Older People Are Better Off than the Young

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We normally see older people better off than the young ones. That might be acceptable given that they have spent decades working their tails off. However, some believe this is not fair. That

Read the article to learn why, in the present time, it seems that the older generation is richer than the younger ones.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Is it only fair that older people have more money than young ones? Explain your stand.
  2. What are the possible implications of elderly people having better lives through their retirement years?
  3. Have you thought of retirement? How do you imagine your later-years would be like?
  4. What preparations are you doing for your twilight years?
  5. How secure is the older generation in your country when it comes to pension and state benefits?
  6. What are your thoughts on saving for the future?