Y2K or the Millenium Bug

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Right before 2000, people were anticipating the start of a new millennium.

However, people started getting worried about that year due to a possible computer bug, that would cause many problems to banks and electricity. This bug was called “Y2K”.

But what exactly is Y2K? To find out more, let’s watch this video.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you remember Y2K? If you do, were you terrified of what was going to happen then?
  2. In your opinion, were people stocking up and taking most items from stores an overreaction?
  3. Did the government not take enough time to properly research about Y2K? What is your stance on that past situation?
  4. How did you think Y2K would have affected the world, if it did happen?
  5. What do you think would happen if a bug such as the Y2K were to emerge at present time?

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