World’s First Bionic Eye

B2 – Upper intermediate

Most of us are born with good eye sight and sadly take it for granted. Read about Ray Flynn and the extraordinary second chance he had to see life in a different light.

Feel free to work on the different activities below the article with your next teacher.

Man gets world’s first bionic eye


1. Talk about and describe some of the medical breakthroughs that you know of.
2. Have you had an operation before?
3. What medical operations do you think should be free to help citizens in your country?

Why Did Singapore Ban Gum?

B2 – Upper intermediate

Selling and Chewing gums is prohibited in Singapore. Do you want to find out why? Listen to the podcast carefully then express your thoughts about it.

Why did Singapore ban gum?


1. What do you think of Singapore banning chewing gums?
2. Would you like gums to be prohibited in your country just like in Singapore?
3. What other bad / antisocial habits do you wish to be prohibited in your country?

Pop Music Can Be Good for You

B2 – Upper Intermediate

At one point in our lives, we’ve been guilty of liking a song that was just too mainstream pop. We’ve secretly danced to Britney Spears and sang along the Backstreet Boys.

Watch the video to find out how our guilty pleasure music benefits our well-being.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on this statement, “Looking at a person’s music playlists can be like reading their diary.“.
  2. How does listening to tracks we are ashamed to love can be good for us?
  3. What kind of music / which bad pop song do you secretly enjoy listening to? Are you embarrassed for people to know you listen to this?
  4. Explain reminiscent bump’. How does it relate to a person’s music choices?
  5. Talk about one song and a core memory you associate it with.

Japanese Troops Set to Fight

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A new security bill has been passed in Japan. It will allow military troops to fight abroad for the first time after the WWII. Some believe this is unconstitutional.

Opponents of this new legislation are taking their frustrations to the streets. But what exactly are they fighting for?

Watch the video and be ready to discuss the issue that Japan is facing.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own words, explain what the Japanese people in the video are against.
  2. What are your thoughts on this news?
  3. What do you think are the fears that the Japanese protesters are facing?
  4. Would you say that the troops in your country are ready to fight in case the need arises?
  5. In your country, how do citizens express their thoughts and negative reactions?

A Tool to Rid Internet of Child Porn


B2 – Upper intermediate

How safe are you and your children when using the Internet?
Read the article and get to know the software PhotoDNA.

Microsoft launches tool to rid Internet of child porn

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this tool?

2. What are ways to ensure children’s internet safety?

3. What do you think is the role of parents when it comes to children and their Internet usage?

4. How is the government in your country trying to fight cybercrimes?

Top 50 Job Interview Questions

Getting ready for an interview? This article will give you tips on how to answer top interview questions.

Read on and be ready to have a speaking activity. You’ll be able to practice by answering some of the featured questions during the discussion.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you had an all-English job interview?
2. What do you think are the questions that are difficult to answer?

Signs You Were Born and Raised in Spain


B2 – Upper intermediate

Are you a true-blue Espanol? Read the article and see which among the cultural quirks you can identify with. Be ready to debunk the myths, explain the idiosyncrasies, and add what you think is missing from the list.

15 Signs You Were Born and Raised in Spain


1. Which ones do you practice? Which ones are not true for you?
2. Do you think you can add more to the list?
3. What do you think is the history behind some of the mentioned practices?

Baboon Survives after Pig Heart Transplant

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A team of scientists who’ve successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig’s heart into a baboon is hoping someday to do the same procedure for human patients desperately in need of replacement organs.

Read the following article then be prepared to answer some discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this scientific breakthrough?
  2. Should we transplant pig organs into humans? Discuss.
  3. Cite some issues with xenotransplantation.
  4. Is it right to alter an animal’s genome for the purpose of using its organs for human patients? Why or why not?

Starbucks Is Hiking Prices Again

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Part of most people’s morning routine is getting their daily coffee fix. How would a 5 to 20-cent increase on your favorite coffee’s price sound? 

Like any business, Starbucks has the power to raise its prices. Loyal customers are probably just going to brush this aside.

Read the article and watch the video to learn about Starbucks’ plans to hike their prices again and also know how they are doing in the market.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the primary reasons for price hikes at Starbucks?
  2. How does this price increase affect the company?
  3. Is Starbucks popular in your country? What are the other big coffee chains or coffee bars that are doing well in your country?
  4. Why do people keep on coming back to Starbucks despite the high prices of their coffee and their constant price increase?

Shrine is Destroyed


B2 – Upper intermediate

How would you feel if important monuments and sites in your country were destroyed? Just before the mass exit of Syrians happened, trouble had been brewing in different parts of Syria and it involved some historical buildings being at risk.

Read the article and watch the short video clip to learn what is happening to some of the heritage sites in Syria.

Shrine is destroyed


1. Why do you think the militant groups are destroying important structures in Syria?
2. In your opinion, what do you think will happen to the country Syria in the next 5 to 10 years?
2. Describe and talk about some of the heritage sites in your country that you have seen. How are they being maintained?