Ways Company’s Data Can Jump-Start Climate Action

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There is no denying that the effects of climate change are starting to be felt. Countries are coming together to think of solutions for our future, but private entities can also do something about our planet’s dire situation. One way is the harnessing of digital technology through data sharing.

Data sharing can be tricky; companies and individuals are hesitant to share data. But if innovations could be put in place to make this doable and sustainable, it would yield results that are beneficial for the future of our planet.

Check out this video on how companies can use data-sharing to help with climate change.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some brilliant applications of digital technology?
  2. Where else can digital technology and data sharing be applied?
  3. What are the other benefits and some risks of data sharing?
  4. What are your country’s government and private entities doing to combat climate change?
  5. How does your company maximize the use of digital technology?
  6. Does your company have sustainability programs in place to help with climate change? If yes, what are they?
  7. How has digital technology and data sharing helped you as an individual? Have you utilized it to support a cause or advocacy?

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