, which ones amaze you the most?
  4. Which ones do not astonish you?
  5. Is there a natural tourist attraction in your city or country that seems to be mysterious?

Social Distancing Through Wine Windows in Italy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this pandemic that we are facing, one of the crucial rules in keeping safe is social distancing. Everyone should get used to it that even companies around the world have shifted their ways of doing business.

In Italy, most of them are using “buchetta del vino” or wine windows. to serve their customers.

Let’s read more about it here:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do people in your city follow the social distancing rule?
  2. How do you feel about social distancing when meeting your friends and family? Is it really necessary?
  3. How have businesses in your city adjusted to the new normal?
  4. What can you say about the “wine windows” in Italy?
  5. Do you have any suggestions to business owners on how they should operate in this time of pandemic?

Is It Safe to Travel This Summer?

C1 – Advanced

Travel has drastically changed around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. As borders reopened and barriers lifted, people feel the need to go on a getaway. While the pandemic still exists, there is so much uncertainty, leaving us with no clear-cut answer to our questions on traveling and safety.

Watch the video and be able to answer the discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What things do you need to consider if you plan to travel these days?
  2. Do you think it is worthwhile to book a trip now or is it better to wait a little longer before doing so?
  3. Have you planned your summer vacation? If so, where and why have you picked out this travel destination?
  4. What are your safety precautionary measures when you travel in the midst of Covid-19?
  5. What kind of places do you think are safe to travel to nowadays?

Doing This at an Airport Will Land You in Prison

C1 – Advanced

Airports are known to have tight security measures. This is a major nuisance for passengers because they need to arrive hours earlier before their flights in order to breeze through airport security.

To avoid any delays or inconveniences, it pays to be aware of airport security rules.

Let’s watch the video and find out about these airport rules some countries impose.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like traveling by plane? How often do you do so?
  2. Which of these airport rules were you not aware of?
  3. Which rules did you find to be unreasonable?
  4. Do you have unique airport rules in your country?
  5. Share an airport mishap you’ve experienced.

No Screaming in Japanese Amusement Parks

B1 – Intermediate

Amusement parks are by far one of the most thrilling places on earth. As you wait in a long line to get in, you can hear numerous kids, adults, and tourists shouting at the top of their lungs due to a tremendous jaw-dropping drop on their beloved rollercoasters.

But what if you are not allowed to scream, shout, or laugh during the ride? What would you do?

Let’s read the article below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What images are in your mind when you hear the word ‘amusement’?
  2. What do you think of rollercoasters and haunted houses?
  3. Should everyone talk more quietly and wear masks?
  4. What is the “new normal” in the world today?
  5. What coronavirus guidelines are there in your country?


B1 – Intermediate

Ecotourism is the alternative to mass tourism. It began in the 70s. At present, it is a fast-growing part of the tourism industry. It is because a lot of people are finding out about it.

Read about ecotourism from the link below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What is ecotourism?
2. What are the advantages of ecotourism?
3. What are examples of ecotourism in your country?
4. Talk about your experience going on an ecotouristic trip.

Beautiful Spanish Beach Towns

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Spain is a hugely popular destination for tourists. Pristine beaches with crystal-clear waters, a thriving nightlife, and dozens of unique festivals draw millions of people to this culturally-diverse country every year. Many people have flocked to the partying capital Mallorca or the magnificent Costa Brava strip in Catalonia but what about the other lovely seaside towns that Spain has to offer?

Take a look at the gallery and find out more about 10 lesser-known but no less beautiful seaside destinations in Spain.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your opinion, what is the most famous tourist destination in your country?
  2. What can you say about these other seaside towns? Do you know any of these from the list?
  3. Describe the most beautiful beach you’ve ever been to. What is special or unique about it?
  4. What may be some pros and cons of visiting popular and off-the-beaten track beaches?