Vocabulary: Blow Off Steam

B2 – Upper intermediate

What comes to your mind when you hear someone say “I’m just blowing off some steam.”? Watch and listen carefully to the video to understand what this idiom means.


1. How do you blow off steam?
2. Do you think blowing off steam at someone is acceptable?
3. How do you manage your emotions, especially when getting angry?

Vocabulary: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree

B2 – Upper intermediate

Are apples like people that they fall from trees? Watch and listen carefully to the video to understand what this idiom means.


1. In your own words explain the idiom.
2. Would you say the same thing about you and your parent/s? How about you and your child?
3. Do you know someone (a friend or a relative) who doesn’t fall far from the family tree?

Vocabulary: Keep One’s Eyes Peeled

B2 – Upper intermediate

Can you really physically peel your eyes? Watch and listen carefully to the video to understand what this idiom means.


1. Talk about times when you had to keep your eyes peeled because you were looking for something.
2. At work, when do you have to keep your eyes peeled?
3. Are you very good at finding things?

Do You Trust The Police?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Do you trust your police force? Watch as people from different parts of the globe express their opinions and share their experiences on their country’s protectors.

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you rate the performance of your country’s police force?
2. What changes would you like to be implemented when it comes to protecting the welfare of citizens?
3. Have you ever been treated unfairly by someone in authority?

Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs for Business English 2

Business English – B2 – Upper intermediate

Read the list of business phrasal verbs and be ready to discuss them with your teacher. You’ll be using them in sentences and will be answering some discussion questions.

Business Phrasal Verbs


1. If you had the chance or the opportunity what business would you like to set up?
2. Describe a time when a meeting was called off and why it happened.
3. Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation at work and what you did to resolve it.
4. What are some of the reasons leaders at work have to step down?

Vocabulary: Phrasal Verbs for Business English 1

Business English – B2 – Upper intermediate

Read the list of business phrasal verbs and be ready to discuss them with your teacher. You’ll be using them in sentences and will be answering some discussion questions.

Phrasal Verbs for Business English


1. During the economic crisis, what were some of the things that your company had to cut back on?
2. Are there any reports that you have to hand in at the end of the day/month?
3. In your profession or industry, what are some of the things you look out for to be able to do a good job?
4. At work, who are some of the people you count on?

Video: The Art of Aging

C1 – Advanced

Everybody wants to live a full and long life. Watch the video below to get to know people who have discovered the art of aging.

The art of aging


1. What are the secrets of the people in California when it comes to living longer?
2. Do you like the idea of getting old up to hundred?
3. What are the physical signs of getting old?
4. What have you learned from the people who were interviewed from this short video clip?

People Spend Half the Day Daydreaming

B1 – Intermediate

A study shows that many people spend half the day daydreaming or have their minds wander instead of concentrating on what they are doing. Most of those who daydream are the ones not happy at the moment like those who are working.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that there is a connection between daydreaming and unhappiness or happiness?
  2. Do you sometimes catch yourself daydreaming?
  3. How do you manage to stay focus on what you are doing?

The Chocolate Capital of the World

B1 – Intermediate

Chocolates! One of the most famous desserts and confectionery known to man. So just how famous is chocolate in Belgium? Read on and be ready to talk about some of your cocoa favourites.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like chocolates? What are some of your favourites?
  2. Traditionally, how do people in your country take chocolate?
  3. Aside from chocolates, what other types of sweets do you enjoy?
  4. What are some of the products that your country famously export?

World’s First Bionic Eye

B2 – Upper intermediate

Most of us are born with good eye sight and sadly take it for granted. Read about Ray Flynn and the extraordinary second chance he had to see life in a different light.

Feel free to work on the different activities below the article with your next teacher.

Man gets world’s first bionic eye


1. Talk about and describe some of the medical breakthroughs that you know of.
2. Have you had an operation before?
3. What medical operations do you think should be free to help citizens in your country?